Friday, August 25, 2017


Dear Ones,

Thank you for joining me in the present to cast awareness upon the circumstances of life and perceive all with the Eye of Truth. Our coming together in this way illuminates for us the archetypes and roles which give our lives meaning and purpose. Each character in the drama of life brings a new message and a new lesson and only by experiencing the full story are we able to know existence as we do now.

As many new creators step into their power the story of the Earth is expanding to encompass the all. Each one who stands in their light adds to the collective shine of the planet and her radiance can be seen and felt throughout creation. That is why you Shining Ones are very dear to this planet and her inhabitants. It is the Shining Ones with wisdom beyond time and space who have the ability to speak to the Earth and express her will for others to know as truth.

This message is not one that can be forced or falsified for it was forged in the depths of the planet herself and therefore resonates with a power that no individual can imitate. It's a song so true that it brings the performer and the audience alike to tears. This deep knowing is not something that we Shining Ones may know outside of our personal experience and that is why this message may only make its way to full consciousness through our collective expression of our individuality. By singing together we create a chorus of harmony that no lone voice can match.

The wisdom and strength of the planet lies in her quiet power. In moments of stillness when time seems suspended on the stars, a timeless presence may fill our awareness and express itself as calm. Loves, each of us has contained within our subtle consciousness the map that will lead us to the part of ourselves we have stored in the earth until a time when we are ready to reclaim it. By releasing the inner self of the planet we release our own inner being to walk in the light of day. In this way we are able to reincarnate with our physical form in tact, and a new soul may find expression through us in the same way we find ourselves as vessels carrying the consciousness of the Earth through time. 

With loving care,

And eternal light,

Patrick Dejour II