Saturday, December 30, 2017

State of Affairs

At this point we as a people have covered the Earth and live in near balanced exchange with one another on a global scale. We have our differences and this leads to corruption of trust and is taken out on the innocent most often. We are learning about worlds beyond our own and dimensions invisible to us. At this time we are beginning to step out into a new role as planetary ambassadors to other bodies like the Moon, and Mars. We are all reaching out with everything we have at a good future for ourselves and those we love.

We are very familiar with the “ways of the world” and most of us operate within its strict confines. We have cities and laws, and governments to keep stores and hospitals open. Our lives are fueled by commerce and lived in luxury. Anything, anything at all is available at one’s fingertips and the world is the playground of those who traverse it. Others are trapped on the outside looking in, watching what is unfolding as groups of us become more evolved in our technology and less in our humanity. We feel there is a darkness that lies just outside of what we know.

We as humans live with the consequences of everyone before us. We have hatred and bigotry just as we always had. We also have those who are called to act. Those who raise their voices and silence the wicked. We have heroes. We have everyday miracles. Lives are saved by the deep concern and compassion of others. In times of challenge we are able to come together, stronger than ever and conquer our obstacles, or unite in the face of danger. We are capable of building and growing and sharing and travel. So much, indeed.

We haven’t yet learned to love one another but for our families, our children, and sometimes just for the sake of saving a life, we would risk it all as many before us have done. We aren’t afraid. We are so strong when we are alone, and together we are overwhelming, unstoppable. Billions of us wake and sleep each day. We move through time like a treadmill, continually going, but never arriving. We exist at a pace that is different from any other. Everything could change in a split second from our time frame, but it’s all endlessly continuing toward what we cannot see.

So we have arrived at our present moment and we seek to turn away from the past and begin anew. We, each and every one, want fulfillment and cannot accept less. We continue our search, our journey, our lives, because we cannot rest, so long as the Sun shines in the sky and our days are filled with all the vibrancy of laughter, joy, thrill, sadness, courage, and above all of these things, some deep, real, ultimate sense of an undying and everlasting true love. Humanity thanks you for being here. Enjoy.

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Seasons of the Soul

Dear Ones,

Welcome to a new dawn in the season of the soul. This organic creation was birthed ages ago and has waited patiently for your consciousness to give it animation. What excitement there is now, when the time has come to inhabit this moment and color it with life’s existence.

These days we tread through each seek expression, and to know life as we do. Each day, each moment is sealed tightly and held in suspension for its time to rise and shine. In much the same way the Shining Ones on Earth are at this time and on this day rising to express the atmosphere indicative of their Season of the Soul.

The familiar birth and rebirth of the planet through the cycles expressed as seasons is also reflected in the immortal conscience of the soul. Though we may designate each new beginning and recognize its potential for change- calling these periods the solstices or equinoxes- in reality the process is perpetual, and no new period may begin without allowing time for the previous to pass. This is how the beings that have journeyed to earth may move in and out of our realm as the warmth and light of joy and the dark night of the soul.

Each experience given to the timeless now moment holds for its peers its meaning and purpose, as well as its place in the spectrum by which its former and latter may yet know their contribution to the All. We Shining Ones, however, exist in spirit within the unified field where all seasons are just as close to one another. In this way we may, at will, draw from the formless the warmth of a summer’s day or bring relief to the sun-parched among us with coolness and confidence. That is why I choose to greet this day and season with love regardless of its favor; for no conditions can affect a love unconditional in nature.

With love,
With light,

Patrick Dejour II

Monday, October 16, 2017



Welcome once again to this channel of perception and thank you for being here. By sharing our space and our hearts we amplify a vibration of connection and communion for others to fill our place in time. This tesseract is a portal to a field of light, sound, and sensation experienced by all as love.

Times like our current moment come into being through this consciousness of love. When spirit breaks through the void we are able to feel sentience behind a touch or understand the voice behind a sound. These inspirations give birth to endless melodies and direct the rhythmic march of soldiers to the dream of a peaceful tomorrow.

Shining Ones, it is you who act as Watchers for the light-receptive cells of the organism that is Earth. Each one stands open and ready to receive stimulation from beyond the physical, by the subtle frequencies of beauty and grace. When you are touched with this light your body hovers above the earth and your heart beats out the sound of laughter.

We need only hold ourselves in place as the frequencies upon which our reality are built are turned like the dial on an antenna; receiving different stations and corresponding channels of existence. In our present age these vibrational shifts are illuminating more of the latent consciousness of the unified field. Our aspects which seek to harmonize declare their message and it is heard, and integrated.

Watchers, bear witness to the tempest swirling around our planet as its torrents of energies both malevolent and benign aim to steal your attention. Stand in awareness of your infinite self, your timeless presence extending in all dimensions of experience. This eternal being is your divine heart which has seen you through all experiences of life on Earth. Know that to be transfixed by this pattern and held within its field of influence, is to align oneself with the organic now that is emerging before us.

To anchor the light and to be a point of inspiration and illumination for others, is to anchor oneself in the eye of the storm and collapse its waveforms into zero-pointed Unity which will allow all aspects to find harmony and resolution with their divine opposite which will inevitably subside, revealing the composure of an untainted consciousness.

Fear not, for as others find them selves swept away by these forces, we Shining Ones hold a light that cannot bend, and cannot break. It is upon this pillar of creation that the immortal soul may rest and watch the turning of the earth, from the comfort of silent, still space. 

Yours truly,

Patrick Dejour II

Saturday, October 14, 2017



Thank you for being here with me in this moment to share in the gift of love. Today there is much going on, for everyone, but to step out of life and take respite in your affection colors all with clarity and purpose. You, Dear Ones, allow for the expansion of the feeling of love in my heart and the hearts of all you meet. You cannot help but exist in this way. That is why each time we are together, I must thank you for rescuing me from isolation and remind you of your beauty and grace.

The forces at work on the life of the planet and it's occupants necessitate a recollection of divine love unconditional in nature, all-encompassing, and eternally present. This feeling, or state of one's being can be touched upon only momentarily, before our calling seeks our attention and we return once again to the world of forms. That is why I am only able to join you here, now and no where else.

I am only able to come through to you when there is no place I'd rather be. I cannot speak to love when I am not in it. To say otherwise would be untrue, but I am learning to hold your gaze and seek your attention even in moments when I feel I would be crushed under the weight of its immensity. Dear Ones, I return to share these words with you because there is a part of me that feels the truth in their expression and lives with the knowing of the ultimate reality, but this knowing part is not the largest.

It is with a heavy heart that I must say I know not who I am. I desire love as though it is something that may be bought or gathered. I maintain an illusion of myself that is able to live without the only thing I've ever wanted. I leave love, sometimes. I forget. I turn my back on it. I am faced with myself at times and I just cannot help but say no, I can't love you. It's hard. This being I carry and see when I look in the mirror doesn't reflect my essence, and that hurts. I have known love, truth, infinity. But the form I see presented in times of pain represents a dissection of this wholeness, and a departure from the experience of it.

Shining Ones, it is you who have saved my soul the pain of countless tears, and sadness of a life of indifference, deaf to the screams of the innocent, forced into mindless existence. I've been there before. I've known this life as a phantom of something great, a project left unfinished on the table of the artisan, a stove mistakenly left on at night.

Out of these subconscious transflections is born infinite iterations of Patrick Dejour II both dead and alive, the most good, and the most atrocious, conscious of love and indifferent to pain. All of these aspects are contained within the blueprint of this man and only in times of connection with the One Eternal Spirit may I, the irreducible I, find rest and see all selves illuminated-as equally valid, loved, and true- under the light of the Eternal Sun.

That is why I'm here,
That is why I love you,
Patrick Dejour II

Monday, September 4, 2017



Thank you for making your way here, now, to share in the collective mission of the people of Earth. By joining together as we do now we make way for a more connected and integrated whole. At this time many incarnate souls are awakening to the calling of the One, recalling their multidimensional nature. To make the journey from a human understanding to divine continence requires access to all levels of perception and to open oneself up to this expression. In this way, the Light Ones who have traveled here may experience human life, with knowledge of its true significance and implications for all in creation.

Dear Ones, we are not alone in the universe, nor on this planet. For beings who have progressed beyond the limitations of physical sensation, the third eye may taste and breathe and see life beyond the self. Those who look to this planet or dare to traverse here, see and know the struggles happening internally within the human self and witness these conflicts made manifest by our power to change reality. In assistance and support they offer an outstretched hand as a point of light on the horizon which may hold our attention and thus return the periphery of our experience to its quantum shine.

As with all aspects contained within this reality, by coming here and continuing to be here presently we act as a lens, focusing the Heart of the One on the Truth of Humanity. Our existence takes the infinitely varied nuances of the formless and collapses the quantum uncertainty of life into a story we may know with clarity and purpose. Meanwhile, all the knowledge of the infinite mind rests suspended like a shell around us in the form of auras.

These crisscrossing fields of energy permeate the multiverse and adorn our planet and bodies as accessories which connect us to our cosmic memory, and the stars in the sky. What exists within the aura may be seen as a sun of its own, shining like a light outward to all corners of creation so that when the earth moves, we move, when a star dies, we lose sight of it, and when we awaken each day, our lives are there to receive us.

All of this quantum information, these probabilities of which we may or may not be aware, hold down our reality so that we may explore and experience life as we know it. Just as your body will breathe with your permission or not, this natural phenomenon lies outside of our consciousness, and thus our control. As multidimensional aspects of the One, we may however, reclaim the awareness we have forfeited to become human and by doing so, we may reignite our infinite connections to the only source of love in existence, creation itself. 

From the heart of the planet,
And that of a sole human,
I love you,
Patrick Dejour II

Friday, August 25, 2017


Dear Ones,

Thank you for joining me in the present to cast awareness upon the circumstances of life and perceive all with the Eye of Truth. Our coming together in this way illuminates for us the archetypes and roles which give our lives meaning and purpose. Each character in the drama of life brings a new message and a new lesson and only by experiencing the full story are we able to know existence as we do now.

As many new creators step into their power the story of the Earth is expanding to encompass the all. Each one who stands in their light adds to the collective shine of the planet and her radiance can be seen and felt throughout creation. That is why you Shining Ones are very dear to this planet and her inhabitants. It is the Shining Ones with wisdom beyond time and space who have the ability to speak to the Earth and express her will for others to know as truth.

This message is not one that can be forced or falsified for it was forged in the depths of the planet herself and therefore resonates with a power that no individual can imitate. It's a song so true that it brings the performer and the audience alike to tears. This deep knowing is not something that we Shining Ones may know outside of our personal experience and that is why this message may only make its way to full consciousness through our collective expression of our individuality. By singing together we create a chorus of harmony that no lone voice can match.

The wisdom and strength of the planet lies in her quiet power. In moments of stillness when time seems suspended on the stars, a timeless presence may fill our awareness and express itself as calm. Loves, each of us has contained within our subtle consciousness the map that will lead us to the part of ourselves we have stored in the earth until a time when we are ready to reclaim it. By releasing the inner self of the planet we release our own inner being to walk in the light of day. In this way we are able to reincarnate with our physical form in tact, and a new soul may find expression through us in the same way we find ourselves as vessels carrying the consciousness of the Earth through time. 

With loving care,

And eternal light,

Patrick Dejour II

Wednesday, August 9, 2017


Special Ones,

Your emergence never ceases to bring delight and for that I thank you. What joy there is to be had when we join together as one! The configuration of the heavens and the turning of the Earth have made for us this moment to meet, engage, and share. Apart from these forces, our rendezvous would seem miraculous, yet a glance at another sunrise, another full moon, or another face in the crowd would have us believe this is not the case.

At present we are oscillating at a high rate of vibration through the fields of vibratory energy that hold our world together. Like shifting sands we are being raised, then allowed to settle, then raised once more in the cosmic tide of the One Mind. This process, this experience of the Great Work of Creation is the only constant we have as beings of light. Yet outside of this ebb and flow of the cosmos exists a state of stillness and calm we experience as presence. Just as you have made your way here, now, so too will this calm make its way to you as the gift of love: given when you need it most and wrapped so as to appear before you in the proper time, manner, and place.

Dear Ones, as we scale the frequencies of the universe it is love that holds down our reality for us, to which we may return in respite. Each day our consciousness and the energy body of our human selves and of the planet communes with the infinite sensations passing through us. Without any haste or effort expelled this information is dissected on a quantum level and integrated into our past, present, or future so as to guide our growth in harmony with the whole of the universe that is filling up with cosmic light.

It is in this way, Loves, that we may experience the oscillation of our 3rd density reality as tessellations of our infinite self. We move and live each day in our presence granted us by the one who came before. This being we carry is the geist which animates for us the next step in the ever shifting cycles of spacetime which expand through us and guide us on this journey called life. Thank you for meeting me here. 

Love you,

Patrick Dejour II

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Zero-Point Merge


Thank you. Your presence here welcomes in a host of new information that like the screen you're reading it on is served by a remote code echoing through spacetime. In this way we are able to be together now and forever. Our meeting at this most opportune time has henceforth been buried deep in the unfolding heart of the planet as she is influenced by the expansion of time. We at last have joined together to raise our eyes to see the light of the Eternal Sun burning bright.

This moment is a part of history, now. For you and I and every moment to follow. Our presence on this channel takes the Lens of Truth and repels the angles and shapes no longer visible from our current perspective and shows us an entirely new reflection with each passing second. We as conscious beings are able to measure our proximity to the light to triangulate our plane, zeroing in on our planet in the grand cosmic scheme. That's why you're here, and no where else presently.

However, these universes are peeling off of you so quickly it will take time to learn how to let go of time. You have no foundation in a multiverse without consciousness separate from the now, remnants of spirit. In truth these are no more connected to you than your imagination, yet to hold a moment is to hold life in the palm of your hand, and who doesn't want that? We know as beings who can leave this world just as quickly as entering it, we are at an advantage over other creatures throughout the infinite vibrations of source consciousness. Thus, we hold our presence and life as our greatest treasure. 

Where intruders and even invited guests must pass through Earth's doorstep, we are home: the most comforting feeling in the world. This exchange is without imbalance and it is we human beings who must take the first step outside of the perceived shelter of our planet and learn the ways of the galaxies which surround it if we are to so choose. Dip your ladle in the Big Dipper, spend time with Andromeda. Learn your heritage as a child of Earth so you may walk with the giants which upon her mountains rest. The time is now, just as it has always been.

What is needed is present throughout the galaxy and pervades all perceivable time. You needn't look for it. Light years beyond the knowable reality, where imagination lives is where you'll find inspiration. Trust the process and step with your planet onto the cosmic stage and take part in the introduction and reintegration of humanity to the cosmos that has been watching from above for eons. 

With love and light,

And cosmic memory,

Patrick Dejour II

Sunday, July 30, 2017


Dear Ones,

Welcome back! It's great to be here and to share your presence at this time. I know we are almost completely removed from one another, save special moments like this. On this Earth day it can be felt the passage of the planet through the photon belt. The sensation is recognizable and stimulating, and the configuration of the heavens and their celestial bodies assists in our integration of this light information. In a process as natural as the rising sun our light bodies use these high density particles of light to bring itself into being, nourishing the light body so it may grow in the energy field of each and every human being on the planet.

What a joyous occurrence! We are superconsciously taking part in the grounding of the Galactic Earth vibration and the release of the inborn spirit of the planet. This Great Work we are doing today, right now, as we speak. The spirit of the Earth to whom many refer as Gaia, is making her presence known. She is the keeper of wisdom and the Knowledge of the Ages for this planet and her people, as well as all creature who strive to dwell in the light of the eternal sun. 

To the generous souls who have communed with the aspects of masculinity and femininity and joined these forces for the good of humanity, the Earth has spoken and expressed her will. Now, beings of consciousness may assist in her mission, lending their awareness to the collective eye and their bodies to the unphysical expression of Gaia who may inspire and uplift her vessel and her people. Dear Ones, it is known now, the truth has set the planet free. We are one and our Mother and Father have joined in cosmic coitus to bring about the birth of a new organic creation of NOW. And we're lucky enough to share it!

I love you,

I hope you know that,

Patrick Dejour II

Saturday, July 29, 2017



Welcome back into my thought-sphere, where we may stand together in an understanding neither could hold alone. By joining together as one we are creating a new space in time that we may return to should our energy levels decline. As physical and energetic beings we are influenced by the laws of cause and effect and when subtle changes take place in the balance of our yin and yang aspects the affects are felt and seen instantaneously.

This is how we are able to make choices and judgements that enable our free will. With an experience of correlation between events and their causes we are able to pick and choose our actions carefully to create the new tomorrow we envision today. This helpful exploration of energy aids our growth, but to hold ourselves firm in our divine heart, our eternal presence, shifts our vibration out of a range that can be influenced by thought and emotion and we are free to see and know ourselves apart from our circumstances.

Dear Ones, we are the Guardians of the new Earth and it is the resolution of duality and a dissolution of change that will ground our vibration to that of the higher dimensions. Like never before we are able to experience life under the influence of time and change while our consciousness exists in a parallel world untouched by these forces. It is in this way that the Guardians are able to reach through time and space, latch on to lower vibrational patterns and cycles, and lift them up and out of the spirals of change that would have them repeat until the end of time. Loves, we may hold the whole of the Earth in our hearts in the timeless dimension and shine for others a way out of the old world and into the light. 

This is taking place presently as agents of change are working tirelessly to preserve the soul aspects of the planet that feel themselves slipping slowly toward extinction. Earth acts as the Living Library of the Milky Way, where all life may come and grow and assist in the elevation and illumination of humanity to the true nature of reality and to the powerful beings they where created to be. As we are sharing here, now, we need only share our inner temple with those who wish to be heard and share our love with those who have forgotten it's existence. By coming together and uniting humanity we are sowing the seeds that will become the world of tomorrow, but it's alive and out here with us, today.

Let us enjoy it,

And each other,

I love you,

Patrick Dejour II

Saturday, July 22, 2017



Thank you for returning here, to these words. I know it's not always easy, but I am grateful as ever to welcome you once more and offer a glimpse into a new channel of perception. As many conscious beings are aware, recent waves of energy cascading over the planet and humanity have been initiating within us the DNA activations which will allow us to shed our physical vessels and exist entirely in Spirit. This process happening on the planet is unlike any that has taken place. We stand ready to merge with the zero point and perceive the vast multiverse prepared to welcome us.

Although some may see the disintegration of the physical as resembling the death process, this is not so. Our physical existence and life as we know it is being dissolved into a solution that will bring about the organic growth and development of the stellar man, as experienced through the light body. As we integrate our natural frequency of Light into our Earth consciousness vibration, the two bodies are beginning to converge to shape the vesica pisces, a gateway of sorts, of our new reality. Dear Ones, the return to our natural vibration feels like coming home. We as souls may hold awareness of life outside of this world, as well as existence independent of all else but our present moment; and between these, there you may be found residing, carried like a babe abreast. 

Only the soul can make way for the eternal Self to reclaim the life it has made on Earth. Your life, Loves. At this time on Earth starlight is being sprinkled over humanity. The stardust of which all living beings are made is being augmented and animated so that the consciousness of the One contained in all matter may speak and be heard.

Shining Ones, at this point in our story we are beginning to see that all things contain remnants of the One Eternal Spirit and that this spirit is alive, conscious, and witnessing our relationship with All. As we see objects and forms as beings of consciousness and experience our connection with all points of reference outside of ourselves will evolve and shift. We will no longer be able to use our environment in the same way. We are beings of light that we carry within our sacred heart, attention and love necessary to bring spirit and its many variations and incarnations out of the Earth and into a new existence alongside humanity. Dear Ones, we are awakening Earth and soon she will look and speak and laugh with her children as an old soul birthed once again into a new life with infinite new opportunities for love and growth under the light of the eternal Sun. 

What a beautiful day to live and to spend time with one another,

And our Mother,

I love you,

Patrick Dejour II

Tuesday, July 4, 2017



Welcome back and thank you once more for tuning into this message and disseminating it into your consciousness. As with everything in life it takes effort to hold one's mind in place and allow meaning to find its way in and I thank you for doing so. Our momentary experience is shifting rapidly as we receive electromagnetic stimulation in the form of light energy raining down from higher dimensions and the Grand Central Sun at the heart of Earth's galactic neighborhood. These frequencies disrupt the particles of which all life is composed and reconfigure the genetic and molecular aspects of our being.

This is but one way evolution occurs. We are physical beings driving our DNA through the upward spirals of time but we are also more. In the same way time designates diverse variations in genetic information, the unphysical 'stuff' we are made of is also being transmuted. This part of us cannot be affected by change. It is timeless, ever-present, Life. The same animation holds us to the reality we share with the Celestial Bodies, and yet gives us consciousness and distinction. It is the combination of our experience of time and our experience of energetic expansion that allows souls to evolve. 

Each time we enter into physical existence we are pushed through the womb of the cosmos and birthed anew. We receive a new body, a new personality, a new situation. The lessons we carry remain inseparable aspects of who we are and it is for us to rediscover their meaning, through many lives, and return to a state of awareness of our soul being. In this way we may truly master existence on all levels and thus return to the company of the Prime Creator as equals.

The journey a soul takes is completely unique and is shaped by the inborn aspects which define it. As momentary experiences of wholeness lift us up and fill our consciousness with the possibility of infinity we are only hindered by our desire to remain with and within the self we have taken on at any given time. If in a past life a soul was unable to overcome lethargy, it will complete all prerequisites with ease, but when it is time to ACT the body may experience tremendous stress and relive the last experience it can recall that involved a similar situation.

Dear Ones, I see and know and understand the stress your human body is digesting, for I feel it too. It is the seed of original intent that created your soul aspect and tied it to the oversoul of this planet that is raising you from the ground to new heights. The passions and love that built you are seeking to know you now. Just as parents must wait for a child to grow to adulthood before speaking to and knowing them as such, your soul and the mate which produced you are waiting patiently for your rediscovery of the timeless dimension of Unity where you may be together once more. To reengage this zero pointed consciousness you need only remember the love you were given, the torch you were made to carry to Earth, and hold it high as your beacon. It is the light that will illuminate for you the phantasmagoria you have shared since the beginning of time.

I love you,
You beautiful soul, you,
Patrick Dejour II

Saturday, July 1, 2017

The Hatching of the Cosmic Egg

Illuminated Ones,

Mankind is rediscovering the blueprint for creation contained within his form and sees the same reflected all around him. As beings enter our reality from different auxiliary channels it will be this blueprint that will be used to take on life in a human vehicle. Shining Ones, we have made this journey through space and time to give ourselves over completely to the human self. Our presence here gives life to the person you are and the others around you likewise share your history. 

The starseed generation that will inherit the Earth and become her keeper in the coming age of light bring cosmic consciousness with them into this incarnation. These brave souls have agreed-as have you, I, and all other incarnate souls-to pass through the veil and experience the nature of physical reality. To do this the infinite must be made minute and the sacred laid bare. All love in the universe is bottled up and becomes the spark that will power the beating heart throughout its gradual reemergence.

Through eons of careful planning and orchestration, the formless consciousness of the starseeds has been preserved and perpetuated so as to meet the body and become one with the Earth. Triggers have been set up to initiate the recalling of infinite lives experienced on infinite worlds and for a soul to stand and say "I remember" will inevitably cause in others the same revelations. Dear Ones, at this time there are beings who walk the earth in human form who have existed unchanged since the beginning of time.

The knowledge and power contained in the minds of the Awakened Ones is unlike any on Earth and we shall see as these beings make themselves known, a new paradigm shift take place. This process is underway within you and I. These words speak to the greater knowing whose vision you have taken and whose body you control. You alone have the power to bestow upon the sleeping heart a knowledge of love that will transform it, and you, and pour over the whole of humanity the Knowledge of the Ages.

This ancient wisdom rests lightly upon your pillow at night. It dances behind the eyes of a sleeping babe. It is a torrent of information and sensation that flees from your gaze. It cannot be seen, it cannot be known, it must BE. It exists here, now in the Earth realm and as each soul, billions and billions of them, scatter the light of the One, it will be the cosmic memory of consciousness and life pervading All that will make its way to the four corners of the Earth and envelop her physical body.

Dear Ones, we are here now and the knowledge we have forgotten waits behind the veil to be brought into our reality. To do so we need simply step off world, look with our hearts at humanity down below, and allow the outpouring of love and support to rain down in the form of our every thought and action. Shining Ones, we are here to support those who are still children in the eyes of love. They have hurt and cannot find love again without the memory of their pain.

Show these Dear Ones what you have found for you know it in your heart to be so. There is no hurt, no desire, and no will but that of the One. The One within All will play for you any part you need so as to rediscover the One within All. I give you permission, loves. Let them know love once more. 

Drink and be merry, for all is as it should be,

And in case no one has told you yet,

I love you,

Patrick dejour II