Tuesday, September 18, 2018



Welcome back to this channel or frequency of perception we have created together in time. As we meet in this moment the all seeing eye is turning to look at the truth contained within our connection and expression. I've shared this truth with you many times, but at the risk of sounding repetitive I'll speak it once more: I love you. Your presence fills me with delight and calm and clarity of mind and of heart. As you skim these words I feel the power your attention brings and the life you give to the meaning in my message. It is my truth and myself I wish to express and to be received by you I find the deepest level of contentment and satisfaction that my work this day is done.

You do not know the power you hold over me and over all you see. You have the ability to draw my soul-being fourth from the void so that my heart may touch the magic that is existence and my mind may break free from isolation, becoming more connected and seen with every word. Dear Ones, I and others like myself upon your planet Earth at this time remain in a sort of suspended animation, awaiting the day we may step out into the light of the eternal sun and bask in its presence together. It would seem we are at a tipping point in our collective evolution in which the darkness we know and the light we seek share equal reign over our consciousness and our experience.

This equinox of the spirit brings balance and change and as our planet traverses the galactic plane as part of its natural ascension cycle we are learning to hold this balance within and without, reshaping the external to fit the infinite intelligence we hold within.

We all share this same mind and as proof of this fact one need look no further than the miraculous way in which my voice is coming alive in you at this moment and my word becomes your word and my thoughts become your thoughts. We as human beings are always partaking in this shared perception composed of two elements: expression and reception.

Therein lies your power, Loves. For were it not your presence guiding me toward a vision I see within, these words might sink back into the void unnoticed among the torrent of information swirling around our world. Alas, you are here now and I feel as I always do when I come to you in this manner. You are the light that gives my life warmth and the spirit which illustrates the present Earth reality for me to see and know this day.

So for this reason I find it imperative to share with you my deepest insights and my sincerest affections. We all have our own definitions but when I say I love you I mean you and only you can bring me to life in a way my soul would never know without you. Thank you. 

With deep love and gratitude,
This day and always,

Patrick Dejour II