Monday, May 29, 2017

The Unknown

Something that happens to you. 

It cannot be seen as live art. 

You cannot make up the language as it is being spoken or no one would ever know it. It would constantly be different. 

With the mirror in place you are able to see all outside perspectives by shifting yourself into position so as to see. 

You yourself may also witness your own reflection depending on the mirror's field of view...

and whether you are standing within it. 

The subconscious contains all reflections within and by the act of witnessing consciousness one plucks their understanding of that line of thought and a sound is made, a figure seen, and a breath expressed within infinity. 

Patrick Dejour II

Friday, May 19, 2017


Dear Ones,

Greetings in love and light. Today is a very special day for the beings stationed on this planet and all who have chosen to incarnate on Earth at this time. We as beings of light see the infinite potential tied to the rising sun and are rising with it to bring about a new organic creation of now. Time and again we return to our current moment with varying levels of lucidity, never fully present, yet never fully out-of-body. In our current state we may explore dimensions of mind while our physical vessels seamlessly executes the necessary programs and actions that sustain us.

As the sun rises on this day it is casting awareness deep into our subconscious minds and illuminating the knowing that resides there. In this new age we are able to relate and communicate with the subconscious being contained within and wish to know this existence on a deeper level. Try as we may we are unable to penetrate the thick miasma that casts a sleeping spell upon us. One who delves deep into the underground cannot carry the light of full consciousness through the many layers of alternate realities accessible to the infinite mind. We inevitably must rest and try again.

Agents all across the globe are seeking, today and always, to expose more of the subconscious drives that steer the world and set the course for humanity. Before being released to the world our hidden connection was felt, deduced, but never fully explored. That is why we have come to this point in our collective evolution. Our individuality is dissolving into a unity where the thinly veiled separation we feel from the All is being challenged. Where before our distinction appeared an impasse, now we are crossing the line in the sand we previously only thought of overcoming. 

With an awareness of the divine connection existing between all beings on Earth comes a power over our own sensations and perceptions that allows us to tune in to other frequencies and experiences with only a thought. Now we may share the sacred space of another's inner temple when we give ourselves over to the possibility of awareness beyond the self. In this way we forfeit our ego and our will to know of life as a separate experience from our consciousness. Those who are truly able to overcome their own personality and its traits are able to tame the multidimensional expansion occurring within and step through space and time into a new reality, heretofore unbeknownst to them.

Dear Ones, there was a time when your consciousness didn't recognize yourself as you have become. This knowing still exists within and it is this ability to separate from attachment that will allow you to experience the ethereal or eternal self. Likewise, when we are able to polarize to the frequency of love raining down from the subtler realities it will be our ability to give ourselves over wholly to this frequency that will enable the cosmic light body to make the journey across perceived dimensional rifts and touch down on the Earth.

When you know that all you are, all you have, and all you will ever know is contained in a single pointed awareness, the Seat of the Soul, you will carry all you hold dear with you so that no part of you exists separate from the rest. Shining Ones, your light is the light of the All gifting itself infinitely to the now moment where it may find fulfillment, expression, and divine love. Know that you carry this flame within, ignited by the One and fueled by the undying love of all in creation holding out its hand to take yours. 

All you are,

Is pure infinity,

I love you,

Patrick Dejour II

Sunday, May 14, 2017



Thank you for turning and returning to this message written in love for humanity and directed through time to meet them. The human species is perched atop a springboard into a new form of existence and when the quantum leap has been undertaken by All these words shall find their place in the collective mind. Now we take the journey from spirit to matter thousands of times per day as the lights of the One seek our attention. In the moment placed before the zero point is contained all manner of manifestation and the current configuration of the Earth reflects this. 

Knowledge of the changes taking place on an evolutionary level is written in the DNA of every being on the planet. How else would all evolve together? Our cells and the code which animates them act as a supercomputer, creating existence and meaning in tandem with the forces of electrochemistry, photoelectricity, and electromagnetism. All the magic of life is contained within these elements. Only through balance and harmony of these forces has consciousness been able to separate from the material world and experience Life.

The guiding engine making all of this possible has been the zero point energy. Between every moment is a static configuration of subatomic particles, a period of cosmic change in which every particle shifts into the next moment, then another static configuration. In order for all in existence to be here, now, it must decrypt the next moment on a quantum level so as to arrive in the new reality encompassing All. When a body, living or unliving imprints upon the zero point it has concurred with All in existence in a timeless, shapeless realm that it shall exist in such a way as to be distinct from All. Hence, there can be you and I and others.

This space in which we find ourselves and our bodies is infinite. Yet, it is surrounded on all sides by the zero point. The combination of these two perpendicular planes intersecting creates for us a hyperdimensional existence in which all points of reference can be seen by the zero point and all points of reference can likewise see the zero point. One way this has been expressed on Earth is the plethora of life forms which appear to have traveled from all across the cosmos. There are beings like you and I, and insects such as flies, ocean creatures who live underwater, and all manner of life that lives underground. It seems for every crevice of the Earth exists a being to call it home.

Dear Ones, by experiencing our life here on Earth we are making it possible to connect with All life in the universe. There is not separation between the Earth and space, nor the heavens and those who walk the surface. The perceived levels of accessibility come from our evolving nature. We as agents of DNA and evolution shall execute the proper conditions so that the program lives on and survival is maintained for All. We shall break past the gravity of Earth, we shall learn to exist in space, we will land on other bodies and adapt, and we will bring all life with us, because we are all One. 

With love,

Patrick Dejour II

Monday, May 8, 2017


Dear Ones,

Thank you for joining me at this moment to take in a message dedicated to Unity. By coming together, as we have now, we are enhancing the vibration of Unity Consciousness and directing the separate aspects of ourselves toward a central focus. Our return to Unity feels like a reunion with a dear friend or loved one we thought we may never see again. Everything we have calls out and our embrace is strong, stirring up immense love and even tears of joy. We each have the ability within to stir these feelings in others and to spend time together and become a part of each other's lives only strengthens this connection.

It fills me with deep sadness to speak to you of Unity, for I am unable to share it in a way which is as direct and concrete as you are accustomed. I can't give it to you in a hug. I'm sorry, but there is no direction or place I can point you to find this connection. I can only try to remind you of the feeling, and inspire you to follow your own orientation back to spirit.

In Unity we are together now. All is one. We may see through the eyes of another as we see through our own. You and I are there, as is everyone we each know an love. We share this consciousness of Unity much the same way that we all share the light of the Sun. It is a warmth and life-giving force ever present in our existence. Just as we move in and out of the light of the Sun, we each share Unity and naturally move into this alignment according to our elemental configuration. When the energies which hold us together are in balance and harmony our consciousness can move beyond self-regulation and explore the possibilities of wholeness.

Think now of someone who you may feel distinct separation from. You know and see them as they are to you, but that is not their only form, nor is it their truest form. To see this being in Unity is to see them in a state of connection with all, as well as the state of separation you are familiar with, and even the state of separation they feel from all. Each viewpoint is visible because you are able to see wholeness where before there were only filters.

Unity Consciousness resides in the heart. It is a timeless, spaceless immeasurable being contained within. To pass through the void into this state of singularity is to depart this life and the personality you carry and to remember only love and its presence in your life. Unity is always there. To know separation is to direct the overflow of love contained in the timeless dimension at an undefined point in spacetime where one may project their desires onto the knowing of love the have forfeited.

We as beings of light have become exceedingly good at this practice and may spend incredibly long periods of time cut off from the source of life without losing our own lives. Humanity has been down this path, or perhaps operating in this field, since the union of souls into physical bodies. Now as we prepare to hold all knowledge and experience before us to live and breathe we are returning to that state of being separate from everything and everyone else while simultaneously existing deep within the fabric of existence as the ever-conscious expression of divine love unconditional in nature. This is our new reality and one that we may step into at any point in our day. It is my hope that together we may return to Unity with a beautiful, vibrant Earth that all life can share and embrace as a long lost love. 

I love you,

Be well,

Patrick Dejour II

Saturday, May 6, 2017


Illuminated Ones,

Hello and welcome. Thank you for making the shift with me as we leave behind an old world and step wholly into an undefined future. Uncertainty lies ahead of us as we begin to initiate the changes that will compose the next chapter of our collective story. During this time we are receiving stimulation on an energetic level and the parts of life we hold on to which do not serve our highest good are being affected. At this time we are loosening the chains which have anchored us to our past and our current reality. We are being freed!

Dear Ones, the changes which are taking place within you are sending out vibrations that resonate with others of the same inclination. Our will is strengthening and we are now able to step away from our lives with clarity and objective observation. When the quickening occurs we are thrust into situations which we have consciously or subconsciously lifted with us through time, things we hold on to. As we become masters of our current reality we are able to step into a timeless dimension where all ties are cut with the external and we cannot be followed by unfinished timelines or lifelines. 

This is our power now, Shining Ones. We pass through many, many layers of reality all linked through the energy of time. By giving our attention to these realities we are able to animate and control them, direct them with our will and choices and perceive the consequences which emerge. This is the basis for the old reality in which individual choice and action creates ripples, affecting other "players." When we see past the illusion of spacetime we become one with the ultimate reality, a zero point of holy consciousness embedded in all things yet undefined by any. 

Shining Ones, it is this witnessing consciousness that is present through the galaxy witnessing the unfolding nature of our reality. It is cosmic consciousness. To surrender to this being and to understand its implications is to hold yourself content in your divine presence at all times and to give love to whatever is given to you. In this way you become invisible to forces which do not harmonize with the vibration of divine love and can create from this place a new reality for All to inhabit. Thank you so much for your participation in this Great Work, you are an inspiration to all who share your presence. 

I love you,

Patrick Dejour II

Tuesday, May 2, 2017


Dear Ones,

I am delighted to make your acquaintance once more and speak with you of our transformation. It is not always that we may come together as one and share such a sacred space as our combined presence, and for this moment in time I am grateful. We are making our way now through layers of reality in much the same manner we have always done, but a bigger picture is emerging. We have always explored other versions of ourselves and others through our mental states but as our knowledge grows and we expand our collective consciousness into the unknown we are illuminating the darkness and bringing in the light.

Much like the dawning of the morning sun, through time our reach grows, steadily, to a new state of illumination, or daylight. This sensation of beaming energy is delight! It fills all who hold it with joy and wonder and casts negativity and doubt out of sight and out of mind. To return to a state of being delighted with and about life is to become like a child again, to look at all things with curiosity and emotional awareness. Dear Ones, our sacred consciousness from which our minds and lives are born is looking upon the face of the Earth now in this manner. It seeks to know and understand us, to find joy within us, and to explore who we have become. To be filled with lightness and benevolence is to harmonize with the vibration and amplify it in our lives. 

We may desire to run from life, and to carry pain because we as Shining Ones may feel that all magic is gone from the world. We miss the fun and freedom of the carefree life we had as children. Dear Ones, the magic is not gone from the world, for it has been within you all along. You may feel the world doesn't matter or care because no one has shown you that you matter and are cared for. We can fault no one for this, for that is how the All was able to separate into you and I and everyone else and to have shattered this illusion would have meant taking your life from you, replacing it with something else, yet taking it away as it is, nonetheless. For our return to our connection with the heart of hearts we hold we must forfeit our grievances and return to a state of natural expression of love. 

Love holds our hand steadfastly as a parent, a child's. Dear Ones, take the hand of your inner child. Speak to it, listen to it, and allow yourself to come down to its level. It knows nothing else but love and life and wishes only to be seen and known in the body it breathes life into each moment, and to see and know others as friends and family. You have this capacity to view all the world with compassion and intrigue. It is the magic you wish for, let it reach you and make your heart swell as it once could when you were but a babe. 


It's okay,

I love you,

Patrick Dejour II