About the Author

Ruminations on the One Eternal Spirit come and go for me. I find myself touched by the grace of absolute love and confidence and want to linger with these feelings when they come, but they never remain. There are still parts of me that are afraid to trust, to give, to love. These writings are my journeys from this place of ultimate peace, to the realms of darkness and want in search of the lost parts of my soul.

Do not be mistaken, I am not unique. This is a journey we all must go alone, each and every day. The quest is the search for self, and more recently, the search for the lost other--the part of ourselves we feel we are missing. We each have half of the puzzle within and half without, it is our job to put them together. Until we can reconcile the two aspects of our experience--ourself and our environment, our thoughts and actions, our hopes and fears, dreams and reality--we will be lost in the endless search without any revelations.

I have come to know myself on so many levels I had previously thought of and identified as all the same me, but came to realize were but reflections of my true essence. We all experience these reflections, identify with them, and try and animate them with the light of the true self, like a child hopelessly tries to revive a lost pet. We become discouraged at our lack of ability to be true to our free and unlimited nature while trapped in physical bondage. This misunderstanding of who we are leads us to believe we are mere humans--weak, insignificant, fallible--who could never be as great in real life as we are in our dreams. But we can, and we must, for it is our destiny and the reason for our being. These are Ruminations on the One Eternal Spirit, that part of all of us that is not unique, but the same, limitlessly expressing itself in ever new ways.

Patrick Dejour II