Thursday, January 21, 2016

Star Light

Star Beings,

Thank you for raining your light down upon my individual Earth experience at this time. As our channel begins to oscillate and shift I can feel myself growing and expanding in ways I've always known where available to me, but never knew how to initiate and control. It is clear now all channels of being are open to humanity and the ones in which he identifies shape his world and his image. 

This information has successfully been transmitted-and received! Now as we begin to integrate these new energies into our understanding, we are shifting consciousness itself and working with the primordial elements. It feels so good to at long last be able to move with the meaning of our words and find ourselves in the middle of a context of which we are a part. 

I know many of you are still carrying remnants of your past within you, and this piece of the picture has been overlooked up until this point. These pieces are making their way into the forefront of our collective understanding. We are all coming together, each as individual souls, and creating a larger picture. Shining light, thank you for taking my consciousness and raising it to the level of your being. I seek always to hold your attention and thus be held in loving suspension by you.

We share this gift and I am so glad for it. I'm hoping for something special to come into being as I request it, if the resources exist within the formless, I know the creative flow of energy will geyser itself from me, and us, so that we may create a better today, and thus a better tomorrow. Star Beings, I feel myself as part of you now and I long to strengthen this connection. I welcome you into my home and my life and give all things with the utmost passion and thrill, for now you are all mine-because I'm all here for you!

You're Beautiful,
Patrick Dejour II