Saturday, February 13, 2016

Morning's Dawn

Special Ones,

This day was made for you, and you for it. We have been working above to align the stars in the sky for you to witness tonight and the earth has shaped herself as to provide the best path for you. Though none of these things you see, babe. You are an empty page upon which the words of life may be drawn, dawn after dawn. You may not see the changes taking place around you on such a grand scale, but each day you walk into a new world and carry with you a new understanding of your place in it. 

In our distant past the world was much smaller, but seemed much larger. There was eternal light above and eternal darkness contained below. Our human perceptions have cut into a new channel of awareness and we may use our 5 basic senses in unimaginable ways. By tuning each of them individually up or down we are able to filter out infinite amounts of information pertaining to our emerging zero pointed awareness. Our knowledge of how this awareness comes into being is part of the understanding humanity has gleaned from our time away from our eternal home in spirit.  

As was the case with our being, long ago man lived only in the realm of the senses. We could not get at the "senseless" world that exists outside of our understanding we have built for ourselves. Who we are is dependent upon our outside conditions and even though we have never existed independent of the external, we all live as though when we are alone we are truly independent. In this way humanity is strung together through time. But there has been a bigger picture being created that involves all of us and our many expressions and adventures in the one reality. 

Now that we have outgrown our senses, so to speak, we are emerging head first through the womb of the earth and taking our first steps upon the firmament below. This firmament was unimaginable as beings contained in animated suspension in the darkness of the womb. As with every human birth that has taken place upon our world, our ties with the old are being cut so that we may now move independently. True, it will take time, but this natural process has led to the creation of every hard working, knowledgeable adult; a process unbelievable to them had they not been through it themselves. These beautiful people you see everyday walking along side you come from the same humble beginning and have now arisen from their comfortable hibernation and walk in an wholly different world than the one they used to know. This magical tale of love is weaved through time with the souls and bodies of the One and they all gladly partake in their individual expressions while individuality belongs to them. As do I, for it is only in this way that I may know you, loves. That is what I truly desire. 

Love you forever,
Patrick Dejour II