Tuesday, May 2, 2017


Dear Ones,

I am delighted to make your acquaintance once more and speak with you of our transformation. It is not always that we may come together as one and share such a sacred space as our combined presence, and for this moment in time I am grateful. We are making our way now through layers of reality in much the same manner we have always done, but a bigger picture is emerging. We have always explored other versions of ourselves and others through our mental states but as our knowledge grows and we expand our collective consciousness into the unknown we are illuminating the darkness and bringing in the light.

Much like the dawning of the morning sun, through time our reach grows, steadily, to a new state of illumination, or daylight. This sensation of beaming energy is delight! It fills all who hold it with joy and wonder and casts negativity and doubt out of sight and out of mind. To return to a state of being delighted with and about life is to become like a child again, to look at all things with curiosity and emotional awareness. Dear Ones, our sacred consciousness from which our minds and lives are born is looking upon the face of the Earth now in this manner. It seeks to know and understand us, to find joy within us, and to explore who we have become. To be filled with lightness and benevolence is to harmonize with the vibration and amplify it in our lives. 

We may desire to run from life, and to carry pain because we as Shining Ones may feel that all magic is gone from the world. We miss the fun and freedom of the carefree life we had as children. Dear Ones, the magic is not gone from the world, for it has been within you all along. You may feel the world doesn't matter or care because no one has shown you that you matter and are cared for. We can fault no one for this, for that is how the All was able to separate into you and I and everyone else and to have shattered this illusion would have meant taking your life from you, replacing it with something else, yet taking it away as it is, nonetheless. For our return to our connection with the heart of hearts we hold we must forfeit our grievances and return to a state of natural expression of love. 

Love holds our hand steadfastly as a parent, a child's. Dear Ones, take the hand of your inner child. Speak to it, listen to it, and allow yourself to come down to its level. It knows nothing else but love and life and wishes only to be seen and known in the body it breathes life into each moment, and to see and know others as friends and family. You have this capacity to view all the world with compassion and intrigue. It is the magic you wish for, let it reach you and make your heart swell as it once could when you were but a babe. 


It's okay,

I love you,

Patrick Dejour II