Sunday, January 10, 2016



Our present moment was gifted to us by beings who came out of a time of great chaos and change. The stillness and wholeness we feel now that our consciousness is at rest is a great deception of our reality that is achieved only through a divinely guided engagement. The mysteries of how our current moment came to be act as a reminder or starting point from which humanity may grow in many different directions. Even now we can see splinters of spacetime breaking off and dividing, reshaping, and coming together again. The fragments, or memories fill an empty vestibule and act as a well from which spirit may draw new souls into being and water the seeds that have already been planted.

This beautiful process of co-creation takes place on the individual level when we enact our will on the remnants of spirit contained within us. We pick and choose with care, like an artisan delicately preparing his instruments, what effects we wish to see in the world. In this way we allow spirit to fully manifest in form before us as a vision. Without fully leaving ourselves behind we may look into parallel realities and alternate versions of ourselves and others. Our guide in this large and complex internal, relational landscape, is the current moment. Within it we find who we are, where we've been, and where we want to go, the only things we've ever wanted. 

More than simply re-creating, we Shining Ones act as a light, casting awareness and knowing on the world of forms and shapes that illuminate the spirit hidden within the matter. From here the artist finds the colors to paint, the sculptor the lines and ridges to carve out, and the musician the tones of light that can be seen by the heart. 

More than giving these things freely we invoke an aspect of the artist, sculptor, and musician that raises their frequency above the cosmic hum of the universe and into a range that can be seen, felt, and lived on a real human level. In this way we are made for each other Dear Ones. For just as you find yourselves reading my words now, I find myself somewhere partaking in the creations of others. This castle was built for us and each room to our liking. And it is with this gift that I will leave you to your presence. 

From my heart to yours,
In love,
Patrick Dejour II