Saturday, March 18, 2017


Dear Ones,

Thank you for making the journey here, through time, to share in this moment with me. I've patiently awaited your arrival, and at last we are joined together as one in the now. So much has transpired since our departure from the eternal into the temporal. These events are fleeting past us at great speed and to know them at all requires immense focus and clarity. I am grateful that you have decided upon life on Earth and wish to remain here a little longer to see all this world has to offer. I would like to extend a warm welcome and impart some knowledge about this place we now call home. 

You see, the life we know now is merely a reflection of our existence elsewhere, and although we may adorn physical bodies as if they are our own, we are held together by the true oneness of our being. By existing throughout different planes we may interact with reality as if it is separate from ourselves and experience the first step on the cosmic journey of the self: Separation.

From the moment of our birth we are acutely aware of the limitations of our physical being and the otherness of everything around us. For the first time we may know oneness not as a collective, but as a single individual, our personal singularity. This new state of being is unique to every person and accompanies them throughout life. Although we may feel connected to others through love, we are always limited by our physicality and we may never move the hand of another as we move our own. 

This great numbness to the pain of others allows us to experience our own heightened self awareness and our consciousness may grow in a state of being hermetically sealed. We are in a sort of vacuum where all outside influence must reach us in one of five ways: sight, sound, smell, taste, or touch. Nothing in our world can pass through our consciousness without taking one of these routes.

Above the Earth lies another layer of complexity in which thoughts and sensation may project themselves onto the surface dimension of our experience. We exist just as much in this space as we do the physical space in which our bodies occupy. By shifting energy from one state to another we are able to create and destroy and use these two powerful forces to change our world and experience others.

These two energies work in tandem and allow us to shift our reality so that we may grow and explore the self we have taken on in this life. Experience moves from the less dense spacial dimension into our reality as we align with the aspects that give it our attention and knowingness. It is a process we all engage in consciously each and every day. We think about our next move and without hesitation transform our surroundings to make it so. This is how we use what seems like magic to make things appear and disappear from our personal sphere of existence. 

All of our creations in this plane are grounded in the Earth. We occupy a matrix which has been preconstructed to serve as a basis for our lives and the life of the one humanity of which we are all a part. Through our trials we move all life closer to the source of our mysterious being and give a voice to the unknowable reality that exists beyond our comprehension. 

As beings on Earth at this time we are paving the way for more varied dimensions of experience that may land here and walk among us as soulmates. Dear Ones, it is a very important time for the Earth and as her keepers we are stepping into our own and creating a fullness that will bring about a hatching of the cosmic egg where life as we know it will be expanded into the true multidimensional nature we have always been. What an exciting time to live and breathe on Earth!

With my sincerest love,

And most potent hope,

Patrick Dejour II