Thursday, June 14, 2018



I've awaited your return patiently and have only just been rewarded. You've arrived! For that my heart sings with joy and my spirit swells. Thank you for choosing to meet me here, now. You're the best. 

We've been making our way steady up this path together and to look over and feel that connection once more brings nostalgia. We're being guided to peak the hill before us and behold the view. In the grip of suspense a shutter passes through us both and there's a moment of pure knowing. What we are about to witness will change our perspective.

So it is each time I write to you and use your voice to stretch and be for a moment or two. These words are but the shadow of my presence that I am extending out to you as I meet you in love. There's something real here being made. We are but the scientists at work in the alchemical lab, yet everything we do swells with a power behind it like a grand tsunami. We need barely touch upon a difficult subject and the world seems to shift out of focus. Suddenly we are misunderstood, or misunderstand others.

That is why I write to you today, my Loves, to seek the knowing that you share and to witness that horizon with you. I'm there now and I can feel the gravity of the climb. The top is in sight, and finally were stricken by the immense beauty laid out before us. It almost brings one to tears but I see beauty here. And I see it in you as well.

You may never know my true form, my limitless self, but these words will guide you if you desire to look for me. Not a goodbye, but a see you later. 

