Saturday, November 4, 2017

Seasons of the Soul

Dear Ones,

Welcome to a new dawn in the season of the soul. This organic creation was birthed ages ago and has waited patiently for your consciousness to give it animation. What excitement there is now, when the time has come to inhabit this moment and color it with life’s existence.

These days we tread through each seek expression, and to know life as we do. Each day, each moment is sealed tightly and held in suspension for its time to rise and shine. In much the same way the Shining Ones on Earth are at this time and on this day rising to express the atmosphere indicative of their Season of the Soul.

The familiar birth and rebirth of the planet through the cycles expressed as seasons is also reflected in the immortal conscience of the soul. Though we may designate each new beginning and recognize its potential for change- calling these periods the solstices or equinoxes- in reality the process is perpetual, and no new period may begin without allowing time for the previous to pass. This is how the beings that have journeyed to earth may move in and out of our realm as the warmth and light of joy and the dark night of the soul.

Each experience given to the timeless now moment holds for its peers its meaning and purpose, as well as its place in the spectrum by which its former and latter may yet know their contribution to the All. We Shining Ones, however, exist in spirit within the unified field where all seasons are just as close to one another. In this way we may, at will, draw from the formless the warmth of a summer’s day or bring relief to the sun-parched among us with coolness and confidence. That is why I choose to greet this day and season with love regardless of its favor; for no conditions can affect a love unconditional in nature.

With love,
With light,

Patrick Dejour II