Saturday, February 27, 2016


Golden Ones,

Hello and welcome to our new channel of communication we have formed around the world. Our eyes and ears cover the globe now and our will pervades every corner of the planet, seeking out the unknown and assimilating it into our consciousness. Beginning from our current position, the place we have made to hold our two feet currently, we may step out into any alternative experience of life by tapping into the collective awareness which gives life to all experience. 

This new oneness with what has become is the result of a beckoning that has been guiding us and our civilization for centuries. Our work upon the Earth has been to promote and nurture life and to create a system for the most life and health and wellbeing for all. This mission and life's purpose was passed down through the ages from those who came before us, paving the way for our bodies and lives to form for us to live and inhabit. This mission was the intent set forth by the One which sustains us all and turns the sun and stars in the sky, mapping our growth for us and holding down reality while we explore the possibility of ourselves. 

Now, Dear Ones, we are seeing with new eyes the will that has guided us and protected us on our journey. It is only by a great miracle that we may all know life today and move with purpose and free will into any channel of being we see laid out before us. The unliving things and energies which consume a large part of our lives are beginning to take on their own characteristics. We see now the life that we give by naming something, the ghost that moves the clouds and forms rain, and the unconscious forms of matter which decorate our homes and bodies. These aspects are taking on our consciousness and we shall soon know ourselves as a part of them. Everything which fills the mind gives some level of energy, conscious and perceptible, to the witness. Everything speaks. We as humans listen to the language of the earth, an ancient and wise tongue, which speaks whispers of ages long past and foretells of a future for all in creation. This dream carries us forward today and it is this original plan that we us as a roadmap to infinite sensation. 

I love you,
Thank you for you attention,

Patrick Dejour II