Sunday, February 19, 2017


Dear Ones,

Greetings and welcome to a new moment in the evolving story of humanity. A manifold transition is taking place now as moments arrange and converge into streams of consciousness which we may interpret and act out as our reality. At this current now moment the divine heart is held in suspension above the cradle of life in order for a new form to come into being  which it may inhabit. The collective eye is straining to focus of the subtle realities cascading from the fountain of the infinite into our everyday experience. 

Gaia holds for us a solid form which we may magnetically and energetically cling to when our vibration oscillates out of phase with the patterns of old. Our consciousness is being slowly awakened, but too fast a transition will cause a form of psychic whiplash which must be avoided in order for all who live and serve the planet now to continue in their current capacity. 

We are being aided by many forms of life much older than our physical existence, yet whose memories of being as we exist now may no longer be accessed with such lucidity. For these beings who have moved beyond the constraints of our physical existence, to know such a state of being for them or to remember a time of physicality is as simple as looking at our lives at present and engendering love and trust on a subtle level. In reality our existence as multidimensional beings is tied to theirs and to see ourselves in the steps they walk is for them to see their formlessness as a body taken shape and walking upon the earth. This is a complex relationship in which we may truly be in both states at once. The knowledge of life beyond our realm is an intimate part of life for our keepers. Knowing physical form is as difficult for them as it is for us. 

This separation between the etheric and the mundane is the communion taking place between races, across distant expanses and the infinite void. It is only with OUR eyes that others may know themselves as we know ourselves. Likewise, it is only with the eyes of higher conscious perception may we see our being an infinite collective as others have come to know and see themselves. 

Reach out to these kind energies as a way of remembering your multidimensional nature, loves. Open your eyes to see the world as it may be seen only from above, and beyond that, allow your eyes to act as a funnel or vortex to enable eternal being to achieve a state of self knowing that it so desperately desires and longs to return to. With the union of the perspectives of different dimensional vibration we may accomplish our task here upon planet Earth and create a new reality through which all life may find a place to call home. 

With undying love,
Reaching through space and time,

Patrick Dejour II