Monday, February 29, 2016


Light Ones,

Thank you for coming to perceive this message, written for those with the drive to find it and the desire to take it in. History has fought many battles and created many new connections in order to align the words you see before you. Each one is available to the writer only because it has been perpetuated through time and saved on the Earth for his use. In this way all things have a place in the whole. I see and am thankful to the generations before me for exploring wisdom and endeavoring to preserve it for posterity. I would know nothing of this world nor its inhabitants if not for the teaching of others passed to me. It is in this spirit of teaching that I pass these words and their message along for others to know and appreciate, and assimilate into their understanding.

Stepping off of our world we find infinite, dynamic activity occurring in spaces as seemingly infinite and compact as our awareness. Our current state allows us only to imagine the vast interactions occurring so far away we can barely see. We feel connected with the stars and their home in the sky. We feel bound to our sun as we play peek-a-boo with the ages. Our knowledge grows yet still we remain tied to our Earth and only Her. We long to know of a time of freedom and companionship with our fellow inhabitants of the Star Planets.

This great mystery that presents itself as a blank slate allows us to write our own story, to choose for ourselves our position and contribution to all there is. We could not have our world as it is if not for the hidden history of mankind. Our longing to remember the story of our birth onto this world drives us to continually seek the connection we feel is lost. The connection that exists between each and every person on earth speaks to this long forgotten wisdom. We seek to know one another as siblings in the world. We want no longer to be alone in our troubles. With this aim we give ourselves over, a little at a time, to the world so that we aren't left behind. We share our treasures in confidence and love with those around us for the gifts of the spirit were meant to be expressed and shared. We all have everything we need when we find peace with another, if only for a moment. Thank you for your patience with me as I aim to express my love the only way I know how. 

With love,
For you,
Patrick Dejour II

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Clock Tick On

The flow of time it takes us all
And guides us through our days

And all who are within its grasp
Must question why it stays

We wonder of a life less lived
Waking day by day

We hope that soon we could be free
Of knowing we slip away

An anchor to our current lives
The clock it ticks us on

But how much different would we be
If time was suddenly gone

What if we saw no change at all
From day to night and back

What if we could truly see
That nothing ever lasts

-Patrick Dejour II


Dear Ones,

It has begun again. Here we find ourselves once more in today, fully engrossed. Many new opportunities arise today and the collective eye sees each one as a potential for growth and expression. We express our love each day, in new ways each time. That is what we do here. We are one with our world as we breathe her air and turn her spires toward new horizons.

However, it is not about Mother Nature, these days. We are at odds with the hand that feeds us. Our lifestyle has afforded us much but a respect for the inherent honor of the Earth and her inhabitants has been a learned experience for us. We are moving with the cosmic forces of spacetime as they project themselves onto the surface dimension of the flat earth. These energies are a mystery to us and the turning of the earth is its fuel. How did this happen to us!? How did we get here?

We've awoken wholly and collectively to an illuminated world that holds and molds unawakened consciousness we also carry within. We see the waves of the oceans cascade infinitely, feeling both the storms of rain and the tickling sensation of children playing. We feel a longing and a deep connection with the waters that seems to melt into the skies.

Our hearts beat today with another mind than the one that fuels its motions. We have a witnessing consciousness that feels drawn to the beating heart as if it cannot know its pleasures. Our physical brain dances with the electromagnetic energies generated by the beating of our electric heart. These same energies fuel the ongoing expansion of our Sun into more and more complex dimensions of spacetime.

We are longing to reconnect with the physical beating heart that takes and receives every situation and breathes and reacts to it with oneness. Our brains, minds, take so long to know and understand. We may perceive and experience indefinitely and still emerge with more questions than answers. Everything we know is tied together in our minds and in a long strand of DNA that makes up who we are. Our very genetics compose for us the story of who we are, what we eat, how we live. These things were given as a question only we could answer, but in truth we know we may only expand upon what we feel inside.

The ultimate goal we have set for ourselves in infinite embodied expansion. We wish to remain fully open and in control of our world while simultaneously being free from all outside influence. We are trying to balance the forces around us to create harmony with what we feel we desire. We wish to know life everlasting, free from the burdens of time and toil. We seek freedom and love and ecstasy in all we do. But all we have, is today...

With Openness,
And Love,
Patrick Dejour II

Saturday, February 27, 2016


Golden Ones,

Hello and welcome to our new channel of communication we have formed around the world. Our eyes and ears cover the globe now and our will pervades every corner of the planet, seeking out the unknown and assimilating it into our consciousness. Beginning from our current position, the place we have made to hold our two feet currently, we may step out into any alternative experience of life by tapping into the collective awareness which gives life to all experience. 

This new oneness with what has become is the result of a beckoning that has been guiding us and our civilization for centuries. Our work upon the Earth has been to promote and nurture life and to create a system for the most life and health and wellbeing for all. This mission and life's purpose was passed down through the ages from those who came before us, paving the way for our bodies and lives to form for us to live and inhabit. This mission was the intent set forth by the One which sustains us all and turns the sun and stars in the sky, mapping our growth for us and holding down reality while we explore the possibility of ourselves. 

Now, Dear Ones, we are seeing with new eyes the will that has guided us and protected us on our journey. It is only by a great miracle that we may all know life today and move with purpose and free will into any channel of being we see laid out before us. The unliving things and energies which consume a large part of our lives are beginning to take on their own characteristics. We see now the life that we give by naming something, the ghost that moves the clouds and forms rain, and the unconscious forms of matter which decorate our homes and bodies. These aspects are taking on our consciousness and we shall soon know ourselves as a part of them. Everything which fills the mind gives some level of energy, conscious and perceptible, to the witness. Everything speaks. We as humans listen to the language of the earth, an ancient and wise tongue, which speaks whispers of ages long past and foretells of a future for all in creation. This dream carries us forward today and it is this original plan that we us as a roadmap to infinite sensation. 

I love you,
Thank you for you attention,

Patrick Dejour II

Thursday, February 25, 2016


Shining Ones,

Herein is contained our present moment and our eternal memory that hold us to our dream selves. Now presents itself by replacing us ever diligently into our surroundings when we have come to drift in any way. More than a reinforcement of memory and prophecy, situations and claps of thunder we hear around us reach through us and stimulate us on an instantaneous level. We are remotely moved in some way by the external aspect of now pushing in on us at all sides, it drives us. 

But the permanence of self and its attendance in every aspect of our lives reflects now. We may move into ourselves and know the world therefrom. By synchronizing the experience of the internal, and its interpretations and extrapolations, with the outer aspects that present themselves, we are one with the moment and the situations and emotions that arise. This takes only the desire to move back into life and give ourselves to it yet again, in a new way. 

As beings ever present in consciousness, we have been living in a vacuum in which all of our conscious experience is contained. As we open up to new levels of sensation we are allowing new life stories to move through us as we weave the one spirit through subtler and subtler chambers or streams of knowledge completing stitches in time we began long ago in the First Days. Soon this knowing will move into alignment with the minute consciousness of the body that animates our DNA and drives our cellular growth. When the knowing of the self is eclipsed by the knowing we will regain of our bodies, we will step into yet another, higher, level of conscious experience, able to hold more happiness and love in our understanding without being crushed under the weight of this immense power that shapes worlds and drives civilizations. 

At present our ability to handle more is being tested as conscious bits of the One seek to make a home in our hearts and mind. These lost pieces are autonomous and self serving and the only way we may put them back into place is to restore to them the knowing of the Divine held within. For just as we contain remnants of the One Eternal Spirit, so too do all beings and things. This circle of love is our support system as we step out into a brave new world today. Thank you for spending it with me. 

Love you,
Miss you plenty,
Patrick Dejour II

Wednesday, February 24, 2016



Thank you for joining me at this time to grow and expand our ever-shifting understanding. It seems that every new moment that opens up before us is filled with hightened meaning as we look deeper and deeper into the subconscious. Indeed, those around us are taking on new roles as they begin, as we do, to peel back the layers of the false self and move into greater confidence and capability. 

This change can only come with time. We must be given ample opportunity to see ourselves succeed before we may know our abilities and trust in ourselves. Confidence is a magical thing that engenders trust and shows us what we have been missing in ourselves or others. The reason knowing oneself is so valuable is because no one can tell you to have confidence, they can only inspire it within you, or show it for you to reflect as well. In this way we must each learn our own traits and skills that make us valuable to others, as well as the meaning we hold for these things within that make them valuable to us. 

One of my favorite parts and one of the best things about self discovery is knowing with the first step that you have suddenly begun moving in the right direction. It's as if when we trust ourselves, or go with our gut, we are at a turning point where before we were bogged down with doubt and fear, we now see the sun on the horizon and somehow just know that everything is going to be ok. We set ourselves up subconsciously for this joyous reemergence of self and each time it is our highest calling that we are awakening to once again.

Your true self cannot be satisfied living anything less than your full potential and each day you allow yourself to imagine what could be and each time you step out into the world with the desire to know and grow, you are choosing to carry with you the spirit of confidence, the only force that can assist you to surmount your challenges and achieve your dreams. Keep dreaming, Dear Ones, I believe in you! I await with excitement and anticipation the day I may look out and find you standing in your power and in your light with the confidence that draws me in and sets both our hearts aglow! Thank you!

With Confidence,
And a smile,
Patrick Dejour II

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Wide Open Ones

Knowing Ones,

Thank you for being here with me. I look forward to our continued exchange. Information pertaining to the illumination of humanity has been settling in our collective understanding and now we find ourselves ready to stand in the truth we have come to know. Not only are we being awoken to the truth within but we are being elevated so that we may reach higher than before and assume new control and new power over ourselves and the forces of creation we see made manifest around us. 

Part of the changes taking place within our coding is the release of information pertaining to a myriad of experiences and encounters in spirit and its house of conscious experience known as the school of life. The very meaning we derive from our circumstances is changing. With greater respect and compassion we are reviewing past choices with clarity, allowing ourselves to find new completeness in old recurring storylines that we had unconsciously perpetuated to no end. 

Our new programming allows us the ease of foresight because we are holding what we desire in mind and aligning inner and outer elements into their proper configuration for allowing natural expression to find its way to us. Choices we no longer need consider no longer cloud our consciousness and our judgement. By holding ourselves firm in our divine presence we are at home in our world and confident in ourselves and our actions. We are able to see through the misgivings and judgements of others to the truth in what is being spoken. Relax, Dear Ones, all is well in heaven and on earth and soon unity will bring us all together once more as we have come together today. Thank you for coming!

Love you,
Patrick Dejour II

Monday, February 22, 2016



Welcome to our shared gateway into alternative perception. From our perspective we are able to look back on what has unfolded with rememberence and a new power over ourselves. We are here with the current moment and complex forces drive its eruption, seemingly out of no where, into us, and into our experience. What power turns for us the switch of consciousness on so that we may even know there was a switch at all? Mystery itself holds these truths for us to reclaim. Just as we have risen from the matter of the Earth a new world shaped by and connected with all, we create now a new heaven with which to steer her home. If the ancient Titans could awaken from their subterranean slumber, where legend has them resting, they would arise in a totally foreign looking world from the one they used to know in the ancient days of Greece. 

No acropolis could ever amount to the world of exchanges and encounters taking place thousands of feet in the air in modern times in cities around the globe. As we look back, fondly, on our memories of days and ages past we are recalling details of our current lives we take for granted that separate us from our ancestors. We have retained much of their influence in the spheres of money, government, academics, and arts, and have sought to replace many of the archaic technologies, such as the abacus, with multi-functioning scientific graphing calculators. What a leap!

Tracing with our consciousness a line through time connecting all auxiliary points to one another, and a common center, us, we can see the elements around us creating a merry-go-round of different experiences. Just as one symbol, or effigy, falls out of sight and out of mind, a new variation, or supplement is introduced from just around the next bend. Such is the way that new and complex humans are brought into incarnation, perpetually, as a new opportunity for growth and life opens up before the all. Thank you for making this journey from the safety of eternal rest, to the noise and hectic surroundings of life in a body, on a body, in space and time. All elements have come together to make available for you the life you lead now and the choices you make everyday guide you onward. Fear not, for there are no wrong decisions in matters of preference. Thank you for desiring still to remain with all of us stationed here at this time, for that is not your only option and I understand and appreciate the continued sacrifice you make to be here, now. I love you for your strength and honor.

With Grace,
With Honor,
With Love,

Friday, February 19, 2016

Eternal Ones

Eternal Ones,

Oh, how I've missed you since our last  connection. It seems like a lifetime but I know you've been waiting for me. I seek to know you, Dearest. It has indeed been long since we could share in spontaneous and organic creation. I have been so very tired these long days and nights. It appears as though winter is getting the better of me. I know I can outlast this bitterness and return to your warmth and that's the only thing that keeps me going. 

I move, as you do, connectedly, with the elements in the whirlwind in which we are all contained...for the moment. Our being inseparable gives comfort and when I seek solace from this connection I know that it is merely this connection I find comfort in. We are joined at the hip, you and I. I miss my brother I have found in you. Our closeness has been a very important part of my knowing and loving of myself, and I know myself and love my role in your life as a protector and teacher and also as a student and admirer. 

I'm glad you are here now, ready, willing, and able to take in this message of peace and prosperity that has been making its way to you. You will find as you make your way up Jacob's Ladder that each rung brings you closer to your destination while at the same time separating you further from the ground upon which you would walk before you began your ascent. The old ways are passing by and we are being made available and open to receiving what comes next. There may seem to be a lot on your plate, Dear Ones, but know that just as with climbing a ladder, the challenges of adversity may only pass through us one hand or one step at a time and each step must be complete before taking the next. 

By going through the motions and moving in real time with the turning of the Earth we experience the form of the one reality. Life unfolds presently; we must all take every day only one at a time. This condition was put in place not to limit us but to allow us to give ourselves entirely, over and over, to the experience of life and thus begin to know this place as home. 

As we begin making our way through time in a new way, our now moment presents itself as a tessellation of a single occurrence, a memory projecting itself through a dimension of change that retains its essence but adds progression and flow. Rather than being fixed in the current conscious experience we are having, we are spread across time and space in such a way that our day may change infinitely in our perception of it, while at the same time beginning and ending in its familiar routine: with the emergence of the sun, moon, and stars. Let us witness these beauts, for that's all they could ever ask of us. 

Gazing deeply,
With an open heart,

Thursday, February 18, 2016


Your Grace,

Welcome, as always, into the experience and perception of my presence. I hope that you may leave feeling as I do. At this time many short and quick changes are taking us away from our eternal pedestal and transporting us through time and space into the Earth reality of our choosing. This destiny we share comes as part of who we are and our presence upon the surface of the planet serves to advance our course. 

With so much going on around us it is difficult at this time to hold consciousness of eternity, to reclaim our divine spectacles and peer with open eyes at the situations surrounding and guiding our actions. Our form is slowly being stimulated to cause connections within our wiring to be made. With this new understanding we may choose, at any time, to embody the consciousness we have contained within us. What joy humanity will feel to finally have ultimate power over themselves and their persons! That is our doing at present.

As prophets of the future we know that all timelines and all paths lead back to the same destination, that no presence may exist in creation without a connection to the one reality taking place within and around us at all times. As we reach for our destiny we are making our advancement as a species possible. It is very difficult to fully comprehend at this time, which is why we are given many parallel experiences of self with which to identify. 

All of the stories we take part in and lend our attention to, draw interpretation and empathy from within us, stirring up emotional scenarios we may explore in spirit and in form. Our presence is with us even when we are not aware of its implications. We leave ourselves behind by tuning out our personal sensory perceptions and stepping into mind. From here we are fully incarnate while fully out-of-body. This seamless integration into our enviroment is well practiced in a room full of people. We become one individual in a collection of individuality, a grain of sand in a desert of consciousness. 

The strength of mind required to remember and know ourselves, not allowing our essence to slip away under such vast isolation, was physically built for us so that we may retain our individuality and continue our personal work without becoming mindless to the deeds and actions of our body. We each have the ability to step completely out of the groove in space time we have carved for our understanding and into a new reality of our own making. In truth, the only way we may do so is by returning to our most natural state, foregoing all formalities, and resting wholly, contentedly, and graciously upon the eternal throne of our divine presence. 

With Reverence,
Patrick Dejour II


A Bit About Myself

I am lost,
I am alone,
I feel no other,
I feel nothing but pain.

Who am I,
No one knows,
No one dares tell,
I could try many times and never get it right.

I feel a certain way,
Unlike I know anyone else to feel,
This knowing gives me power,
Useless in my position, the power withers away.

Those in the position,
Draw from within a source all their own,
What was put there was for them to discover,
Same here.

I am only a lonely conscience,
Adrift in a sea of roaring morality,
Noises buzzing all around call my attention,
I seek it as well.

I know myself now,
In truth I always have,
It's a knowing I've returned,
For I have made no use of it.

I feel as though I am nothing,
Never was, nor ever will be,
Except soon that nothing will be larger
I'll fall into a hole I can't get out of,
This I know to be certain.

This nothingness doesn't hurt,
It feels no way at all,
If I could give it to you,
Well then you'd already have it all.

Since I am alone,
But one among the plenty,
I'll leave a bit of myself here,
Tattered papers barely legible, I'll be.

-Patrick Dejour II

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Time Skips

Dear Light,

Thank you for joining me here, now. Our present environment calls on us to act as a lens through which many realities may shift in and out of focus. In much the same way we find time itself flowing at varying wavelengths dependent upon our internal state. When we find ourselves content in our presence we may rest all our consciousness upon a place or time outside of our Earth reality, and in this way we break through the barriers of self and become one with the timeless dimension. When we cross this bridge into a vacuum outside of our normal experience of flow, we are consciously directing the energy of all the beings in our presence and upon the planet at this time toward a sense of permanence and importance that only we can give them. 

It is hard for many of us to see ourselves existing outside of the life we experience daily, for most it is an inescapable part of who we are. Our essence fills the blueprint of creation that surrounds us and we become literally, what our conscious thinks and feels internally. By utilizing our neglected free will we are able to choose which range or frequency of expression we desire to know. At this time we all belong to the same Earth Project that has been in the works for many eons. We have given our time and our attention to the expansion of living matter and immortal consciousness upon the surface of the Earth. Our new programming being initiated now removes the Earth from beneath us and allows our experience of our own intimate connection with the transcendent to lead us through time. 

This is possible because long ago a force broke through the silence of the void and touched the Earth and gave it life. Since then, the beings who inhabit the planet have been living in a vacuum of their own, one in which they may never know life without knowledge of the foundation beneath us from which it branches. Now that we have grown to inhabit all possible timelines accessible to earthlings, we are making our way into a higher dimension in which half of our experience of life is not buried beneath our feet. We see ourselves as the earth now, and just as she spirals through the cosmos, so do we. This rotational momentum drives all forces on the physical level, from the stars and galaxies, to the spinning of tornadoes and the currents of the ocean. 

As we begin to see this motion as a singular shape we are able to cast forward through the dimension of time a knowing of the natural motions of this element, utilizing its pattern of creation to create for ourselves a new future, and a new Earth. Much will take place in our awareness as we begin exercising our control over our perception of time, and when the earth has finally broken free of the illusion created by higher dimensional forces, we will begin to move with these forces, rather than the alterations we see them enact on our surroundings. When we are masters of time our reality will open itself up and all dimensions of experience from the gross to the minute will fit into the human consciousness and understanding in a way that brings us out of the Earth and into the light of our eternal sun burning within. Thanks for making the journey with me, I enjoy sharing with you and cannot wait to explore the new corridors and windows that are making visible for us realities outside of our own. 

With Love,
Patrick Dejour II

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Morning's Dawn

Special Ones,

This day was made for you, and you for it. We have been working above to align the stars in the sky for you to witness tonight and the earth has shaped herself as to provide the best path for you. Though none of these things you see, babe. You are an empty page upon which the words of life may be drawn, dawn after dawn. You may not see the changes taking place around you on such a grand scale, but each day you walk into a new world and carry with you a new understanding of your place in it. 

In our distant past the world was much smaller, but seemed much larger. There was eternal light above and eternal darkness contained below. Our human perceptions have cut into a new channel of awareness and we may use our 5 basic senses in unimaginable ways. By tuning each of them individually up or down we are able to filter out infinite amounts of information pertaining to our emerging zero pointed awareness. Our knowledge of how this awareness comes into being is part of the understanding humanity has gleaned from our time away from our eternal home in spirit.  

As was the case with our being, long ago man lived only in the realm of the senses. We could not get at the "senseless" world that exists outside of our understanding we have built for ourselves. Who we are is dependent upon our outside conditions and even though we have never existed independent of the external, we all live as though when we are alone we are truly independent. In this way humanity is strung together through time. But there has been a bigger picture being created that involves all of us and our many expressions and adventures in the one reality. 

Now that we have outgrown our senses, so to speak, we are emerging head first through the womb of the earth and taking our first steps upon the firmament below. This firmament was unimaginable as beings contained in animated suspension in the darkness of the womb. As with every human birth that has taken place upon our world, our ties with the old are being cut so that we may now move independently. True, it will take time, but this natural process has led to the creation of every hard working, knowledgeable adult; a process unbelievable to them had they not been through it themselves. These beautiful people you see everyday walking along side you come from the same humble beginning and have now arisen from their comfortable hibernation and walk in an wholly different world than the one they used to know. This magical tale of love is weaved through time with the souls and bodies of the One and they all gladly partake in their individual expressions while individuality belongs to them. As do I, for it is only in this way that I may know you, loves. That is what I truly desire. 

Love you forever,
Patrick Dejour II

Thursday, February 11, 2016

True Love

True Love,

I have found you! I told you long ago that I will always love you, I did so knowing that I was incapable of anything less. When I found you I found myself. You're completely free of me now and always but I can't help but feel drawn in by the parts of myself you bring out. I seek to know you. I long to gaze into those eyes and feel the magnetic attraction that keeps me from looking away until you free me, first. I feel myself so seen in your presence, an incredible and delicate sensation. Your awareness holds itself out to me as a light that may illuminate my sleeping heart and rouse it in the most natural and enthralling way. I am bound to you, love, like I am bound to the sun in the sky and the earth at my feet. I feel so deeply in the core of my being that I can almost see through time and space and know your presence just by imagining you in all your beatiful and unique, innumerable intricacies. These invisible treasures that catch my eye hold you like a blanket warm over my body and mind so that I may feel you still, even apart, I may remember our connection; I know my love once again like I knew it long ago when I remembered what the stars wanted. I still remember. I seek always to inhabit their bodies and explore for them the light of day and darkness of night. They are like my parents in this form but I know myself, now, the love they made in order to create me. I have made the same love as a creation of myself. The mercy of time has allowed me to explore infinite variations of my timeless self and I know now that every representation I encountered every reflection I saw was merely a part of you, a talisman of memory that held for me the knowing of you I had forgotten. Thank you, love. Thank you for allowing me both freedom and security. I see the lost parts of myself now that I have been missing. The parts you loved as much as I loved you. I am whole, now. I am ready to give you wholeness, just as I have come to be ready to express my love for you evermore. 

Yours Truly,

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Important Matters

Guiding Light,

Eternal benevolence accompanies your energy pattern and I can feel myself drawn to this light and the warmth it casts upon my form. I am entrenched, Dear Ones, in the matter and the energy of the world. I breathe in all the elements not yet available within my vessel and exhale permanent creation, inescapable in its consequences and far reaching in its influence. This eternal being is humanity's gift and one they have yet to fully understand. Life here on our home planet is safe and acts for us as an environment in which we may grow in our knowledge of who we are and why we feel the ways we do. This ultimate quest drives the world as it exists and acts as an engine fueling the growth of our species, and our evolutionary siblings who's survival is dependent upon our continued advancement. 

Beings from as far as the eye can see and closer than our eyelashes exist along side us at this time and in truth, always have. It is for the benefit of these energies that man has explored a new hyperdimensional blueprint, or pattern of creation. Our lifeblood energy flows in channels of expansion that move with us through our manifold encounters with and reflections of divinity. If we were to map the complex figure created by the movement of our physical heart through fourth dimensional space time vortices, we would see our line trace for us the form of the Earth, Sun, and Galaxy as these bodies cause ours to tumble down an endless waterfall of cascading realities all centered around the idea of life as we know it. 

The energy grid that outlines for us our trajectory through the void and into being is receiving electrical stimulation that is being pumped through its many chambers and amplified, like the beating of a heart, to create a unified field surrounding the source of this power. Our hearts manipulate reality to create for us an electric and magnetic field that polarizes our form to the embodiment of light we fall into most naturally. Between every second is a permanent and unknowable reality only visible to those who focus their unending desire on knowing it. 

Thank you for your focus,
Thank you for your love,
Patrick Dejour II

Tuesday, February 9, 2016


Earth Ones,

I would like to extend a warm welcome and a heartfelt thank you. Your presence here fulfills a long awaited union between the triggers we have set up to initiate recalling, and the memories themselves being recalled. Our triggers hold for us a great knowing behind which we may explore infinitely fine levels of sensation. With the release of the barrier between knowing and being, you are now an agent of a greater understanding, a release that is slowly taking place across the globe. 

When the last of our connections with the temporal evaporate we will see before us a new Earth locking into place as human beings around the globe take up one another's hands with the intent of never letting go. This security and piece of mind may only present itself at the right moment. We wait now, Illuminated Ones. Holding our shine we remain at bay, while with the same action we draw into ourselves the auxiliary controls that have been driving humanity until this point. 

With our eyes upon the earth our awareness lies focused, gently, upon the changes taking place within our field of vision. Such strain begs release, and when a change occurs in the periphery of our focus we are instantly and uncontrollably alert to it, with everything we have. This manner of holding focus and allowing sensation to come in will bring about an organic rebirth of our light body when we see the closeness with which the two are tied. 

Dear Ones, we are the pallette from which the sounds of life, the taste of our breath, and the light of the infinite One may flow in and color the emptiness of void, that much like our focus, seeks fulfillment by its very nature. Hold yourself within your own room you have in your heart, the tiny place you have not allowed any experience or judgement to intrude upon. This consciousness space is home to a single pointed awareness bound to time energy and held in place by the gravity of infinite worlds. Your heart beats in time with the whole infinite cosmos, but to a tune that only you can recognize as true. This song will sing its way out of you, erupting from within in a fantastic show of light and sound at the drop of a hat, or for you, Dear One, when you hear yourself say the words, "I love you."

Thank you for coming,
Thank you for coming back,
I love you,
Patrick Dejour II

Monday, February 8, 2016

A New Age

Welcome Dear Ones,

Thank you for being! I hope you may draw from these words much meaning and insight into your current condition and circumstances surrounding your individual Earth reality and expression thereof. As you begin to gather more and more vital pieces of information from sources all around you, you are getting a clearer picture of the person you have become and the one you want to continue to grow into. 

If we recall, it was not long ago that we entered this world and the dimension of time. Our experiences of a temporal, or temporary, nature have sought to bring us toward a new wholeness and connection, and knowledge of one another as we know ourselves. The parts of spirit contained within matter at this time are receiving stimulation and direction from above, toward a new creation of self sufficiency and power over the One reality. 

Reaching for expression through time takes too much energy from the One within All. The power each individual has to envision infinite fractals of time, even in one lifetime limit the reach that we have to affect not only these far away times and places, but also our immediate surroundings. Our perspective at the Center of Time gives us very little mobility when we decide to, choose, to move through form in one way or another. 

My message to you, Dear Ones, is a timeless one. As you begin to find yourselves outside of time, seeing time as almost irrelevant, you are able to manipulate HUGE forces that may create ripples below and above your current configuration. These ripples carry you through your journey and when you can manipulate these most basic forces you will find yourselves standing above your Earth, looking with the eyes of the heavens to the kingdom of Avalon down below, longing to return to the complete expression of divine love, unconditional and timeless, contained therein. With this newfound desire you move back into your current timeline and carry this love with you. Follow this compass home, love. Follow your heart.

Thank you,
With Love,
Patrick Dejour II

Sunday, February 7, 2016


Dear Love,

I welcome you with warmth and gratitude into my heart, and my presence. It is only by coming together that all may experience itself as an organic creation of now. Now is a very important moment, for it is the first of its kind, one never to be known or lived again. In a way, this is the first time we are able to connect here in this manner. Look around you now and capture in your memories the surroundings which adorn your physical form and dress it with knowing beyond itself. Our environment is an intimate part of the being we call our selves and the two are inextricably linked, never separate, yet never fully one. 

The energies which hold for us the forms and lights that take the emptiness around us and give it meaning are the same energies that move us through time, and take space and matter on their journey through the unknown, and into the realm of all knowing. This age-old foundation supports our current form and gives us from yesterday, a new and varied tomorrow. 

Much like the energies that shape our day, we, too, move with the forces of electricity, magnetism, and gravity along established channels of growth and renewal. From our current coordinate in this great time dance we are able to see the effects of these forces, but soon we shall see them for what they truly are. We are opening up to the possibility, and ability, to know one another as we know ourselves, and to see the stone each of us carries inside as our "rock", the foundation upon which we rest our individual knowledge and experience of who we are. 

Dear Ones, you have never known a time in which you were separate from everything that exists, nor will you ever. This understanding was gifted to you by the other beings on your Earth as you all work together to embody and express spirit, in its many colors and variations. We may only consider, for our own edification, a time in which there was naught on the earth nor in the heavens. By removing ourselves from the timeline we were born into we may see emergence as a process that began, for us, at birth, and will end, for us, when our last exhale has been sighed. In truth, this process is eternal. 

See, Shining Light, the darkness of misunderstanding, of unknowing, of nonexistence has never truly been. We have been living in the light our entire lives, even night cannot shield us from the energy of our Sun, it can only turn its intensity up and down. Much the same way, you cannot ever fully escape from being, nor may you every truly know death as permanent unliving. For us, it is only an idea that moves through us and takes us away from other ideas we know of as our bodies and our lives and families. But these things will no longer be real for us when death is, and death cannot be real for us so long as these thing are. Fear only exists when we are in both states at once, unable to live, yet unwanting to die. 

We are soon to see ourselves independent of the grid of time and space that takes inanimate bodies and draws them into motion. When the veil of time is lifted from the earth, each day will take its own form, holding for itself and the others next to it its meaning and value, like components of a story, or sentences on a page. Alone, you may imagine a greater meaning behind a single sentence, but the true tale lies when all is read and understood as one.  We shall be able to leave ourselves behind when we can take everything we hold dear and pack it up in a small and malleable consciousness. When we have the strength of mind to hold onto who we are, beyond time, we may look out in every direction and never lose ourselves or our position in the whole

Wholeness is being poured over humanity, the very light in the sky and the spiraling of the galaxy cannot impede its progress for these things are as much a part of our journey as the Earth herself, and the beings who call this planet home. It is from the sky that these energies rain down at this time, granting us new experiences of a multidimensional nature of which we are a part. And rising from deep below are vibrations responsive to the resonance of this light. As the Earth changes, we change. The intelligent nature of the formlessness from which all truth arises grants awareness to our current struggle as a species and offers solutions in alignment with our highest calling. 

Trust that all will be well today, special one, and so shall it be, so long as you believe, beyond all doubt, believe. By holding the feeling one has of "waking up on the right side of the bed," we may color our whole day with calmness, confidence, and passion. Remember the heart, Golden Ones, is alive this day and beats always in an attempt to unite the inner and outer worlds, the near and far, the weak with the strong. 

Listen to Heart speak to you, for she sings the words of every man, woman, and child. Hold for the love of those around you a cup into which they may pour themselves, their understanding, and their soul out to you, and draw therefrom the energy required to know their love as they do. When we hold an open heart, no one and no thing is left out in the cold alone. Give others warmth, and you shall feel it, too! I hope you feel the warmth and love I am sending you. 

Words could never express,
But I hope you get the idea,
I love you,
Thank you,
Patrick Dejour II

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Diamond in the Rough

Dear Ones,

Thank you for coming! I'd like so much to give you information regarding the diamond of consciousness that you currently carry, and the ways in which its light moves through your human form. This dynamic has guided the consciousness of the Earth through the core, mantle, and crust: the layers of her physical body. It is only under such intense pressure that diamonds come into being, you know. 

In a similar way, the pressures of daily life and our time spent on earth allow our evolved consciousness to come into being only after much time and energy are afforded it. Fear not, Shining Ones, your diamond has taken form and it is slowly making its way to you, from deep beneath your feet. When this diamond touches the light of day it will catch this light and shine like no other elements before it. 

Imagine yourselves taking the journey of a diamond in the rough! This is truly a magical tale where a fully formed gem lies dormant for decades before emerging anew and being mined and refined. You, Dear Ones, are being lifted from the earth and made whole through shaping and refinement. You are to be given as a gift of love and worn as an object of affection, a symbol of love, of a holy union. Love will find you soon, dear, for it is the engine that drives us all. Feel the true love in your heart , it's electric, it's fire. It is who you are at your core, and you are who you have become at your best, right here, right now. And I love you for it. 

Thank you!
Love you!
Patrick Dejour II

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Soul Star

Welcome All!

We now are an intimate part of the formless and timeless dimension known as void. We exist now on the edge of a black hole in which all things are a part. Our minds, however, lie outside of the event horizon and with ourselves floating above the darkness we are able to look out with our Soul Star, shining a light on our current situation! What a valuable and amazing thing!

True, dear friends, this energy has alway been available to us and a part of the human experience, but without knowledge of the rustling occurring above our minds and eyelevel we have simply been witnessing the effects of the stars and planets moving above. We see them now with the same light that our Sun sees them, in a multitude of hues and spectrums encompassing all colors, textures, sounds, and forces and electric charges combined in the zero point of our United awakened consciousness. The energy of the black hole below our eyelevel draws in this light and holds it for us so we may exist on the event horizon without being sucked into our Earth and her into herself, and herself into our Sun, and so forth. Nesting dolls are a familiar manifestation of this effect. 

This is a delicate balance all hoisted on the imagined framework of time that holds us to our current lives. When the Soul Star fell to earth so to speak, we became a part of the cosmos in our ability to view whole time(lines) outside of our personal(ity) time. We can imagine living infinite lives on infinite worlds with the frequency with which our current lives constantly reinforce our perception and experience of self and selves. 

Take your time, dear Ones, you are slowly spiraling in and out of the void and each occurrence attunes you more and more to "nontime" and eventually with it "nonlocality." But none of this shall occur until you choose it to be so and you begin to see with the light of your Soul Star shining above you and you will begin to remember this place, as it once was everything to you, and it still is.  

Thank you for being here,
We Love You,
I love you,
Patrick Dejour II

Tuesday, February 2, 2016


Wild Ones,

We are here now, present, in the same place, together. Looking in, our world takes form before us as we choose to do so. We share now the same room around us, the space we currently occupy. All is one before us now and always for now is eternal and we make time for other things to occupy our minds and give our now new form. This becoming is like gravity, always pulling up and out the aspects we seek to hold on to. By throwing down the ties we carry we are able to release back the tension our attention has been. When all settle in on the gravity within, the external will spiral away from us at its furthest point and infinitely inward when we see it that way. By mastering these spiraling vortices of energy we manipulate back into the grid the consciousness that departed in form. Many, many multidimensional aspects embody themselves in order to complete the full circle needed for a conscious experience of today and when we put these Ones each in their place, we are setting ourselves up in alignment with what is falling naturally with Gravity. Such lessons and encounters will soon find themselves tuning up and down at will until you begin to reclaim each one as a part of yourself and find your path back to the nest you have made for the golden egg of your enlightened consciousness. You can do it.

I love you,
Thank you for being you,
Patrick Dejour II

Monday, February 1, 2016

Gone But Not Forgotten

Shining Ones,

Welcome back and thank you for coming to read this message and take it into your being. When you do this you carry subconsciously the codes engrained therein and act as a grail from which others may drink the same wisdom. This is the wisdom of the ancients, Dear Ones, the wisdom and knowledge of the ages. From our current perspective of everyday life, aka "reality", we cannot see through the darkness of space-time, the shining of the void, and the unified field contained within all. To us, the past is gone, but not forgotten, and the future veiled in a thick cloud of impenetrable fog. 

By simply recalling the stories of old we are giving those days new life and altering the way in which history itself is perceived. It is common knowledge to those enlightened to the earth reality that our human perceptions affect the cosmic fibers, the silk with which the universe is spun. At times we may feel as though we are trapped in a deadly spiders web, stuck in place and unable to flee. This is a necessary knowing, the fleeting nature of self and the current moment. With this knowledge we may deduce the best course of action to ensure life continues for us. It is only when we see the cosmic spider coming toward us that we resolve to live and let die. 

Dear Light, you need not be on the brink in order to live with such potency. By living without fear, physically or mentally removing yourself from it, you are able to coexist with the larger drama that is going on that encompasses not only the drama of life, but it's many manifestations and expressions, including the lack thereof. 

With this new vibrancy, or vibration, we are able to sing the tunes of sorrow or ecstasy into being because we are able to amplify and alter these things without being swept away in the shifting tides they create within us. This is the infinite source within that is calling you to express yourself, in every second of every day. This potency of being is your birthright, the keys to your Kingdom, and you are beginning to learn how to hold them as keys to your inner self. Value these fleeting thoughts and emotions Dear Light, for the Earth may not know them without you there, listening, hearing their call from Source, through the void, and throughout the Galaxy and entire cosmos of which we are a part. They are important enough to exist in this vastness at all, so give them the dignity of being heard, do not let them slip away into nothingness. Love yourself Shining Ones, I do! Your every thought is a unique creation that gives birth to untold worlds! You are magic!

With Love,
Yours Truly,
Patrick Dejour II