Friday, April 28, 2017


Dear Ones,

Welcome and thank you for receiving this message. At present many are conscious of different so called headspaces, or mindsets, that individuals find themselves in. These may range from being mentally charged and alert, to consciousness of Unity and connection with All. Today I would like to speak on another type of space that occupies our reality that we may shift into and out of similarly. I'd like to gift you knowledge of the heartspace.

As electromagnetic waves interact with our being and stimulate our energy field we may experience mental-emotional symptoms being aroused. If the energy, or vibe, of a room is light and open we feel it as well. Conversely, if there is a thick silence or stillness this may be interpreted as discomfort or unease. This information exists and can be perceived because of the nature of our electric universe.

The energy which composes all of what we call matter is ever flowing from body to body and with time forward into reality. When we as human beings interact with one another it is merely and energetic exchange taking place in the form of light and sound as well as thought and emotion. For beings such as ourselves, these exchanges come naturally. However, beyond the reach of the five senses we still have a being and an energy that can be transferred as well.

This being or awareness is known as consciousness, the divine spark, or sentience. It is who we are at our core and exists simultaneously alongside our human form. To awaken, or become aware of our innate being is to move beyond the material and physical senses which compose for us our subjective reality and step into the heartspace.

For most, the process of the heart emerging or opening is felt many times, sporadically throughout one's life. This may take place over decades without the person ever being fully conscious of what is happening, simple recalling a detail or memory with clarity, and a lightness or brightness which may or may not have been visibly present at the time. 

On the other hand, to experience the closing or tightening of the heartspace is to feel sadness, disconnection, or discomfort that seems like a cloud hanging over us during difficult life experiences. It is in these moments that we wish above all else to move back into the heartspace and know love and understanding, to rise above our challenges, and make sense of what is happening.

Dear Ones, by becoming aware not only of your current headspace, but also the heartspace you occupy, you will begin to unite the heart and mind into a single being that is with you in the present moment at all times. The mind may wander, and the heart may cry out in longing, but to carry both parts of your being with you in the present moment allows you to look at what is before you from two perspectives and create an understanding that can be expressed as love.

Loves, your body is your home in this world. It is how you see and know and feel life. Think of the energy that passes through you when you see someone who is beautiful to you, whom you feel connected to, and romantic toward. Out of nowhere a dormant part of you is aroused and awoken in such a way that your body feels energized and motivated to move. This energy is tied to your sexuality and makes up a large part of who you are and what you do with your time and attention. It drives you. 

There is an organ that can similarly absorb and release energy and it works at every moment to regulate your being and keep you together and alive. Your beating heart knows not what it is like to give and take energy in the same manner your sexual organs do. The feelings that arise in you do not make it past the physical densities into the subtle reality of the heartspace. This is because life on our planet is difficult, and for all of us to exist as we do now required that when the opportunity presented itself, love was made and a child was born. When it was necessary, we were able to let go of our attachments and kill for food or out of defense. The heartspace could not be present in these encounters for the nature of the heart is oneness. To mate out of need rather than love, or to kill to survive requires a headspace removed from the entanglement of the heart. Because of this ability to separate ourselves from the All we have created a marvelous and beautiful reality.

As things settle down and security and peace of mind are attained the heart is slowly beginning to see that it is safe, and is ready to come out of hiding. As it illuminates the body from within, the mind is more visible to its owner, and the sexual organs no longer seek external stimulation for comfort. All come under the rule of the crowned heart which is divine in nature and ever present, on every layer of reality, through all of creation. Dear Ones, thank you for joining me and taking the time to peer within. As we mentally touched upon the soft parts of ourselves I could feel the heart sympathize and begin to open itself up to Unity. What a beautiful thing. 

With love,

And vulnerability,

Patrick Dejour II