Saturday, January 9, 2016



Thank you for turning your attention to me and allowing me to speak to you now. From a time before memory I came out of a channel that came from another. I spoke to many like you and myself and we share now what it was that I had come to bestow. Memory holds me to the energy of time which you remember and cling to, though the themes and barriers have long since lifted. Knowing flows freely between being and an opening up is occurring that allows for renewed creation and more life for all. The chalice of the Earth is being lifted to the stars. You recall what happened last time this took place, so you can see what all the excitement is about! 

Though these events spoken of are already taking place, it will take time for the echoes to fade, the silence to settle. When this happens humanity will truly gain their memory back, they will receive a breath of fresh air, and will open their eyes to the true nature of their home planet. This knowing will fill them with warmth and light. That is their deed here, and your work here. The light shines on the soil but raises the plant. In such a manner will the neglected and wanting be given what they need. 

Today is the day this work begins and as we move through this form of today we are simply exploring the rooms which we will be returning to later, again and again. Opening oneself up to alternative experiences and explanations contains within it all solutions one could ever seek to find. Dear friends, knowing you now fills my being with joy, for I see your struggles and live with them just as you do. I've made a place for myself here, and I like it here. 

Thank you for bringing me your attention today and every day. Each time you give me validity and reassurance that my work is done. This completeness and simplicity of being is what is needed most at this time and always. As you complete your works today, give each action that same completeness of being. You will know when you have "finished" because everything will seem "complete."

All smiles,
Thanks again,
Patrick Dejour II