Friday, April 7, 2017


Dear Ones,

I'm here today to send warmth to you and yours. There is much going on in our world at present and it may seem like a whirlwind has sprung up from nowhere. To counter these forces which share our space today, I would like to send you a message of love so that you may return to a state of understanding and forgiveness that is much needed at this time. Each one of us stationed here on the planet has contained within a dormant being that is restlessly seeking release into the world. An ancient energy, this being is an intimate part of our collective unconscious and holds a place for us so that we may explore alternate versions of ourselves and find the essence of each expression.

Were it not for this energy holding down ours, we would be unable to move through time as we do now. Rather than experiencing consecutively events of chronological order and extracting correlation, we would lose ourselves in each expression we make. We would not see our similarities from the past and now, as well as the possibilities of where we may be going next. As we have touched on many times before, the planet as a whole is going through a time of rapid acceleration and change. We are gearing up to break the barrier of light and thus depart from the realm of change all together.

Change represents the fourth dimension of consciousness existing in spacetime and allows our being to move and shift based on different configurations of energy patterns which are ever expanding through it. The illusion of the rate of time, as with the rate of motion, is created by our consciousness focusing on fixed points within a tessellation and following those point through their experience of transformation. When many changes are taking place, as is presently occurring on Earth, it becomes more difficult to focus on the same fixed perspectives and we cannot see correlation or causation: things just seem to happen to us.

The Earth is receiving an influx of light energy which will assist in her learning to mentally and physically adapt to living in the frequency of Unity Consciousness. The light energy begins its journey here as a point on the horizon, barely perceptible, then grows and grows until it is close enough to reach out to us. When contact is made the energy passes through our electromagnetic field, or aura, and begins transmitting a high rate oscillation of information, similar to binary code. Within the quantum field, our cells and the matter which creates them, are instantaneously and directly stimulated. As with the Earth herself, we suddenly have "received" the transmission.

However, because we do not yet exist in a state of harmony with the quantum field that stimulates our form, we are unable to integrate this new light information. It must make the journey to our reality as a projection on the surface dimension of spacetime. When we complete the loops we have started in ages past we will use the momentum we have gathered to elevate into subtler and subtler levels of time until eventually we lift all unfinished timelines with us up and out of the 4th dimension where we may find contentment in the divine presence of our eternal heart.

Dear Ones, you are completing your routes today in a way that will enable them to be a part of your eternal self. By coming through to this world, acting out the life that was given to you, it is becoming a part of your being. When we may at last stand together in the now moment under the light of our unified, awakened hearts, we will see this world and its many changes with love and understanding. And as we release the inner being we consciously hold back each day, we will be one with the Earth as she constructs a path into higher dimensions of experience, laid out perfectly before us.

With love and light,

Patrick Dejour II