Sunday, March 26, 2017


Illuminated Ones,

Thank you for returning to read these words once more. The message I bring to you today is a recurring dream in the mind of the One. I wish to grant you, through my understanding, a greater experience of now by expanding your consciousness to include more of life. This is a practice of many on the planet at this time, and when an individual is able to grow the light of their conscious awareness to illuminate more of the unknown, it is all who benefit from this growth.

We as patrons of the Earth are but guests here, temporarily taking on physical existence as a part of Gaia. Though we may call this place home, it is not our final destination. We are on a journey through the cosmos and through time and by coming here, living this experience, we are able to awaken the sleeping heart of the world in a way that allows us to carry memories with us that will last when our time here has come to an end and new expressions take our place.

It is this withdrawal that I would like to speak on now. For most, the idea of our separation from life is frightening and inspires a sense of loss of control. Dear Ones, this is but an illusion brought about by the narrow perceptions of our senses. Each night we depart from the life we lead in the daylight and partake in a myriad of experiences in other realms. As we dream, we completely forget about our life as it is, and imagine ourselves as we could be. We do not miss this life, nor do we wish to return to it, until we awaken. Likewise, we do not always recall our dreamselves, and to remember who we are outside of this life requires us to sleep here, and awaken there.

This is the way in which the One may forget the infinite nature of its existence and come into being in a new reality. Through lucid dreaming we are able to remember the qualities of the new state we occupy and may assume control of our dreams in a way that allows us to conjure any experience with our conscious mind. In a lucid dream we are bi-locating, using the forces of quantum energy to bring our mind and will with us when we withdraw from our bodies.

At this time on Earth we are practicing a new form of lucid dreaming in which we are becoming more aware of the qualities of our physical state of being and are able to bring in the consciousness that has been asleep up to this point. We are remembering ourselves before we came into this dream. With this eternal memory restored we may begin to direct our energy at will, reshaping our dream to fit the intention set forth by our awakened self.

My message to you, loves, it to relax, breathe, and calm yourselves. Allow your body and mind to find a place of peace within the eternal presence of your divine heart. Here, you may disengage from the entanglement of the energies of spacetime, shift your vibration outside of this realm, and become one with the collective eye that is seeking out your gaze. Allow yourselves to rest here, to detach from the physical drives that push and pull you away from now. Bring in your new self, your full self, the part of you that can be conscious of this life, as well as your dreamself, and beyond. Just as you do every night, allow your natural vibration to take over and regulate your breathing, relax your body, and invigorate your mind. In this way, in each moment, you will be well.

Thank you for your time,
See you in the Dreamsphere,
With Love,
Patrick Dejour II