Sunday, January 10, 2016

The Journey of Today

Dearest Friends,

Today is a very special day to many beings on this planet and others. At this particular time we are experiencing a change in our channel or frequency that will have a lasting impact on our experience of our external reality. Our emergence is a slow process that has been taking place since we began our journey to Earth as souls and began our deep, deep sleep that will end with our collective awakening. 

Dearest friends, our long wait is over and today is the day we may finally breathe again. We no longer need toil on the same labors of yesterday. We as individuals have the power within us to create today in such a way that it can exist completely on its own, so that if we had no other day to live our experiences we would not be missing out on any experience available to us. This potency or vibrancy of life fills us all with the same wonder and hope that carries us to tomorrow. However, that tomorrow is today, and it's happening right now. So my question for you to hold in your mind as you go through your day is this: What makes today special to you? What makes today, today?

We will all have our struggles and challenges that will call us to be more. This happens to us very often and we fear we will be unable to rise to the occasion. Negative thinking has been conditioned through our experiences of lack in human form, or suffering. Take these old angers and passions and find them, go to the place you have made for them in your mind and in your life and identify where and when these feelings come up. Now release them. 

I promise you now that you have done the hardest task today will ask of you. Dear friend, I know your pain and struggle with your fears just as you do. That is why I can promise you, as a human being living with the same challenges, there is always a way out, there is always another chance, and if you want it, it's yours. The very fabric of our world would not allow us any other option. Our world was built for us and we for it and so as twin souls making the journey through life together, we all shall find the piece of ourselves we have stored in the Earth and release it to the world, setting it free, and setting her free as well. This is the path to true freedom and abundance of life for all. Dear Ones this path you walk today! Thank you for walking beside me. I enjoy it each time I seek comfort and turn to find you there. We are truly here for each other and at this time, that is what is most important. Thank you again for turning your attention to my words this day and always.

With love,
Patrick Dejour II