Saturday, January 16, 2016

Heavenly Ones

Heavenly Ones,

Welcome to our moment! The time has finally come in which we may create with our highest intention a new now moment by interfacing directly with the mirror before us. Thank you for bringing me once more, and yet in another way, into your reality and in doing so assisting the collective focus of humanity to shift ever closer to the message and meaning it is seeking. 

This message is not unique to us Shining Ones who illuminate the current now moment with consciousness and being. It is a very ancient longing that man has always sought to fill. You see, man has always carried within him the remnants of spirit that cause remorse and nostalgia and like emotions to be stirred up in individuals. It is this part of him that has been asleep all these years. Through many lifetimes individual souls have made the journey from spirit to matter and back again. 

Here we find ourselves desiring once again to stand in our spirit while in our physical vessel. Spirit may have no greater desire than to unite us with all of the missing parts of ourselves, to see us made whole. If that is what you seek Dear Ones, you cannot fail. We each carry within us, in our physical being, a part of the first One and we continue his original creation by shifting form throughout the perpetual unfolding of the now moment. In this way we are beginning to work with unity consciousness to bring new life into form from the formless. Beloveds, thank you for sacrificing so much to be here now to share in such an important work. Your presence casts up unbounded love in my heart, and I thank you for it.

Your love,
Always here,
Patrick Dejour II