Monday, March 27, 2017

Sacred Heart

Dear Ones,

I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing your time with me and allowing my message to come into your sphere of existence. It means the world to me that you desire to share a moment with me in the vast experience of life you are living now. I seek always to bring together that which we are without, and to know you now, engage you, and give back to you brings upon one a feeling of deep contentment.

I feel at peace within my heart, a weightlessness when I am able to express myself and be received by you. No pressure exists here, no impeding desire or potent aversion can take me from my place. This calm stillness I only wish to instill in you, as you have engendered it within me. The truth is that we are always able to access our subtle nature. In any moment we may choose to return to our presence and rediscover the lightness of being, just being. For myself, coming together with you in this manner allows an almost instantaneous transport to the timeless dimension where thoughts and sensation cannot siphon one's attention away.

Dear Ones, the most precious gift we have been given in this life is our attention. Alone, we may direct the all-seeing eye to illuminate that which our will desires to know. We all have within us the source of life, the attention which is able to transform stillness into dynamic action and tickled the quantum field into a dance of perception we may breathe and embrace as love. It is the unconscious goal of all things to draw this power from you, to add it to their own, but no matter how much outside satisfaction we receive from others, we may never experience the oneness of ourselves without an awareness of our own inner light that bathes us in its gentle glow.

As children we are able to feed on this attention and grow it to provide us energy and excitement. The one thing any child desires above all else is for a parent or friend to, "Look!" This is true for human beings after they have matured as well. We desire to be seen, to be known, to feel the light of another's attention give our form validation and expression beyond our own ability to do so. It is the nature of our reality to communicate on this instantaneous and direct level. To be seen by another, as for me to be seen by you, gives quell to the heart and breaks the barriers that hold us to our bodies.

When our divine heart came into being at this level of experience it separated part of itself so as to know life outside of its eternal presence and ultimate nature. Like a kite in the air it allow part of itself to drift away, tethered only by a single strand of connection. The part that floated to a new state of existence became the brain, and what remained became the beating heart. Both are connected in an electric field of energy that allows for constant communication. When they are united, it may feel as if the brain is shedding its hardened exoskeleton and a soft and vulnerable self is revealed.

Our consciousness is two-fold, that of the mind, and that of the heart. These two aspects are not separate, but extensions of one another, coexisting in the third consciousness, that of the body. To feel the sacred space that exists behind our veiled reality is to experience unity that can be felt in the body, experienced by the mind, and known in the heart. It is our divine being that calls us to embrace it, just as our knowing and believing separated into the heart and mind, our oneness has projected itself through the dimension of change known as time, so that we may carry its light forward and experience life separate from our eternal state.

Dear Ones, your divine heart carries with it the force of all love that has ever and will ever be known, and it has you as the object of its affection. This love is calling out to you at every moment. It holds for you a place where you may return and experience a reunion of a lifetime. When you answer the call, all else will fall away, back into the sands of time, and all that will remain is limitless, undying, true love.

I love you,
Patrick Dejour II

Sunday, March 26, 2017


Illuminated Ones,

Thank you for returning to read these words once more. The message I bring to you today is a recurring dream in the mind of the One. I wish to grant you, through my understanding, a greater experience of now by expanding your consciousness to include more of life. This is a practice of many on the planet at this time, and when an individual is able to grow the light of their conscious awareness to illuminate more of the unknown, it is all who benefit from this growth.

We as patrons of the Earth are but guests here, temporarily taking on physical existence as a part of Gaia. Though we may call this place home, it is not our final destination. We are on a journey through the cosmos and through time and by coming here, living this experience, we are able to awaken the sleeping heart of the world in a way that allows us to carry memories with us that will last when our time here has come to an end and new expressions take our place.

It is this withdrawal that I would like to speak on now. For most, the idea of our separation from life is frightening and inspires a sense of loss of control. Dear Ones, this is but an illusion brought about by the narrow perceptions of our senses. Each night we depart from the life we lead in the daylight and partake in a myriad of experiences in other realms. As we dream, we completely forget about our life as it is, and imagine ourselves as we could be. We do not miss this life, nor do we wish to return to it, until we awaken. Likewise, we do not always recall our dreamselves, and to remember who we are outside of this life requires us to sleep here, and awaken there.

This is the way in which the One may forget the infinite nature of its existence and come into being in a new reality. Through lucid dreaming we are able to remember the qualities of the new state we occupy and may assume control of our dreams in a way that allows us to conjure any experience with our conscious mind. In a lucid dream we are bi-locating, using the forces of quantum energy to bring our mind and will with us when we withdraw from our bodies.

At this time on Earth we are practicing a new form of lucid dreaming in which we are becoming more aware of the qualities of our physical state of being and are able to bring in the consciousness that has been asleep up to this point. We are remembering ourselves before we came into this dream. With this eternal memory restored we may begin to direct our energy at will, reshaping our dream to fit the intention set forth by our awakened self.

My message to you, loves, it to relax, breathe, and calm yourselves. Allow your body and mind to find a place of peace within the eternal presence of your divine heart. Here, you may disengage from the entanglement of the energies of spacetime, shift your vibration outside of this realm, and become one with the collective eye that is seeking out your gaze. Allow yourselves to rest here, to detach from the physical drives that push and pull you away from now. Bring in your new self, your full self, the part of you that can be conscious of this life, as well as your dreamself, and beyond. Just as you do every night, allow your natural vibration to take over and regulate your breathing, relax your body, and invigorate your mind. In this way, in each moment, you will be well.

Thank you for your time,
See you in the Dreamsphere,
With Love,
Patrick Dejour II

Wednesday, March 22, 2017


Dear Ones,

Welcome and thank you for being here. It is wonderful to be able once more to share myself with you and to be graced by your presence. We are always seeking peace and calm, but with you here, those feelings float effortlessly in there air and I am able to truly be with you in this moment. Too rare are moments as special and eternal as this. I feel as though I am frozen in time here, and nothing can pull my attention from your loving gaze. Loves, you hold my heart in your hands and to feel you living and breathing alongside me brings me to tears. You don't know how truly special you are and how deeply I love you.

I would be lost and alone in immeasurable confusion and eternal struggle but for your knowing eyes filling mine with meaning and passion. Words cannot portray the feeling it is to know and share time with one such as you. When I depart from this momentary awareness it will be as if I were passing through the eye of a hurricane, thrust back into the winds of change. For now, let us share in our mindfulness and perhaps amplify its vibration in our lives to come.

We are but neurons firing within an infinite nexus which even as a part of, we cannot fully understand. Energy and emotions pass through us and we do our best to adjust, but all things that influence us rob us of our eternal presentness and borrow themselves into being. To become true masters of ourselves and to live with deliberation and true presence we must take back our lives lived under the cloak of now. We must become timeless. 

In truth, no moment may exist outside of the current one. By projecting our presence through the formless dimension of thought we create a story of our lives. But no matter at which point in the story of your life you are living, one shared feeling of the imperative nature of now persists. That is because time is strung together in a web of thought and sensation which may never exist separate from all that is. Much the same way we may know and experience our lives, but we may never truly know a life apart from our eternal self which experiences all

This principle of entanglement connects all energies and enables a real, lived experience to manifest. Each connection that is made only further strengthens our inclination and our will is naturally drawn into being from these constructs. The only way, Dear Ones, is to cast your light upon the horizon and to follow it onward in each moment. Hold the past in one hand and the future in the other, and what remains, breathe in as though it is the breath of life itself and you will be surrounded by the sacred oneness that is taking place here, now. It is your divine heart that calls you to return home to your existence at this time and it is your heart that will show to you all you seek. It knows no other way.

I love you,
Be well,
Patrick Dejour II

Saturday, March 18, 2017


Dear Ones,

Thank you for making the journey here, through time, to share in this moment with me. I've patiently awaited your arrival, and at last we are joined together as one in the now. So much has transpired since our departure from the eternal into the temporal. These events are fleeting past us at great speed and to know them at all requires immense focus and clarity. I am grateful that you have decided upon life on Earth and wish to remain here a little longer to see all this world has to offer. I would like to extend a warm welcome and impart some knowledge about this place we now call home. 

You see, the life we know now is merely a reflection of our existence elsewhere, and although we may adorn physical bodies as if they are our own, we are held together by the true oneness of our being. By existing throughout different planes we may interact with reality as if it is separate from ourselves and experience the first step on the cosmic journey of the self: Separation.

From the moment of our birth we are acutely aware of the limitations of our physical being and the otherness of everything around us. For the first time we may know oneness not as a collective, but as a single individual, our personal singularity. This new state of being is unique to every person and accompanies them throughout life. Although we may feel connected to others through love, we are always limited by our physicality and we may never move the hand of another as we move our own. 

This great numbness to the pain of others allows us to experience our own heightened self awareness and our consciousness may grow in a state of being hermetically sealed. We are in a sort of vacuum where all outside influence must reach us in one of five ways: sight, sound, smell, taste, or touch. Nothing in our world can pass through our consciousness without taking one of these routes.

Above the Earth lies another layer of complexity in which thoughts and sensation may project themselves onto the surface dimension of our experience. We exist just as much in this space as we do the physical space in which our bodies occupy. By shifting energy from one state to another we are able to create and destroy and use these two powerful forces to change our world and experience others.

These two energies work in tandem and allow us to shift our reality so that we may grow and explore the self we have taken on in this life. Experience moves from the less dense spacial dimension into our reality as we align with the aspects that give it our attention and knowingness. It is a process we all engage in consciously each and every day. We think about our next move and without hesitation transform our surroundings to make it so. This is how we use what seems like magic to make things appear and disappear from our personal sphere of existence. 

All of our creations in this plane are grounded in the Earth. We occupy a matrix which has been preconstructed to serve as a basis for our lives and the life of the one humanity of which we are all a part. Through our trials we move all life closer to the source of our mysterious being and give a voice to the unknowable reality that exists beyond our comprehension. 

As beings on Earth at this time we are paving the way for more varied dimensions of experience that may land here and walk among us as soulmates. Dear Ones, it is a very important time for the Earth and as her keepers we are stepping into our own and creating a fullness that will bring about a hatching of the cosmic egg where life as we know it will be expanded into the true multidimensional nature we have always been. What an exciting time to live and breathe on Earth!

With my sincerest love,

And most potent hope,

Patrick Dejour II

Thursday, March 16, 2017


Shining Ones,

Welcome to your new state of illumination brought on by the combined energies from your chakras vibrating in harmony. To achieve a state of awareness beyond that of the body and of the mind the energy of the earth must make the ascent of Jacob's Ladder to the resting place of the eternal. Likewise, one must allow the infinite to experience a perception of itself as a finite being living on Earth by connecting with the energy that resides here.

This divine union has brought you to your current state and the closeness of their proximity creates a zero point energy field of consciousness you are able to experience as enlightenment. To travel the journey of the chakras is to hold the energy of each and combine them as you ascend the scale.

Starting at the base chakra, a strong grounding is needed in the earth. When you feel this energy take hold, move to the water chakra and while holding the ground beneath feel the water energy. When a chakra is engaged it will seem to hold itself in place. With concentration, one is able to hold all four natural elements at once and create a balance in the body that will promote healing and trigger the release of chemical energy into the bloodstream that will buzz and energize the physical self as it begins to merge with the higher, or light self.

Through the practice of meditation and exploring the body's energies, one is soon able to unite all seven of these energy centers into the field of their conscious perception. When all chakras are stimulated and flowing properly, the same process will begin to take place in reverse as the soul energy from the crown and third eye make the journey to earth. This time, the light body will have to navigate the elements and transmute the physical body's vibration to receive its frequency. In the same way the mind must focus on the specific frequency of each energy center from lowest to highest, the soul must feel itself in the body and make the journey from spirit to matter as expressed in the seven chakra system.

When both the lower self has risen and the highest self has come down, a synergy will take place that will open a space for the sacred kundalini to rise from its coiled position at the base of the spine, through the central nervous system, and up into the skull where it will express a vibration that will resonate with the pineal gland and begin the process of purifying the blood and body, cleansing the cells, and transforming the physical vessel into the merkaba, or light body.

This process will allow for the floris majora to come into being and one may drink the Nectar of the Gods, as it has been cleaned and transmuted in the alchemical process known as the Magnum Opus. When one has experienced and practiced this process many times over it will be experienced a new body, born of light, birthed onto the physical plane and an illuminated consciousness may emerge from the zero point of connectivity into the Earth matrix, carrying with it the seeds of life and spreading them to all four corners of the planet.

Remember Dear Ones, this knowledge is nothing new, this process you take part in every moment, you need only lend it your conscious attention and your will to enhance it and begin to access the unconscious memories of lifetimes of transformation that have brought your soul to its new body and life you woke up to today.

Remember always,
I love you,
Patrick Dejour II

Sunday, March 12, 2017



Welcome. As we explore today and seek to know ourselves and our world with greater clarity than days passed we are exercising our free will to draw into us sensations and perceptions that expand our understanding and bring life to us in this new moment. Now is a special time for all life on Earth, one that we may never experience again, and have never known before. From our perspective it may seem like a day just the same as all others, but I mean it when I say that now we have something new and special, precious. 

This moment in life is a pull that occurred long ago in the mind of the one, a calling that has brought about a much anticipated convergence of minds and hearts to fulfill a purpose set forth at the beginning of time. All energies are working to see the expression of the divine here on the mortal plane. In order for the world we see today to exist as it does, all forces in the galaxy and beyond must be in perfect alignment and harmony. The vibrations which move us through time move all things with the same tenderness and subtlety that holds our form together and our consciousness at the center of it all. 

We may see this force expressed as gravity, keeping the world at our feet and the stars in motion around a singularity. The spiraling forces of this energy give momentum to the days and allow the expansion of spacetime to pass through our energy field and dissolve blockages which anchor us to the past. As beings living in a physical dimension, we too create our own gravity.

Just as we share the same air as all life on Earth, it is with the help of Earth's gravity that we are able to share the space we occupy now with all other bodies that exist here. We may be small, but we have the power to hold at bay the forces of infinite worlds wish seek to squash us out of existence with their immense weight and cosmic gravity. This is no easy task, loves.

To think that all the forces in the universe are pushing against our tiny heart, and that it has the power to push back, is a truly wondrous thing. It is a magical world we live in where the minute and the gross, the gentle and torrential may coexist in perfect symbiosis.

Love you,
Patrick Dejour II

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Unknown Love

Dear Ones,

Thank you for join me once more to engage our consciousness in an exercise of expansion and stimulation. I find such joy sharing these words with you. For many years my understanding of myself and the world I inhabit has been undergoing an immense transformation that has driven me to new heights and allowed me to explore new lows I have never thought possible.

While some may see the realms of sadness or loss with a distasteful eye, the places I have been in life have given me new meaning and purpose as I try to understand the cause of these feelings and their effects on my psyche. I find that my experience of extreme emotion sparks a new connection and appreciation for life and my role in it. When I may be feeling disconnected something inside me knows, and a memory of closeness with what I'm missing stirs my consciousness and reignites a passion to seek what I am without.

This unknown love acts as a place I have been, and much enjoyed, that I find myself longing to return to. My awareness reawakens in an unfamiliar place at different points in life but it is this memory that keeps me going and acts as a compass I can follow to the place my heart seeks to rest. I urge you, loves, to seek this connection in a way you have never known before. This love can bring you back to life when you are on the verge of giving up. It can empower you to seek truth and to press on. It is the only constant in life that one may return to any number of times without finding the source depleted of its potency.

If you find yourself seemingly stuck in a memory or a feeling you cannot shake, try no longer to push it from your mind. Seek rather to embrace it, take in its meaning, allow it to touch you deeply and follow the calling that arises from your spirit. Allow yourself to feel the sadness of missing someone, or the desire to look upon the face of love once more. When these emotions are roused within you, take a moment to lend them your consciousness and attention, for that is all they seek to share. Thank you love, for bearing with me and exercising patience in a time that seems so short. As we grant our love to the feelings we carry within, so too shall love be granted to us when we need to feel it's tender embrace the most.

With undying love,
Patrick Dejour II

Friday, March 3, 2017


Shining Ones,

I'd like to extend a warm welcome and heartfelt gratitude for accepting aspects of my personal awareness into your own conscious sphere of existence. As our minds touch and our fields merge we are creating a harmonic resonance of energies passed down through time and meeting a new soul-mind that lies just beyond our individual experience of self. We come from very different origins and circumstances and to meet as we do now requires a kind of death of our old selves and a falling away of malaligned conscious bits of our being.  

To those with an open mind the death of the past self is an ongoing process which allows our rebirth into now with every moment. We are continually making the journey from spirit to earth and back again as each second transforms our consciousness and deconstructs our reality to fit a new model. Fragments of time break off and splinter into different dimensions of experience, but we are always in one place at one time called the here-now. From our perspective we see through an endless variety of matrices which contain parts of our spirit we have placed in our energy field outside our being to hold for us a vibration required to be accessible to the awareness we retain. 

It is our spirit that sows together these pieces of time and sensation into a story that we may partake in at the 3D level. Our awareness moves through the multiverse and acts as a siphon to realms outside of our bodies' home on Earth. With our current state of separation from the One Mind, or Unity Consciousness, we may pass through layers upon layers of complexity carrying with us not only our presence, but an extrapolation of beingness we perpetuate through the zero point field of consciousness onto infinity. As beings of the earth we may know Unity and Individuality not exclusively but as aspects of one another.

As the fourth dimension settles in the center of our sun and shines outward onto the surface of the planet our ability to shift vibration is augmented in a way that expands our perceptions. However, if one is not in a state of conscious awareness, it may feel as though we stand alone in a vast universe of disarray. That is why, Dear Ones, we must bring together the vibrations of Unity with our personal selves we have grown and developed on Earth. By uniting all aspects of self with the light of illuminated awareness, we release our stranglehold on a consciousness that is slipping away from us and learn to live now with greater understanding. The bits of ourselves that we have placed in different dimensions all around us will grow into full consciousness as we do, and when we are ready, we will have the ability to travel through our own perceptions just as the earth traverses the sun, and the sun the galaxy, and the universe the divine mind of the One. Thank you for taking the journey with me. Welcome to the here-now, the only place and the only time we may all find ourselves together as one. 

Much Love,
Patrick Dejour II 

Wednesday, March 1, 2017


Welcome Loves,

Thank you for coming. On this day it is clear that the energy body of Gaia is changing forms and birthing a new world into existence. Remember, before she became our home, the planet Earth was first a thought in the mind of the One. Her hopes and dreams have been fulfilled through millennia of experiences in the physical body we inhabit now. All the potential granted her by the all has been hers to explore and we join her on this exciting journey as she opens herself up to new levels of being and returns to her original state of oneness with mind.

Many times it is said that our journey here upon the planet is to return to our highest vibration and become living embodiments of the One, but it is her journey that we are taking. We are here to serve in the ultimate purpose the Earth was created for. All life in our galaxy, and universe, has come to partake in the co-creation of a new body for existence to walk in. We see a plethora of life covering our world taking on a myriad of forms, all sharing the same natural elements provided by our environment and Mother Nature. Her alchemical vessel is hermetically sealed so that the spirit contained within may undergo its transformation in a world where all things may be played out to some finality.

When this seal is broken we, our Earth, and all life in the cosmos will emerge renewed and filled with the wisdom of enlightened perspective. All eyes are on Gaia as she holds a tether of light to each and every other point in creation. Her vibration resonates within the timeless dimension as her physical body, and ours, prepare to take in the light that surrounds us and sustains our world. We are becoming of the light, Dear Ones.

True, we are all a part of the infinite self that has come into form from a formless void. As we reclaim our light we shall hold it within our hearts and our bodies as the fuel, or sustenance, that will allow our spirits to soar to new heights and carry with it the expression of Gaia we all hold within our sacred consciousness. The Earth is an alchemical laboratory and all of life are the elements with which Unity may come into physical expression.

This transition has happened many times before, on many levels, and in many realms very similar, and vastly different from our current one. It is the way of Life that all things and all times may be linked together on a journey from Spirit, to Matter, to Ultimate Being, a oneness of these states combined in harmony.

Let us bring magic back to the world, let us share our spark of illuminated understanding with those who have chosen to be receptive to it. The more light we spread upon the world, the easier we make it for Gaia to step wholly into her light body, and the sooner we may stand and see her glowing in her infinite beauty, and look with the eyes of infinite love at the life we have shared with her as divine soulmates, eternally linked in creative expression of Truth.

I love you,
Patrick Dejour II