Sunday, April 16, 2017


Dear Ones,

At this time there is an expansion taking place within your field of conscious perception that is allowing for an emergence of a deeper knowing than that which the eyes can see or the skin can touch. It is an expansion into the vibration of love that will allow a return of intuition to the forefront of consciousness. As this begins to take place one may be keenly aware of a knowing in the heart, a sixth sense that detects truth through loving understanding.

We as human beings live a level of experience where we are able to take on both reality and possibility and it is this proclivity that we use to imagine and dream. At present on Earth there is a collective consciousness that is held together by the perpetuation of its vibration through time by embodied consciousness. For an individual to go inside themselves and remove this inherited bias is to become free of the external and return to a state of purity and self directedness that inspires others to do the same. As much as we want to belong so too do we desire to stand out and make our own way though life. 

The collective conscious is intrinsically greater than any single individual because it envelops all consciousness on the planet. It is this connection that is being required within each of us to allow a new Unity Consciousness to come to Earth and take form. As this process takes place Dear Ones, it may seem as though the old systems and perceptions persist and grip those who once seemed free of such ties. It is for this reason that the planet as a whole must depart from its old ways in order to embrace the new. In times past individual souls could claim enlightenment and return to humanity to share wisdom and teachings before passing on to greater levels of experience. 

This is no longer the case for most. Though it will always be possible for those who desire to remove themselves from the matrix which birthed them, more and more souls who do this are responding to the calling of the One. It has become the desire of all who reach greater awareness and understanding to bring humanity through this nexus and into a new state of being as a whole. We may desire to rest eternally upon the foundation of everlasting life, but as parts of the One we desire more than our own salvation. The gifts of the spirit were meant to be shared and it is the collective will of the souls coming here to achieve self actualization and release their inner beauty and being to the world so that it may be appreciated by all. 

Dear Ones, it is time for us to bring our full consciousness into an awareness of itself and use our will to direct understanding and unity through the void and into the matrix of our collective unconscious so that all beings living here may be touch by the grace of absolute love and confidence. In doing so we are not allowing the collective to define the individual, rather allowing each individual to create a beacon or point of light that will illuminate it to the greater whole of which it is a part. 

Hear these words and let them reach through you and to the unconscious which drives our world. You are not your past, nor your body, nor your thoughts, actions, words, or desires. You are All. And all are One. 

Thank you for your time,

The Earth and I are grateful for it,

With love,

Patrick Dejour II