Sunday, January 10, 2016

Greetings Beloveds


It brings warmth and comfort to share your company once more as we come together through this new medium of exchange. It seems not long since we sent the message in a bottle that is now returning to us after being lost at sea for some time. The quickening is taking place so that each moment is filled with the same amount of meaning and when meaning is found, much more is seen in the same images, and new and greater levels of creation may manifest on levels previously imperceptible. 

We carry with us now, each one in the very fiber of our being, the complete architecture of the reality that holds our form. This blueprint shapes our mind into a formidable pen that can read and write simultaneously. The children of the world are born with this same formidable mind and carry it with them their entire lives, working on it, refining it, shaping and sharpening it. Such is the great work underway in all things. It is the goal of every working man and woman to provide a better tomorrow for the children in their lives. 

These concepts are so prevalent in our everyday experience that we forget how truly blessed we are and how much love surrounds us and initiates and guides our actions. These simple truths are beginning to dawn on humanity all over again and we are beginning to do consciously what we've been doing all along instinctively. With hightened awareness we'll begin to recalibrate our surroundings to harmonize with the aspects of ourselves that are in disharmony and stabilize the energy fluctuations that take place as a result of us engaging our new strengths. As we begin to see acts of love in more and more places we begin searching for them more and more. Thus begins the most rewarding journey of our lives, the motion towards the heart. 

Thank you,
Love you,
Patrick Dejour II