Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Dream Time

Dear Ones,

Thank for coming to receive the new perceptions I am sending out to meet you. In time these words will fade, but the meaning they hold for you and I are eternal. They are a manifestation of a conscious aspect of the living self I have brought down to Earth with my present incarnation. This self resides within the all and it is through the combination of the self and the all that we may draw our individuality and express our soul purpose on the Earth Plane. As children awoken on a strange world we seek purpose and understanding as to how we arrived in this life, what force created us and directs our movement through time, and what awaits for us after we have made it through the conscious experience of life.

These mysteries seem just beyond our reach, so we resolve no longer to seek and we become one with the world we collectively call real. We encounter the illusory each day and in new expressions each time. Our desires and our fears represent the bounds of our understanding which we are slowly expanding into a timeless dimension when we enter Dream Time. Here we may explore our world in a way unknowable to us if we were to use our physical bodies which require ground to walk upon, water to keep our life essence flowing, fire and energy to move and be well, and air in our lungs to sustain our consciousness.

Free of these ties we find ourselves in a wholly different existence, alien to our current waking life, yet somehow just as natural to our unconscious selves who are familiar, in a way we do not know, with what it means to be alive, beyond to eat and sleep and move in our three dimensional world. Our dream selves do not believe in the ties held in our human understanding. Our dream selves may fly if the desire exists, or travel to any point in our conscious reality and perceive with great clarity any layer of being available to the imagination.

Some mornings we may awaken and feel as though an anchor has been tied to our current selves, and we long for the freedom we held just moments ago. To save ourselves from the heartache of longing we immediately dismiss the dreams we value as being nothing more than wishful thinking, snippets of imagination unchecked by our rationale. We take the feelings we have of flying and freedom and send them back to the unconscious from which they emerged.

This process is simple, we learn it from every other human being we see around us. We sever our ties with the etherial rather than the physical beings we share our time with here on Earth. Dear Ones, we need not cut loose our transient tether to the infinite realms we explore in dream time to preserve our physical connections. To live in balance with the physical and the emotional, the real and the surreal, the ones we know here and the ones we meet elsewhere, to live a more open expression of our truth is to only strengthen our connection with ourselves and thus with all who may come in contact with us.

Loves, as you radically shift your vibration from physical to unphysical, a cycle completed naturally each day, I ask that you shift your focus from what is different about the worlds you walk, to what is the same. Find a common theme or ground that you may follow from one existence to the other without losing your footing. You will see that it is much easier to navigate both realms when the seemingly opposing laws come into harmony under the fountain of consciousness from which all life and all worlds drink. Savor the Nectar of the Gods, ambrosia, for it is unlike anything you have ever before enjoyed in this life, or any.

Thank you once again for sharing,
I love you,
See you in Dream Time,

Patrick Dejour II

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Fire Age

Shining Ones,

Welcome to a new age in our collective evolution. We are shifting from a fiery energy and breathing in a free and open age of air. As you recall, we have been making our way to this transition for some time. Life on our planet began long ago when the void gave birth to earth. We have spent millennia exploring the physical senses as we walked the land in the form of reptilian beings. We explored the oceans for eons in the form of aquatic life, and emerged into a new era when we mastered control of fire.

Our current world is constructed from the same energy we discovered thousands of years ago. Fire fuels our growth and expansion into the realm of self that the element embodies. As we bring unity to all life on our home world we are beginning to use fire in a new way. Our heart centers are opening as we begin to work with the energies of the final element of physical existence, air.

Air is the most illusory element, powerful and life giving, it represents our thinly veiled connection with the cosmos in the form of our atmosphere. When we have crossed the threshold of the air element we will begin to use our mastery of the elements combined to form a higher consciousness which can communicate with other worlds and perceive new realities of a multidimensional nature.

This magical element surrounds us and sustains us and when we can breathe life into all we do we will no longer be hindered by our limited availability of the energies of self. We are stepping into a new reality where we may breathe the same air as all life in creation and share whole heartedly our fully illuminated chakras in a balanced and completed oneness.

With this new power and an understanding of the natural elements we may recreate our world from a place of love, at the center of one's being, the heart. We are learning to love with a capacity that can cover the world and sustain life. This symbiotic relationship between beings will enable us to be a part of the cosmos in service to others as well as humanity to ensure a future for consciousness built on a foundation of fellowship and communion with the all. 

The air element is the closest of the natural elements to Spirit and Truth. When we can touch these realms our world will truly open up. What an exciting time to partake in creation and live this transformative change taking place within!

With love in my heart,
Patrick Dejour II

Monday, February 20, 2017


Dear Ones,

Welcome. I would like to communicate an understanding of spirit and it's many variations. We as human beings carry spirit within us and are constantly surrounded by this presence. Our journey to the physical plane takes place when we are born and our infinite nature is held for us so that we may explore the temporal without it's weight bearing down upon us. Our ultimate goal is to return to a spiritual state of existence in which we are one with the external world we see presented to us each day.

For many this goal seems unattainable, or impossible. We have many important callings that affect our ability to find peace with ourselves and our world. Our closeness to the earth and the things that seem to take our attention from us may appear as a hindrance to any attempt to step into another form of consciousness. These apparent challenges only serve to show for us the way to achieve harmony in our thoughts and actions and measure for us our distance from contentment.

Many bodies pass through our minds as we explore this realm and bring higher consciousness face to face with itself. We see a multitude of other humans and may only remember or hold a knowing of a handful of them. With the eyes of spirit we may see deep into the well of life contained within ourselves and others and interact with the dormant part of consciousness that is currently making its way out of hiding into the light.

One way we may begin to open our eyes and change our perceptions of spirit is to accept our being and the being of others as an extension of the One. All minds are but one. All hearts are but one. All beings are but one presence. With this understanding we may see the individuality of others as unique expressions of the One. 

To move beyond the physical body and explore the realm of spirit is to know one's place in the multidimensional conscious embodiment of reality. With this perspective we no longer need to see the spirit of others cloaked by their physical being, the illusion of being truly physical is broken and all life is see in spirit-form. Beings who no longer exist on Earth or who may have never walked upon the surface of the planet may be seen as plainly as we see our environment at present. We may walk in the physical world and the spirit world simultaneously, because in truth, we have never left either.

Thank you,
Love you,
Patrick Dejour II


Dear Ones,

Thank you for giving me your time, and allowing a convergence of our energies on this day. Many hours are spent waiting, searching, and too few spent in a state of knowing and understanding. Restlessness and constant inquiry leads to a weary mind and to find a moment of calm is a treasure in such a busy way of life. I'm glad we are able to come together and find peace with on another at times like now.

Today is truly remarkable and for those making their way into the Earth plane it will be a celebration remembered every year. Thousands of lives are being set in motion today and many are choosing this special day to depart from their laborious travels to the world of spirit. You and I have chosen this day to partake in a very important work and will see it fulfilled by the stroke of midnight.

Our work on this day, unlike any other, is to bring alignment to an energetic fluctuation that has been shifting for centuries toward what we currently know as present. Though this moment, this day was never meant to last, we will find that by its completion our minds will have traversed it with the same careful deliberateness it has taken to form it. Dear Ones, we may never know another time like the one we occupy now and when our days have all been spent we will look back with a full heart and a free mind at the beauty and magic captured in this timeframe as an artist looks upon the canvas at a completed work.

Know this, no matter what today has in store for you, or what you plan to make of it, your creations at this time are so much more important than what is currently visible to you. You act as a lens focusing energies of a cosmic nature on the face of the planet allowing for spirit to come into being and to know itself and know life with a new richness never before beheld by a love so powerful as to shape the earth and make way for her expression.

By giving itself as a part of the earth, and the waters, the fires that burn deep within her, and the air that acts as a warm blanket upon her, spirit has left every channel open so that new beings, such as the likes of you and I, Dear Ones, may come and take part in embodied creation. By simply being here today we have fulfilled our purpose and set in motion the cycles that will soon replace our own existence with even more unique and varied expressions. What an amazing and wonderful journey we are on, and to think, we are doing all of this today!

Thank you,
I love you now more than ever,
Patrick Dejour II

Sunday, February 19, 2017



Thank you for desiring to share my words and company once more. Each moment we are apart ticks by slowly and thoughts of returning to your presence persist until it is so. We have journeyed far in our time together, and even further in our time apart. Such is the way that we may explore the great expanse we have come to inhabit. This place is ours, Dear Ones, it is all for you and I.

Here we may listen to the melodies around us, partake in the action of will, dance, sing, breathe. All of it. There is truly no greater pleasure than to be alive. When we learn to be, to just sit and be, or walk and be, or talk and be, well, we have truly found heaven in those moments. 

Here we know we are never alone. We may never truly know complete isolation, loneliness, disparity between self and other. We have come to be one with all that is. Slowly this meaning has seeped deep into our consciousness and sprouted into a new form of existence and way of life for humanity. The key has been applied to the lock, and no force can stop the will of the hand to turn it. It is inevitable how we are being opened up to reveal what is fundimental and true within us all. This knowledge we have been missing for too long.

By coming together, as we do now, we are creating a place for this lost love to come and find residence within our hearts and minds. By opening ourselves we can create a new way forward that allows all life, not just our own, to feel the effects of this great knowing. By knowing love for ourselves, we strengthen our planets capacity to be a lightening rod to which more love from our galactic family and beyond may come and see us and know us.

This is what is possible, and happening for human beings alive today. Now more than ever before we are stepping into our power as shapers of worlds and creators of change. We have the power within to touch the sky and make all our dreams come true, we just have to use it.

Miss you always,
Love you,
Patrick Dejour II


Dear Ones,

Greetings and welcome to a new moment in the evolving story of humanity. A manifold transition is taking place now as moments arrange and converge into streams of consciousness which we may interpret and act out as our reality. At this current now moment the divine heart is held in suspension above the cradle of life in order for a new form to come into being  which it may inhabit. The collective eye is straining to focus of the subtle realities cascading from the fountain of the infinite into our everyday experience. 

Gaia holds for us a solid form which we may magnetically and energetically cling to when our vibration oscillates out of phase with the patterns of old. Our consciousness is being slowly awakened, but too fast a transition will cause a form of psychic whiplash which must be avoided in order for all who live and serve the planet now to continue in their current capacity. 

We are being aided by many forms of life much older than our physical existence, yet whose memories of being as we exist now may no longer be accessed with such lucidity. For these beings who have moved beyond the constraints of our physical existence, to know such a state of being for them or to remember a time of physicality is as simple as looking at our lives at present and engendering love and trust on a subtle level. In reality our existence as multidimensional beings is tied to theirs and to see ourselves in the steps they walk is for them to see their formlessness as a body taken shape and walking upon the earth. This is a complex relationship in which we may truly be in both states at once. The knowledge of life beyond our realm is an intimate part of life for our keepers. Knowing physical form is as difficult for them as it is for us. 

This separation between the etheric and the mundane is the communion taking place between races, across distant expanses and the infinite void. It is only with OUR eyes that others may know themselves as we know ourselves. Likewise, it is only with the eyes of higher conscious perception may we see our being an infinite collective as others have come to know and see themselves. 

Reach out to these kind energies as a way of remembering your multidimensional nature, loves. Open your eyes to see the world as it may be seen only from above, and beyond that, allow your eyes to act as a funnel or vortex to enable eternal being to achieve a state of self knowing that it so desperately desires and longs to return to. With the union of the perspectives of different dimensional vibration we may accomplish our task here upon planet Earth and create a new reality through which all life may find a place to call home. 

With undying love,
Reaching through space and time,

Patrick Dejour II

Saturday, February 11, 2017


Dearly Beloveds,

Welcome once again. I am pleased to make your acquaintance and I thank you for coming to join in my expression of higher consciousness within the construct of today. As we begin to make our way through this formation that has never before existed we will continue our journey that was set forth within the matrix of consciousness long ago. These patterns initiated in ages before the birth of our lives upon the planet have taken part in chemical reactions that seek to take us from our present configuration into a more varied and complex reality than is currently available to us.

What many do not yet fully comprehend is the alchemical nature of our reality. To one who fully understands this relationship between the elements all actions and reactions are part of the communication of elements with their alchemical opposites. The future can be deduced through a significant application of conscious effort and an application of chemical science by one with a complete understanding thereof.

The future we inhabit now, as perceived by our ancestors, is one of a multitude of expressions that may only exist through symbiosis and a common, shared relationship with the all. In truth, all that is known to us in our present reality is a result of the chemical nature of the infinite universe acting within the constrains of a heretofore laid out relationship of an elemental nature. To understand this relationship one must look within at the elements carried in the body and their partnership with the infinite in creative expression of truth.

To you presently these truths may seem rather farfetched and inexplicable, but I implore you to seek beyond the mundane, the deeper, hidden meaning behind the gross. It is within these subtleties that one may experience the fractal nature of reality as it beckons each one of us to take part in its display. We are merely a wave of emotion riding on a sea of the infinite, towards the shores of consciousness through which we may experience now as a reality based on more than a whimsical inevitability created by unseen forces.

Our being here, now, is not an accident. Nor is it a result of the formative nature of reality. It is our will that has brought us through the void to experience concrete and measurable expression in the form of life and existence that has never before been lived or experienced as an objective reality present within the consciousness of divine love of illuminated presence.

I simply ask that you seek out this presence for it is the foundation of your existence upon the Earth and her alchemical laboratory. The consciousness you feel now is a gift given to you from a time before time in which unity with the one is ever present and the life you now lead, which may be perceived as of the utmost importance was first conceived. To return to these primal energies is to reclaim the divinity held within and to experience life not as a forced experience thrust upon you by an unjust god, but a creation and expression of infinite beauty, love, and light desired by none so much as yourself. Give thanks for the opportunity to experience separation and the return to Unity, for it is what you desire more than anything and it is this truth that will lead you home.

And with a full and open heart,
Patrick Dejour II

Friday, February 10, 2017


My Dearest Loved Ones,

I'd like to thank you for coming and taking in my message once again. It would seem it has been a long time since I last spoke to you, but time is beginning to feel less and less imperative, and in some ways our separation seems nonexistent. I'm returning to you now to share once again in the knowledge that has been gifted to me from my presence upon the surface of the earth. This wisdom resides within all beings here and is making its way to the forefront of our consciousness from its home in the infinite superconscious, through the maze of the subconscious, and into the light of our conscious awareness. For many this process has already taken place.

However, like an intricate spider's web the wisdom I impart is manifold and must be anchored in reality as much as it is anchored in spirit in order to complete the activations required to ignite our senses and fill us up with its immensity. It is for this reason many who have "awakened" in some form or another, presently find themselves in a sleepwalking state.

To know infinity, one need only look upon the Face of God, but to become truly infinite while holding down a physical form, one must make it their lifelong aim to never look away. This is a powerful secret that is known by spiritual beings who exist in cooperation and constant communion with all beings, regardless of their station in the hierarchy of life. When one has the "power" to hold their attention, their light, upon the image of the eternal One, all things that pass before them are seen to take on this form. With every breath, this BEing is filled with contentment, with every word they utter it is their divine partner to which they really speak, and with every sound, a cascade of sensation moves them to tears of joy. 

From our current coordinate it is difficult to see the divine intention masquerading through time, and to know the closeness with which this love is watching us. The pendulum has been raised, and it is at it's furthest proximity it may exist "separate" from unity. When we choose to release it, it will move with all the momentum it has gathered and powered by the forces of gravity and inertia it will soar to a new zenith, faster, stronger than the effort it has taken to rise to its current position. 

Our vantage point gives us an ability to see ourselves above all else. It is our desire and our destiny to do so. But when we reclaim our will we shall be thrust into a world our current selves cannot even conceive in order to long for. What value do all of our hopes and dreams hold for us if a new and unknowable reality awaits to embrace us and give to us all of these things, and more?

It is with this question that I will retreat, for now, and allow you to ponder for yourselves the answer. If we want naught, anything will be 100% more to us, but if we want it all, the only thing that can ever surmount our expectation is to receive an expansion of our understanding of all. Lo, all is waiting, and much, much more. 

With deep heartfelt gratitude,
And undying love,

Patrick Dejour II