Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Wide Open Ones

Knowing Ones,

Thank you for being here with me. I look forward to our continued exchange. Information pertaining to the illumination of humanity has been settling in our collective understanding and now we find ourselves ready to stand in the truth we have come to know. Not only are we being awoken to the truth within but we are being elevated so that we may reach higher than before and assume new control and new power over ourselves and the forces of creation we see made manifest around us. 

Part of the changes taking place within our coding is the release of information pertaining to a myriad of experiences and encounters in spirit and its house of conscious experience known as the school of life. The very meaning we derive from our circumstances is changing. With greater respect and compassion we are reviewing past choices with clarity, allowing ourselves to find new completeness in old recurring storylines that we had unconsciously perpetuated to no end. 

Our new programming allows us the ease of foresight because we are holding what we desire in mind and aligning inner and outer elements into their proper configuration for allowing natural expression to find its way to us. Choices we no longer need consider no longer cloud our consciousness and our judgement. By holding ourselves firm in our divine presence we are at home in our world and confident in ourselves and our actions. We are able to see through the misgivings and judgements of others to the truth in what is being spoken. Relax, Dear Ones, all is well in heaven and on earth and soon unity will bring us all together once more as we have come together today. Thank you for coming!

Love you,
Patrick Dejour II