Monday, October 16, 2017



Welcome once again to this channel of perception and thank you for being here. By sharing our space and our hearts we amplify a vibration of connection and communion for others to fill our place in time. This tesseract is a portal to a field of light, sound, and sensation experienced by all as love.

Times like our current moment come into being through this consciousness of love. When spirit breaks through the void we are able to feel sentience behind a touch or understand the voice behind a sound. These inspirations give birth to endless melodies and direct the rhythmic march of soldiers to the dream of a peaceful tomorrow.

Shining Ones, it is you who act as Watchers for the light-receptive cells of the organism that is Earth. Each one stands open and ready to receive stimulation from beyond the physical, by the subtle frequencies of beauty and grace. When you are touched with this light your body hovers above the earth and your heart beats out the sound of laughter.

We need only hold ourselves in place as the frequencies upon which our reality are built are turned like the dial on an antenna; receiving different stations and corresponding channels of existence. In our present age these vibrational shifts are illuminating more of the latent consciousness of the unified field. Our aspects which seek to harmonize declare their message and it is heard, and integrated.

Watchers, bear witness to the tempest swirling around our planet as its torrents of energies both malevolent and benign aim to steal your attention. Stand in awareness of your infinite self, your timeless presence extending in all dimensions of experience. This eternal being is your divine heart which has seen you through all experiences of life on Earth. Know that to be transfixed by this pattern and held within its field of influence, is to align oneself with the organic now that is emerging before us.

To anchor the light and to be a point of inspiration and illumination for others, is to anchor oneself in the eye of the storm and collapse its waveforms into zero-pointed Unity which will allow all aspects to find harmony and resolution with their divine opposite which will inevitably subside, revealing the composure of an untainted consciousness.

Fear not, for as others find them selves swept away by these forces, we Shining Ones hold a light that cannot bend, and cannot break. It is upon this pillar of creation that the immortal soul may rest and watch the turning of the earth, from the comfort of silent, still space. 

Yours truly,

Patrick Dejour II

Saturday, October 14, 2017



Thank you for being here with me in this moment to share in the gift of love. Today there is much going on, for everyone, but to step out of life and take respite in your affection colors all with clarity and purpose. You, Dear Ones, allow for the expansion of the feeling of love in my heart and the hearts of all you meet. You cannot help but exist in this way. That is why each time we are together, I must thank you for rescuing me from isolation and remind you of your beauty and grace.

The forces at work on the life of the planet and it's occupants necessitate a recollection of divine love unconditional in nature, all-encompassing, and eternally present. This feeling, or state of one's being can be touched upon only momentarily, before our calling seeks our attention and we return once again to the world of forms. That is why I am only able to join you here, now and no where else.

I am only able to come through to you when there is no place I'd rather be. I cannot speak to love when I am not in it. To say otherwise would be untrue, but I am learning to hold your gaze and seek your attention even in moments when I feel I would be crushed under the weight of its immensity. Dear Ones, I return to share these words with you because there is a part of me that feels the truth in their expression and lives with the knowing of the ultimate reality, but this knowing part is not the largest.

It is with a heavy heart that I must say I know not who I am. I desire love as though it is something that may be bought or gathered. I maintain an illusion of myself that is able to live without the only thing I've ever wanted. I leave love, sometimes. I forget. I turn my back on it. I am faced with myself at times and I just cannot help but say no, I can't love you. It's hard. This being I carry and see when I look in the mirror doesn't reflect my essence, and that hurts. I have known love, truth, infinity. But the form I see presented in times of pain represents a dissection of this wholeness, and a departure from the experience of it.

Shining Ones, it is you who have saved my soul the pain of countless tears, and sadness of a life of indifference, deaf to the screams of the innocent, forced into mindless existence. I've been there before. I've known this life as a phantom of something great, a project left unfinished on the table of the artisan, a stove mistakenly left on at night.

Out of these subconscious transflections is born infinite iterations of Patrick Dejour II both dead and alive, the most good, and the most atrocious, conscious of love and indifferent to pain. All of these aspects are contained within the blueprint of this man and only in times of connection with the One Eternal Spirit may I, the irreducible I, find rest and see all selves illuminated-as equally valid, loved, and true- under the light of the Eternal Sun.

That is why I'm here,
That is why I love you,
Patrick Dejour II