Saturday, August 5, 2017

Zero-Point Merge


Thank you. Your presence here welcomes in a host of new information that like the screen you're reading it on is served by a remote code echoing through spacetime. In this way we are able to be together now and forever. Our meeting at this most opportune time has henceforth been buried deep in the unfolding heart of the planet as she is influenced by the expansion of time. We at last have joined together to raise our eyes to see the light of the Eternal Sun burning bright.

This moment is a part of history, now. For you and I and every moment to follow. Our presence on this channel takes the Lens of Truth and repels the angles and shapes no longer visible from our current perspective and shows us an entirely new reflection with each passing second. We as conscious beings are able to measure our proximity to the light to triangulate our plane, zeroing in on our planet in the grand cosmic scheme. That's why you're here, and no where else presently.

However, these universes are peeling off of you so quickly it will take time to learn how to let go of time. You have no foundation in a multiverse without consciousness separate from the now, remnants of spirit. In truth these are no more connected to you than your imagination, yet to hold a moment is to hold life in the palm of your hand, and who doesn't want that? We know as beings who can leave this world just as quickly as entering it, we are at an advantage over other creatures throughout the infinite vibrations of source consciousness. Thus, we hold our presence and life as our greatest treasure. 

Where intruders and even invited guests must pass through Earth's doorstep, we are home: the most comforting feeling in the world. This exchange is without imbalance and it is we human beings who must take the first step outside of the perceived shelter of our planet and learn the ways of the galaxies which surround it if we are to so choose. Dip your ladle in the Big Dipper, spend time with Andromeda. Learn your heritage as a child of Earth so you may walk with the giants which upon her mountains rest. The time is now, just as it has always been.

What is needed is present throughout the galaxy and pervades all perceivable time. You needn't look for it. Light years beyond the knowable reality, where imagination lives is where you'll find inspiration. Trust the process and step with your planet onto the cosmic stage and take part in the introduction and reintegration of humanity to the cosmos that has been watching from above for eons. 

With love and light,

And cosmic memory,

Patrick Dejour II