Friday, April 28, 2017


Dear Ones,

Welcome and thank you for receiving this message. At present many are conscious of different so called headspaces, or mindsets, that individuals find themselves in. These may range from being mentally charged and alert, to consciousness of Unity and connection with All. Today I would like to speak on another type of space that occupies our reality that we may shift into and out of similarly. I'd like to gift you knowledge of the heartspace.

As electromagnetic waves interact with our being and stimulate our energy field we may experience mental-emotional symptoms being aroused. If the energy, or vibe, of a room is light and open we feel it as well. Conversely, if there is a thick silence or stillness this may be interpreted as discomfort or unease. This information exists and can be perceived because of the nature of our electric universe.

The energy which composes all of what we call matter is ever flowing from body to body and with time forward into reality. When we as human beings interact with one another it is merely and energetic exchange taking place in the form of light and sound as well as thought and emotion. For beings such as ourselves, these exchanges come naturally. However, beyond the reach of the five senses we still have a being and an energy that can be transferred as well.

This being or awareness is known as consciousness, the divine spark, or sentience. It is who we are at our core and exists simultaneously alongside our human form. To awaken, or become aware of our innate being is to move beyond the material and physical senses which compose for us our subjective reality and step into the heartspace.

For most, the process of the heart emerging or opening is felt many times, sporadically throughout one's life. This may take place over decades without the person ever being fully conscious of what is happening, simple recalling a detail or memory with clarity, and a lightness or brightness which may or may not have been visibly present at the time. 

On the other hand, to experience the closing or tightening of the heartspace is to feel sadness, disconnection, or discomfort that seems like a cloud hanging over us during difficult life experiences. It is in these moments that we wish above all else to move back into the heartspace and know love and understanding, to rise above our challenges, and make sense of what is happening.

Dear Ones, by becoming aware not only of your current headspace, but also the heartspace you occupy, you will begin to unite the heart and mind into a single being that is with you in the present moment at all times. The mind may wander, and the heart may cry out in longing, but to carry both parts of your being with you in the present moment allows you to look at what is before you from two perspectives and create an understanding that can be expressed as love.

Loves, your body is your home in this world. It is how you see and know and feel life. Think of the energy that passes through you when you see someone who is beautiful to you, whom you feel connected to, and romantic toward. Out of nowhere a dormant part of you is aroused and awoken in such a way that your body feels energized and motivated to move. This energy is tied to your sexuality and makes up a large part of who you are and what you do with your time and attention. It drives you. 

There is an organ that can similarly absorb and release energy and it works at every moment to regulate your being and keep you together and alive. Your beating heart knows not what it is like to give and take energy in the same manner your sexual organs do. The feelings that arise in you do not make it past the physical densities into the subtle reality of the heartspace. This is because life on our planet is difficult, and for all of us to exist as we do now required that when the opportunity presented itself, love was made and a child was born. When it was necessary, we were able to let go of our attachments and kill for food or out of defense. The heartspace could not be present in these encounters for the nature of the heart is oneness. To mate out of need rather than love, or to kill to survive requires a headspace removed from the entanglement of the heart. Because of this ability to separate ourselves from the All we have created a marvelous and beautiful reality.

As things settle down and security and peace of mind are attained the heart is slowly beginning to see that it is safe, and is ready to come out of hiding. As it illuminates the body from within, the mind is more visible to its owner, and the sexual organs no longer seek external stimulation for comfort. All come under the rule of the crowned heart which is divine in nature and ever present, on every layer of reality, through all of creation. Dear Ones, thank you for joining me and taking the time to peer within. As we mentally touched upon the soft parts of ourselves I could feel the heart sympathize and begin to open itself up to Unity. What a beautiful thing. 

With love,

And vulnerability,

Patrick Dejour II

Monday, April 24, 2017


Shining Ones,

At this time we are beginning to step collectively into a new reality that is being raised to meet us. Our present world is experiencing an expansion into another way of being that more suits the plans set forth by the individuals residing here. When this occurred in our ancient past an exponential number of souls were able to have a life here and experience humanity. This time has been but one step on the cosmic awakening of the planet. We are emerging out of the woods and into the galaxy of which we are a part.

Soon the beings that reside here will collectively decide the time is right for a shift to take place. When it is so, the blueprint for the stellar human will be seeded into the spacetime grid of the planet and souls will begin developing on a new scale or frequency. This is happening now to the Shining Ones who have decided to take this journey. 

Dear Ones, the keepers of the Earth and guardians of life are dedicated to the uplifting of humanity through selflessness and love. Those still caught in the old energy patterns seek gratification outside of the quiet conscious contained within and are being shown the way back to this inner voice. Loves, at this point in our collective story we must be willing to go off script and express authenticity and spontaneity as we seek expression of our true essence.

Truth cannot resonate with us unless we are open to its implications. By joining our cosmic siblings who are watching the Earth with loving eyes we may step out of this world and the controls it has initiated on us and free our friends and loved ones of a false identification they have about us. When we do this we are setting ourselves free. No longer hiding behind the supposed, we will express the inner beauty and love we have for ourselves and others and release emotions that have been gathering in the subconscious since the beginning of time. 

This is no easy task, Dear Ones. We are not complete without our connections to the outside world and to correct misinformation about who we are and why we're here requires honesty and devotion to who we know ourselves to be. This is a lifelong journey, for each new person you meet brings with them an alternate view of you that you must interact with and meet with love. 

Shining Ones, there exists a place and time where all of these reflections may coexist and see each other in the light of love. From this place we may step out of our mold and work with the natural elements to reconfigure the matrix of consciousness to a new state. In truth, this is not a place I speak of but a being. Only this being has the power to transform you and everyone you touch for it exists within All and knows the truth in each expression of the One reality. This being longs to make a home on Earth so that it may share in our love. It is your divine presence, here, now and always. To open the heart to its own expression of love is to allow your presence to be shared by the All. 

Dear Ones, I seek more than anything the clarity required to know Unity and Love. For each of us here at this time we have the ability to become one with these forces. All we must do is reach out, meet with love and kindness and share with everyone around us. By holding ourselves content in our divine presence and gifting our consciousness unconditional love we become a wave of energy that passes through all things instilling the same contentment and harmony. The only question is, will we be the first to release our love to the world, guiding the Earth and all who occupy her?

Thank you for choosing to make this journey with me,

 I couldn't do it without you,



Friday, April 21, 2017


Dear Ones,

I so enjoy connecting with you in this way and would like to extend a warm welcome and my unending gratitude. I know there are an infinite number of experiences you could partake in at present and to have you here with me at this time is a blessing. Though it may not always feel as such, your living and breathing here, now is a blessing to ALL and it is your presence that brings with it a feeling of importance and reassurance to others that grants them peace and love. Dear Ones, know that you are a gift to the Earth and all life here. Without you we are incomplete.

You find yourselves here because of the nature of the changes taking place around you. There is a shifting of elements occurring that is making way for your emergence and spiritual awakening. This power is available to you at all times, but to know when to leap you must be open to receiving the messages from spirit written through time and space with the words of love. 

Dear Ones, love is the single most abundant element in the natural world. It is the fuel that burns in the hearts of every being that drives the blood in your veins. As you begin to step away from the energies which pour themselves into you it is toward an understanding of this divine force that you move. As this takes place all else will dissolve back into the phantasm from whence it came and you will find yourself bathed in a soft glow of radiance and lightness of being that comes with an open heart. 

Loves, I ask you now what is the object of your affection? What thought brings tears to your eyes and fills your being with purpose and longing? Where does your heart seek to rest? I know my answer to these questions and I work each day to return to a state of knowing my love once more. Let this love be your beacon, your calling, and your motivation. You may have it. It is yours to know and feel. It was gifted to you as a special knowing or fondness born from the One Love that guides All. 

Allow yourself to feel this love and know it as though it is already yours. If it makes you cry, so be it. If you smile, allow it. Hold your love in your heart and speak to it, listen to it, connect with it. Dear Ones, when you have reclaimed the love you hold in your heart you will be exalted, all grievances and all possible futures for you will seem distant. Take the hand of this love and you may step with it out of this reality into a paradise of your own choosing made just for you. Your divine parter awaits in the timeless dimension where all is one and love never dies. You need only speak its name and it will return to your consciousness and fill you with memories of your eternal self. Be one with this love, Dear Ones and I promise you, your life will be complete.

Taken from memory,

And possibility,

And love,

Patrick Dejour II

Sunday, April 16, 2017


Dear Ones,

At this time there is an expansion taking place within your field of conscious perception that is allowing for an emergence of a deeper knowing than that which the eyes can see or the skin can touch. It is an expansion into the vibration of love that will allow a return of intuition to the forefront of consciousness. As this begins to take place one may be keenly aware of a knowing in the heart, a sixth sense that detects truth through loving understanding.

We as human beings live a level of experience where we are able to take on both reality and possibility and it is this proclivity that we use to imagine and dream. At present on Earth there is a collective consciousness that is held together by the perpetuation of its vibration through time by embodied consciousness. For an individual to go inside themselves and remove this inherited bias is to become free of the external and return to a state of purity and self directedness that inspires others to do the same. As much as we want to belong so too do we desire to stand out and make our own way though life. 

The collective conscious is intrinsically greater than any single individual because it envelops all consciousness on the planet. It is this connection that is being required within each of us to allow a new Unity Consciousness to come to Earth and take form. As this process takes place Dear Ones, it may seem as though the old systems and perceptions persist and grip those who once seemed free of such ties. It is for this reason that the planet as a whole must depart from its old ways in order to embrace the new. In times past individual souls could claim enlightenment and return to humanity to share wisdom and teachings before passing on to greater levels of experience. 

This is no longer the case for most. Though it will always be possible for those who desire to remove themselves from the matrix which birthed them, more and more souls who do this are responding to the calling of the One. It has become the desire of all who reach greater awareness and understanding to bring humanity through this nexus and into a new state of being as a whole. We may desire to rest eternally upon the foundation of everlasting life, but as parts of the One we desire more than our own salvation. The gifts of the spirit were meant to be shared and it is the collective will of the souls coming here to achieve self actualization and release their inner beauty and being to the world so that it may be appreciated by all. 

Dear Ones, it is time for us to bring our full consciousness into an awareness of itself and use our will to direct understanding and unity through the void and into the matrix of our collective unconscious so that all beings living here may be touch by the grace of absolute love and confidence. In doing so we are not allowing the collective to define the individual, rather allowing each individual to create a beacon or point of light that will illuminate it to the greater whole of which it is a part. 

Hear these words and let them reach through you and to the unconscious which drives our world. You are not your past, nor your body, nor your thoughts, actions, words, or desires. You are All. And all are One. 

Thank you for your time,

The Earth and I are grateful for it,

With love,

Patrick Dejour II

Friday, April 14, 2017

Forms & Lights

Dear Light,

Thank you for shining on this day and always. You are the One who gives life to all experience contained within the confines of today. To know your warmth gives meaning and purpose to those whose lives would otherwise be lived under the cloak of night. As you break upon the horizon you are stepping into greater levels of awareness and illuminating more of the Earth as she turns in her cosmic dance with you.

The planet herself and the other bodies which occupy space act as a celestial record upon which the memories of time may be written. If one were able to move away from the current level of experience available to the senses and step off-world, even if only for a moment, it would be witnessed the motions of the stars and planets in a new and greater appreciation. 

The bodies upon which vessels of conscious bits of the One may walk and live act as a grandfather clock, moving ever so gradually through time. To know a moment is to see the steps taken by the infinite out of the void and into being with all aspects holding for it the memories of the journey it has made and the new possibilities which lie ahead. Each of these moments can be expressed as a configuration of the natural elements of the galaxies which fill our realm: the worlds and the light they share. 

Dear Ones, this light is ours today. We are witnessing the breath of life that has been carried through the void by the spiraling energies of time. It was our intent to step down from our place and take the journey into being and we have arrived at this day purely out of love and a desire to know the humans we imagined long ago we could be. The same breath which fills our lungs now holds for us the tether to the eternal, where we may know a desire to walk and live, yet long for it as though it lies out of reach. 

Remember the trip you've taken, Dear Ones, and all that you wished to know. Remember how you poured yourself into a human form and synchronized your love with its beating heart. Remember tucking yourself away deep within this being you carry, leaving only one small place where it may find you witnessing. Loves, remember the call you gave to the individual reading these words and speak now the message you have been dying to express. Let this human see itself, and see you and know it is loved. 

From a place before time,
With a love that will never end,
Patrick Dejour II

Tuesday, April 11, 2017


Shining Ones,

Your presence here has been much anticipated. We've awaited a time of communion with humanity since our collective emergence from the womb of the Earth and at last we are free to walk in the light of day. In our very DNA is a desire to interface with the environment of the planet we inhabit and to use ourselves in such a way as to raise her up. Many lifetimes on many worlds have gifted souls the wisdom and knowledge to maintain this frequency and it is through our experiences here that we may further grow in our capability and resolve.

Shining Ones, it is with great appreciation that I greet you here once more, as we no longer have existence elsewhere. Our present moment is a mirage that will fade as our attention is moved along differing lines of mind. For us, now is the time we have dedicated long ago to a soul connection that we are taking part in at present. We are here to expand our perceptions so that we may again know the spark of life that we share with All. The eternal flame that burns within.

To know you now and to speak to you in the familiar voice you carry within is evidence that our time is at hand and that the oneness we seek has been claimed. I am able to come to you, indeed come through to you because of this. We are on the cusp of a time when All may share the voice of the One and speak truth in every word and action. The curtains to the subconscious are being lifted and our presence upon the Earth is strengthening so that we find ourselves grounded in a new reality, reaching out in all directions.

Loves, now is our moment! It is made just for us to breathe and experience. It is the divine presence of your awakened heart that is always here, waiting for you to bring it into full consciousness. It is our gift to the Earth and all who share her on this day.

With Love,
Patrick Dejour II

Sunday, April 9, 2017


Dear Ones,

Thank you for joining me and allowing your attention to bring these words through the void and into your reality. From my current placement within the Earth matrix I am able to peer through time and see and know you, but the barriers of self are still in place and I am only just beginning to move beyond my limited consciousness into a more open channel. By writing you, each time I am able, I feel I am breaking down artificial constructs within our world and allowing the organic expression within to be seen.

Loves, it is this organic being I wish to expose so that you may know it, too. In moments when all seems well, the right conditions are met, and time stands still it arises. As with an eclipse there is a convergence of forces that allows a person to express a truth they have been withholding. In these moments we are able to fully see ourselves in one another and a layer of falsehood is peeled away like a winter's coat. We find ourselves in a new state of comfort and no longer feel the need to carry a belief that doesn't serve our highest calling. 

Dear Ones, I seek to know the parts of you that you have released to the world. I wish to stand with you in our light and bask in the warmth and comfort of our true beauty. You and I are miracles of the Earth and to carry her consciousness out of the ground and into the light is to know this to be so. She has taken great care in making a way for us to come into being. Assisted by the Sun she has waited eons to expand her senses into the human realm where she may coexist alongside us as expressions of the One. 

Shining Ones, we stand now like candles spread across the face of the Earth and each soul who shares their light adds to the illumination of our planet to our brother and sister civilizations throughout the galaxy. Our galactic family is watching with loving eyes as we take our first steps out of the darkness and learn to hold an open heart. When the time comes, it will be into this open heart that other beings throughout creation may pour themselves and know life as we do. At that time we will know them as they have come to know themselves as well. But first, presently, in every moment between now and then we must know ourselves in such a way. 

We are all one as children of Earth and residents of the galaxy. The Great Central Sun that moves it moves us, too. We are bathed in the light of infinite suns emerging into and withdrawing from existence. This light information is constantly trying to reach us and tells of cosmic weather, affairs on other worlds, and the unique expression of love being made with the magic of a moment. Let us open ourselves up to the sounds and sights of life as we open ourselves up to love. 

Thank you,

I love you so much,

Patrick Dejour II

Friday, April 7, 2017


Dear Ones,

I'm here today to send warmth to you and yours. There is much going on in our world at present and it may seem like a whirlwind has sprung up from nowhere. To counter these forces which share our space today, I would like to send you a message of love so that you may return to a state of understanding and forgiveness that is much needed at this time. Each one of us stationed here on the planet has contained within a dormant being that is restlessly seeking release into the world. An ancient energy, this being is an intimate part of our collective unconscious and holds a place for us so that we may explore alternate versions of ourselves and find the essence of each expression.

Were it not for this energy holding down ours, we would be unable to move through time as we do now. Rather than experiencing consecutively events of chronological order and extracting correlation, we would lose ourselves in each expression we make. We would not see our similarities from the past and now, as well as the possibilities of where we may be going next. As we have touched on many times before, the planet as a whole is going through a time of rapid acceleration and change. We are gearing up to break the barrier of light and thus depart from the realm of change all together.

Change represents the fourth dimension of consciousness existing in spacetime and allows our being to move and shift based on different configurations of energy patterns which are ever expanding through it. The illusion of the rate of time, as with the rate of motion, is created by our consciousness focusing on fixed points within a tessellation and following those point through their experience of transformation. When many changes are taking place, as is presently occurring on Earth, it becomes more difficult to focus on the same fixed perspectives and we cannot see correlation or causation: things just seem to happen to us.

The Earth is receiving an influx of light energy which will assist in her learning to mentally and physically adapt to living in the frequency of Unity Consciousness. The light energy begins its journey here as a point on the horizon, barely perceptible, then grows and grows until it is close enough to reach out to us. When contact is made the energy passes through our electromagnetic field, or aura, and begins transmitting a high rate oscillation of information, similar to binary code. Within the quantum field, our cells and the matter which creates them, are instantaneously and directly stimulated. As with the Earth herself, we suddenly have "received" the transmission.

However, because we do not yet exist in a state of harmony with the quantum field that stimulates our form, we are unable to integrate this new light information. It must make the journey to our reality as a projection on the surface dimension of spacetime. When we complete the loops we have started in ages past we will use the momentum we have gathered to elevate into subtler and subtler levels of time until eventually we lift all unfinished timelines with us up and out of the 4th dimension where we may find contentment in the divine presence of our eternal heart.

Dear Ones, you are completing your routes today in a way that will enable them to be a part of your eternal self. By coming through to this world, acting out the life that was given to you, it is becoming a part of your being. When we may at last stand together in the now moment under the light of our unified, awakened hearts, we will see this world and its many changes with love and understanding. And as we release the inner being we consciously hold back each day, we will be one with the Earth as she constructs a path into higher dimensions of experience, laid out perfectly before us.

With love and light,

Patrick Dejour II

Tuesday, April 4, 2017



I much enjoy connecting with you in this way and would like once again to engage your consciousness to perceive clearly realities that exist outside of your own. The process of moving one's mind through fourth dimensional space is simple and in fact occurs naturally from a very young age. In time we begin to identify with our environment in which the infinite potential of the imagination is housed and see the two as separate, when in fact they are one. We have been graced with knowing beyond ourselves and in this way the possibility of our immortality is shown to us.

In dreams, when our consciousness is oscillating out of its normal vibration we may experience the physical symptoms of death and still wake up living. In thought we have all died before. By our imagination we have all been any and everything possible. Personally I have been a king, a beggar, a god, a demon, a sun, an extra terrestrial, a plant, a lion, a lawyer, a president, a woman, a baby, a wizard, and a prisoner. All while holding physical form. In mind we may hold the morphic field of any conscious experience-the feelings, sounds, sensations, perceptions- with simply a thought.

This is possible because of the quantum nature of our universe. Nothing is fixed. We see the Sun in the sky and look down and see it again in a puddle of water. How can this be? Light moves and reflects and can be anywhere as long as there is a clear path back to the source. The same is true for living consciousness. We exist here, now, but also in the past, as well as the future. In our time on Earth we have planted our consciousness in every possible space available to us and in this way we are spread across spacetime existing as fractals, infinitely small but exactly the same as we are now. These subtle realities are all played out in the fourth dimensional sphere of change.

We are only here, now, at this exact moment because our consciousness is in constant communication with our fifth dimensional being which is unaffected by time and space. This being exists behind the mind, when silence falls upon it. That is when we are able to see the emergence of a deeper sense of self. To reclaim the knowing of our lighter frequency is to see all timelines and lifelines reach their conclusion and return to the source which spawned them. Every action and moment creates ripples that eventually return to the epicenter before fading back into the void.

We are able to move through time and explore space as well as make mistakes and know consequence because our eternal oneness is content no matter what is happening externally. It is the divine heart contained within that sees all things with the eyes of love. To love, nothing is good nor bad, right nor wrong, all is as it should be. When we as beings inhabiting physical space move our consciousness into the timeless dimension occupied by our divine love and eternal presence we are free from the influence of matter and energy. We become one with the vibration of love and all things are seen in this light.

This is the process happing to humanity at this time. Our divine partner is making the way for our Union and each moment our conscious mind is not focused on this presence, it remains and holds a place for us to experience life and love outside of ourselves. This One drives All. It is a calling, a recalling, that brings in that which we feel we are without and every step taken, no matter the direction, guides us home. Dear Ones, I see your divine heart as well as mine and wish to know your love. That is why I come to you whenever possible. I'm ready to hold this vibration as a beacon for others throughout creation and as humanity, you and I, we are a cosmic presence gifted to the Earth so that she may know it, too.

I love you,
Body, mind, and soul,
Patrick Dejour II

Monday, April 3, 2017


Dear Ones,

It is with great happiness and love that I greet you here in our new reality. This place and time we have made for ourselves is a collection of all that has transpired prior. Our moment is but a blip in the larger story line we are creating and to know you now, as we are, brings in limitless energy vibrating at the frequency of love. 

This energy is a part of each and every being living in consciousness in all corners of our universe. To access the unbounded potential contained within the fractal dimensions of spacetime, one need only touch the source. It is the grid in which our reality has been constructed, and the material with which it is made. These words are a part of it, you, and I as well. To share in moments like these is a true gift. We have been waiting, patiently, for a time when all may share with us that which we hold dear. Love, Dear Ones, does not want for anything. Love does not feel sadness, nor pain, and can only know itself expressed in its one true form. The physical embodiment of love is making its way to us, through layers of half-true realities spread across layers of consciousness. It is seeking a home within each of us.

At our present moment we are beings of consciousness held together by matter we believe inanimate. But the living energy which holds our form also holds our Earth to the Sun, and all else we see and know, to the one reality. To separate ourselves from all that is we must take on an ever shifting frequency and life as we know it has made that possible for us. 

We seem to be lost in time and space. Adrift on the sea of consciousness we have no direction, nor purpose, and cannot travel in any direction not guided by the currents. As we step into a state of knowing we are beginning to construct the sails with which we may be carried on the winds of change and time to new horizons, and may counter the forces which have been giving us motion.

We do this not by being stronger that the currents, but by utilizing an element unhindered by them. We are moving into a new channel where currents of air may catch our vessel and move it across the surface upon which we rest. However, we are not sailing a ship, nor learning to fly through the air, but becoming, the hardest work of all. We have no teachers or captains that can guide us on our journey or take over if we begin to stray. We are in full control of our emergence and to truly take the wheel we must direct our will to do so. 

In this way may we use our consciousness, the only tool we have been given, to move through the invisible barrier that has defined our existence until we decide it for ourselves. Loves, we are opening our eyes to perceive a light that has been hidden from us, waiting to be found. Now is our time to reach, with everything we have, at the hand that has been longing to hold us. We may have the One by giving ourselves to Oneness. Dear Ones, take care in all you do, and make a place for love in your heart. Through this cosmic force all things are possible and to hold love is to hold the world in the palm of your hand. 

God I love you,
You have no idea,
Patrick Dejour II