Thursday, April 17, 2014

A message from a friend...

As little babies we come into this world just wanting to be safe, happy, and loved. We don't know why or how we're here but we learn that sharing and caring feel good so we are compelled to do so. We don't know who or what to trust, believe in, or put our faith in, but life keeps us in line. As we grow up we lose all of those things that made us a child but the need to feel loved and love others is what stays the same. The truth is that no one knows what this crazy thing called life is all about but we just go along with it until it gets so bad that our inner child cries out to us. We know that the people on TV don't matter, what we buy doesn't matter, what we do doesn't matter--we matter. But somehow we lose sight of it because of the show we see before our eyes each day. Well I'm here to say that you all have infinite love within your hearts and that when you can learn who you are at the deepest level, you will find that what you've been searching for has been inside of you all along. You have the power to love yourselves free of the lies and illusions to see the true beauty of all life. When you know yourself you know that everyhing that has ever happened was because of love, either abundance of it, or need of it. When you realize this you can learn to love everyone, and most importantly, share your light with everyone you meet. Blessings my beautiful brothers and sisters, I will be waiting for you to find your inner light and when you do, we shall bask in its warmth and radiance together...