Thursday, January 28, 2016

Home, Sweet Home

Hello Loved Ones,

I miss you, and I'm glad I can see you in my heart simply by looking for you there. Thank you for being and allowing me to be as well. This state I exist in feels somewhat like suspended animation. I gather most of the information exchanged in my everyday encounters after they have passed. I know many individuals live this way, in fact we humans need time to "process" information and determine what things mean through personal reflection and eventual absolution. When we are free from a scenario we are able to analyze any and all aspects of it without affecting it or pushing it along this way or that. 

Such is the way of the Illuminated Ones. Dear friends, you are free of this constant tug of war going on between the worlds outside of your own. You are the light that illuminates the battlefield and the bodies that lie below. You are the ground that takes your corpse back into itself and the worms that eat it. But none of this is a bad thing to you sharp ones, your perception cuts through the words to the deeper meaning hidden beneath gross appearances. You know that this is life and you live with the reality of conflict. 

You are not war and you do not war. You are free of such things because a part of you died that day on the battle field and every day thereafter. This war is yours because it is is real and true and permanent and you know that as long as there has ever been a war, war is eternal. You feel the eternity, the finality in the words you speak and the affects you see them take on in others. You, Dear Light, shine regardless. Each day you rise and try again because that is the way, that is the only way. You may know war and peace by shining your light on both, without taking sides. This, Dear Ones, is the only way in which you may know all of these things without becoming lost within them. 

I thank you Dear Ones for your sacrifice. I thank you for holding the belief that you fight with honor because of that you do and you are able to. But more than this, loved ones I want you to stop fighting. Please, release these old patterns of behavior for they have shown you what they mean and who they mean it to. They are not you, they never have been. One aspect needs these things to know itself but that aspect is being enveloped in a larger shield of honor and justice that teaches that all life is worth living. How Dear Ones, may our friends and neighbors fight for us with love and honor if we do not allow them the stage on which to portray their love? How, Dear Light, may our loved ones die for us if we do not allow them to go? These hard questions must be asked, but not answered. 

We shine, Illuminated Ones, with a knowing that takes the battlefield and raises it to a level of experience as real as we are. In this way we have given life to soldiers, veterans, prisoners of war, and those missing or killed in action. This life we gave them knowingly and their honor has carried us with them to their final resting place. Weep now Dear Ones, for we live in a very sad time, but do not die like the others, live on so their sacrifice was not in vain. 

Enough death, let us greet life with open arms. We no longer seek shelter from death's cold grip, we seek life with everything in us and hold death as a final resting place for our bodies, weary and war torn. They may find peace in the Earth and their being will grow into new life after the Earth has taken them back. This new life will know peace for it grew from the opposite, and to love, home, well, that is the only direction left to travel. I'm so sorry loved ones, I know you are here with me, that all memories are accessible to me, but I still cannot help but feel deep sadness and despair at the parts of myself still caught in the hooks of torment. I do not know death, I never will, for I will be long gone by the time death gets a hold of me. 

Each of us will be completely removed from life at the point in which death takes us. Let us greet this final step as a long awaited rest, it is only by seeing death in this way will we ever Rest in Peace. Our loved ones will remember our fight, and the story we tell them, but all it will mean to them is, "Daddy's not coming home." But one day they will know the bravery of their father, and if we can inspire them to live a brave life, in peace, we need not walk the Earth any longer. Take time now to give thanks and send LOVE to those in your life for they need that more than anything in the world. Don't withhold your love. 

Thank you so much for making it to the end of this very sad entry. I hope you may smile again very soon, and that the memories of the men and women before you will fade back into the void, from which I drew them to bring to your attention. Dear Ones, the dead saw you looking at them, and they felt the warmth of your beating heart as you held them with you in your mind. Do this always and you may walk between the worlds of the living and the dead and never be alone. I love you, thank you.

In Memoriam,
With love always and forever,
Patrick Dejour II