Wednesday, March 22, 2017


Dear Ones,

Welcome and thank you for being here. It is wonderful to be able once more to share myself with you and to be graced by your presence. We are always seeking peace and calm, but with you here, those feelings float effortlessly in there air and I am able to truly be with you in this moment. Too rare are moments as special and eternal as this. I feel as though I am frozen in time here, and nothing can pull my attention from your loving gaze. Loves, you hold my heart in your hands and to feel you living and breathing alongside me brings me to tears. You don't know how truly special you are and how deeply I love you.

I would be lost and alone in immeasurable confusion and eternal struggle but for your knowing eyes filling mine with meaning and passion. Words cannot portray the feeling it is to know and share time with one such as you. When I depart from this momentary awareness it will be as if I were passing through the eye of a hurricane, thrust back into the winds of change. For now, let us share in our mindfulness and perhaps amplify its vibration in our lives to come.

We are but neurons firing within an infinite nexus which even as a part of, we cannot fully understand. Energy and emotions pass through us and we do our best to adjust, but all things that influence us rob us of our eternal presentness and borrow themselves into being. To become true masters of ourselves and to live with deliberation and true presence we must take back our lives lived under the cloak of now. We must become timeless. 

In truth, no moment may exist outside of the current one. By projecting our presence through the formless dimension of thought we create a story of our lives. But no matter at which point in the story of your life you are living, one shared feeling of the imperative nature of now persists. That is because time is strung together in a web of thought and sensation which may never exist separate from all that is. Much the same way we may know and experience our lives, but we may never truly know a life apart from our eternal self which experiences all

This principle of entanglement connects all energies and enables a real, lived experience to manifest. Each connection that is made only further strengthens our inclination and our will is naturally drawn into being from these constructs. The only way, Dear Ones, is to cast your light upon the horizon and to follow it onward in each moment. Hold the past in one hand and the future in the other, and what remains, breathe in as though it is the breath of life itself and you will be surrounded by the sacred oneness that is taking place here, now. It is your divine heart that calls you to return home to your existence at this time and it is your heart that will show to you all you seek. It knows no other way.

I love you,
Be well,
Patrick Dejour II