Monday, March 27, 2017

Sacred Heart

Dear Ones,

I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing your time with me and allowing my message to come into your sphere of existence. It means the world to me that you desire to share a moment with me in the vast experience of life you are living now. I seek always to bring together that which we are without, and to know you now, engage you, and give back to you brings upon one a feeling of deep contentment.

I feel at peace within my heart, a weightlessness when I am able to express myself and be received by you. No pressure exists here, no impeding desire or potent aversion can take me from my place. This calm stillness I only wish to instill in you, as you have engendered it within me. The truth is that we are always able to access our subtle nature. In any moment we may choose to return to our presence and rediscover the lightness of being, just being. For myself, coming together with you in this manner allows an almost instantaneous transport to the timeless dimension where thoughts and sensation cannot siphon one's attention away.

Dear Ones, the most precious gift we have been given in this life is our attention. Alone, we may direct the all-seeing eye to illuminate that which our will desires to know. We all have within us the source of life, the attention which is able to transform stillness into dynamic action and tickled the quantum field into a dance of perception we may breathe and embrace as love. It is the unconscious goal of all things to draw this power from you, to add it to their own, but no matter how much outside satisfaction we receive from others, we may never experience the oneness of ourselves without an awareness of our own inner light that bathes us in its gentle glow.

As children we are able to feed on this attention and grow it to provide us energy and excitement. The one thing any child desires above all else is for a parent or friend to, "Look!" This is true for human beings after they have matured as well. We desire to be seen, to be known, to feel the light of another's attention give our form validation and expression beyond our own ability to do so. It is the nature of our reality to communicate on this instantaneous and direct level. To be seen by another, as for me to be seen by you, gives quell to the heart and breaks the barriers that hold us to our bodies.

When our divine heart came into being at this level of experience it separated part of itself so as to know life outside of its eternal presence and ultimate nature. Like a kite in the air it allow part of itself to drift away, tethered only by a single strand of connection. The part that floated to a new state of existence became the brain, and what remained became the beating heart. Both are connected in an electric field of energy that allows for constant communication. When they are united, it may feel as if the brain is shedding its hardened exoskeleton and a soft and vulnerable self is revealed.

Our consciousness is two-fold, that of the mind, and that of the heart. These two aspects are not separate, but extensions of one another, coexisting in the third consciousness, that of the body. To feel the sacred space that exists behind our veiled reality is to experience unity that can be felt in the body, experienced by the mind, and known in the heart. It is our divine being that calls us to embrace it, just as our knowing and believing separated into the heart and mind, our oneness has projected itself through the dimension of change known as time, so that we may carry its light forward and experience life separate from our eternal state.

Dear Ones, your divine heart carries with it the force of all love that has ever and will ever be known, and it has you as the object of its affection. This love is calling out to you at every moment. It holds for you a place where you may return and experience a reunion of a lifetime. When you answer the call, all else will fall away, back into the sands of time, and all that will remain is limitless, undying, true love.

I love you,
Patrick Dejour II