Wednesday, January 20, 2016


Good Morning Sunshine!

Hello there! Thank you for sharing your attention at this time, and thank you for your beingness, which brings with it presence to an otherwise void emptiness. As we wake up today we are moving through time and space at an accelerated rate, causing our perspective of our reference points outside of ourselves to shift rapidly. These "reality checks" help us to reinforce our understanding of the who, what, when, where, why, and how of our immediate surroundings. 

Dear light, thank you for shining this day, and always. Your presence calls in warmth and comfort in an uncertain time. The light of conscious awareness has been flooding the Earth, bathing her in a glow that can be seen through space and time. It is in this way that new types of beings are able to look to the Earth and follow her home. 

Earth herself lies at the center of a great cosmic shape shifting that has carried the past away from us and the future- from its current resting point of our now moment- into the prospect of tomorrow. It is this dance with the elements that humanity has been practicing and perfecting in their time on this planet. 

What joy! I cannot wait to share this beautiful Earth day with the all that is opening up before us! ❤️

With loving kindness,
Patrick Dejour II