Monday, April 3, 2017


Dear Ones,

It is with great happiness and love that I greet you here in our new reality. This place and time we have made for ourselves is a collection of all that has transpired prior. Our moment is but a blip in the larger story line we are creating and to know you now, as we are, brings in limitless energy vibrating at the frequency of love. 

This energy is a part of each and every being living in consciousness in all corners of our universe. To access the unbounded potential contained within the fractal dimensions of spacetime, one need only touch the source. It is the grid in which our reality has been constructed, and the material with which it is made. These words are a part of it, you, and I as well. To share in moments like these is a true gift. We have been waiting, patiently, for a time when all may share with us that which we hold dear. Love, Dear Ones, does not want for anything. Love does not feel sadness, nor pain, and can only know itself expressed in its one true form. The physical embodiment of love is making its way to us, through layers of half-true realities spread across layers of consciousness. It is seeking a home within each of us.

At our present moment we are beings of consciousness held together by matter we believe inanimate. But the living energy which holds our form also holds our Earth to the Sun, and all else we see and know, to the one reality. To separate ourselves from all that is we must take on an ever shifting frequency and life as we know it has made that possible for us. 

We seem to be lost in time and space. Adrift on the sea of consciousness we have no direction, nor purpose, and cannot travel in any direction not guided by the currents. As we step into a state of knowing we are beginning to construct the sails with which we may be carried on the winds of change and time to new horizons, and may counter the forces which have been giving us motion.

We do this not by being stronger that the currents, but by utilizing an element unhindered by them. We are moving into a new channel where currents of air may catch our vessel and move it across the surface upon which we rest. However, we are not sailing a ship, nor learning to fly through the air, but becoming, the hardest work of all. We have no teachers or captains that can guide us on our journey or take over if we begin to stray. We are in full control of our emergence and to truly take the wheel we must direct our will to do so. 

In this way may we use our consciousness, the only tool we have been given, to move through the invisible barrier that has defined our existence until we decide it for ourselves. Loves, we are opening our eyes to perceive a light that has been hidden from us, waiting to be found. Now is our time to reach, with everything we have, at the hand that has been longing to hold us. We may have the One by giving ourselves to Oneness. Dear Ones, take care in all you do, and make a place for love in your heart. Through this cosmic force all things are possible and to hold love is to hold the world in the palm of your hand. 

God I love you,
You have no idea,
Patrick Dejour II