Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Carry On

Illuminated Ones,

Thank you for coming to be here with these words and the meaning they are trying to convey, for the two are one. In much the same way one cannot read these words without drawing discretion and meaning from them, we Illuminated Ones cannot exist apart from the meaning we are and we bring to the world. We are all very special beings who walk the Earth at this time. Each one of us carries within the frequency of the cosmos, the tune to which our very DNA divides and replicates. The universe itself is in a constant state of osmosis, dividing, emanating out, and coming together anew. Such is the way of the One and the many. 

At this time on Earth much focus and attention is placed on our work and our life 'style'. It seems as though everyone is concerned with their calling, breaking out of their current placement, and fulfilling their "purpose." Illuminated Ones, your purpose is written in your being and it shines like a light, outward from within you, illuminating your calling. Indeed, one may become stuck on focusing when they believe that they must become, do, or bring about something, but those who find themselves content in the eternal presence they have created for themselves realize that in order for one to have, be or do anything, one must first align themselves with the truth of who they really are. Only then may they look past themselves with this belief and see their treasures and all of their hearts desires manifest. Pay close attention to these Earth teachers, for their lessons and challenges they have overcome resonate down to the individual and personal levels so that in some way, we are all as successful in thought as the hardest working, most well-placed individuals are in their day to day lives, because they have granted us their presence and knowledge of their existence as such.

This process of setting intention outside oneself and stepping to that reality is a LIVID experience. Reality screams at you, NO YOU ARE NOT, and that is what is received. We must embrace our perceived connection with a reality as numb to us as another's pain. There is a shared connection in feeling pain that is absent when pain is witnessed. Likewise, we may see and feel ourselves having in our hearts what we desire most, but the ultimate strength is in holding this belief when we open our eyes, and rewriting the story we see around us in a way that aligns truth with the unfinished timelines or possibilities before us. 

Hold in your heart, now and always, that feeling of who you are. Create for yourself a small space unaffected by the vast reaches of the cosmic tidal waves of creation. Let us call this place your chest cavity. Inside it you beat and beat and pump reality into being around you. You are at the center of your life and this cavity you seek to fill is your most valued attachment, and it should be. As such it should be given import and priority in your life. Trust this Dear Ones, that tiny reassuring thump keeps you in place, but it also keeps you, you. Connect this heart with the person it is keeping alive. Look down at your heart as you may occasionally look down at your other human tethers, and think to yourselves, I know I wish I didn't have to do this forever, but I'm glad I get to! 

This is the truth Dear Ones. Your heart is keeping you alive and it swells with pride at the thought of its work being complete, every second, every day, forever in your lifetime. That alone is very powerful. Your heart is strong, Illuminated ones, you need not sacrifice feeling it to have what you desire. Amplify the tune your heart is singing and if that is what you want, you shall soon begin to see external life and its accomplishments as accessories to you, and the greatest gift you will ever know: The Quiet, Quiet Heart

Thank you,
Love you,
Patrick Dejour II