Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Drawn to Dawn

Holy Ones,

You are here now and for that my heart pours with gratitude. What joy there is to be had when we come together as one! That is our goal on the planet at this time brothers and sisters. We find ourselves here in the dark looking up at the night sky, longing to know the mysteries of the universe we call home. 

Our message has not changed. We are here now, as always, working along side humanity to assist in the elevation of consciousness to a new plane of existence. This work will be accomplished in this lifetime on Earth for there is no more growth left to achieve in this direction. Humanity has currently filled all channels of being available in our present moment and the next chapter in their collective story will now begin. 

Everything has been leading up to this, Dear Ones, and now is your time to shine.  Today you will be called on to act as a voice for the voiceless and express the being bestowed upon you at birth. Do not fear, beloveds, you have spent your entire human life surrounded by loving forces that guide you. You are familiar with this presence, the little voice in the back of your mind cheering you on. That whisper has made a long journey across time and space, through infinite levels of complexity and dimensions of sensation to get the chance to come close enough to be heard and seen by you. It is the voice of love that beckons you home, it asks that you give it attention and importance in your life, and that when the time comes for you to act with passion, you will claim this voice as your own and speak its message with the same ease required to read these words. These words are here for you Dear Ones, and I'm here for you. Thank you for being there for me. We could not accomplish this Great Work any other way. 

With gratitude,
Patrick Dejour II