Monday, February 8, 2016

A New Age

Welcome Dear Ones,

Thank you for being! I hope you may draw from these words much meaning and insight into your current condition and circumstances surrounding your individual Earth reality and expression thereof. As you begin to gather more and more vital pieces of information from sources all around you, you are getting a clearer picture of the person you have become and the one you want to continue to grow into. 

If we recall, it was not long ago that we entered this world and the dimension of time. Our experiences of a temporal, or temporary, nature have sought to bring us toward a new wholeness and connection, and knowledge of one another as we know ourselves. The parts of spirit contained within matter at this time are receiving stimulation and direction from above, toward a new creation of self sufficiency and power over the One reality. 

Reaching for expression through time takes too much energy from the One within All. The power each individual has to envision infinite fractals of time, even in one lifetime limit the reach that we have to affect not only these far away times and places, but also our immediate surroundings. Our perspective at the Center of Time gives us very little mobility when we decide to, choose, to move through form in one way or another. 

My message to you, Dear Ones, is a timeless one. As you begin to find yourselves outside of time, seeing time as almost irrelevant, you are able to manipulate HUGE forces that may create ripples below and above your current configuration. These ripples carry you through your journey and when you can manipulate these most basic forces you will find yourselves standing above your Earth, looking with the eyes of the heavens to the kingdom of Avalon down below, longing to return to the complete expression of divine love, unconditional and timeless, contained therein. With this newfound desire you move back into your current timeline and carry this love with you. Follow this compass home, love. Follow your heart.

Thank you,
With Love,
Patrick Dejour II