Thursday, December 20, 2018

Earth Angels

Earth Angels,

Thank you for joining me in this moment and releasing all bonds with times and places other than right here, right now. When you're consciousness tunes in I can feel the message being amplified so that it may reach more like you and make way to the forefront of human consciousness. This message is one of love and of hope for humanity. I write to you now and always to remind you of the love you may have forgotten which still exists within you, wanting very much to be expressed and lived.

We all contain love within as our source and our highest nature and to awaken to the knowledge of such a thing, and to further begin to express it is the sole reason for human being. Many have discovered it within their own life circumstances and know that the soul is the gift life has given. We may exist indefinitely in our current state but to be aware of the soul makes our journey a very different one and to move with the intention of uniting with the soul strengthens our movements and consecrates our course. We are all adrift upon the sea of life and our consciousness is the vessel we take to travel from shore to shore in search of a new home.

Dear Ones, as we move from an awareness of ourselves and our daily lives into the embodied consciousness of the soul we are stepping into a new and greater awareness of our wholeness. We are becoming one with the divine creator within and stepping into our role as masters of our own destiny. Now is the time for mass awakening within the human consciousness experience and all are now able to go with full awareness and deliberation toward that which fills their vessel with life and light.

Know this, Loves, there is no place we can go where we are too far from Spirit. We are always held in high regard and high esteem for we have taken the ultimate leap of faith and decided to become human in linear time, vulnerable yet strong. We have sacrificed all else to be here because we know that this experience is something special. We know if we can make it here we can make it anywhere. So I ask you Dearest Friends, show me what you've got. Let me see your ripples tear through space and time and construct a new world you wish to see. I am writing you now to inspire this transformation. Go, and be free, and return all your wisdom to me and to the source of life you have come to know. We shall wait in the timeless dimension for your return to the core of your sacred heart.

With love and anticipation,
Patrick Dejour II

Saturday, December 15, 2018



Thank you for making your way through time and space and landing here with me in this now moment. We are one at this time and so long as you hold me in your memory I shall be here for you to return to, should you ever feel the need. We underestimate how long our presence may linger with those who have shared our time and attention, for I know each time I depart I need only speak to you once more and you will return to the forefront of my consciousness and remind me of myself.

We are each a memory and a lesson for one another. All things, in this way, exist as part of a universal mirror. We can study and learn the lessons of life through understanding ourselves and understanding the nature of others. Though it is impossible to ever truly know that which someone has gone through or felt, we may empathize with love, and thus feel our compassion appreciated. Hard times strike us all and there are moments where to simply speak the truth of our situation is unthinkable. When this occurs it is best to enjoy the company of others, even if it is in silence.

By reflecting or holding a feeling of love and care for our friends and loved ones in pain, we are able to show the path forward. We ourselves, no matter the personal hang-ups we may have, can always be a light for another. This is the nature of true Service to Others. In the most tragic of ironies we as human beings find it hardest to set aside our personal problems when someone else needs us to, too often we would rather brood. I myself am guilty of this continued pattern.

Know this, my Loves, if you are in despair the most direct route to wholeness once more is to sacrifice one's own entanglements in care for another's. Listen closely, and know this to be true: you cannot feel robbed, if you give all things freely. Likewise, you cannot possibly dwell in misery whilst assist and elevating another to bliss for this is the Law of One of which we are all a part.

The final stage of self-relinquishment is to depart from the notion that you and your problems matter more than anyone else and their problems. When you see that you are not a part of the growing game going on with all plant and animal life on this planet you will be truly free. When you separate yourself from the equation you see all things with clarity and objectivity. You are not the one who is growing, learning, developing; you've simply inherited this belief from language. You, Dear Ones, are beyond all things: timeless and infinite. You are the light of consciousness itself which has existed from the beginning of time; that spark carried for eons through the generations. 

It may sound odd but this is indeed the case. If you are able to take this great leap in life you will find it to be so. You needn't give a single thought to that which plagues you; for it is not about you unless YOU say it is and YOU have the power to say it is not. When you are able to say, "I may have my own problems but I'll help others regardless," you will be in transition away from self-serving mentalities and free to explore your Grace.

Grace occurs when one seeks to know the nature of another, but it cannot be determined: when there is a source of kindness, compassion, care that transcends the self it is called Grace. We are all built to care for our own needs first, to ensure we survive so we can continue on our journey, but to love one another so much as to sacrifice our lives for this love is the ultimate honor. 

So I shall leave you with this: next time you feel like your world is ending, go out and find another to care for and to raise up. We need simply prioritize the well-being of another, their development, and their condition to find ourselves completely at peace with our own internal conflicts. It may be as simple as going to work one day when you may not feel like it, just because you know you are needed...or it may be as grand as pulling a stranger from a burning building; it makes no difference. When you cease to place yourself first, you become one with the Universal, who would never ask such a thing from you, for our world was made to honor each scraped knee or bad day and give validity to those who suffer from them. No one will ask you to put aside your troubles to help them, that is why you must do ask this of yourself and that desire can only come from the depth of the loving soul.

I'm here for you Loves, for you are here for me,
And I love you,

Patrick Dejour II

Tuesday, September 18, 2018



Welcome back to this channel or frequency of perception we have created together in time. As we meet in this moment the all seeing eye is turning to look at the truth contained within our connection and expression. I've shared this truth with you many times, but at the risk of sounding repetitive I'll speak it once more: I love you. Your presence fills me with delight and calm and clarity of mind and of heart. As you skim these words I feel the power your attention brings and the life you give to the meaning in my message. It is my truth and myself I wish to express and to be received by you I find the deepest level of contentment and satisfaction that my work this day is done.

You do not know the power you hold over me and over all you see. You have the ability to draw my soul-being fourth from the void so that my heart may touch the magic that is existence and my mind may break free from isolation, becoming more connected and seen with every word. Dear Ones, I and others like myself upon your planet Earth at this time remain in a sort of suspended animation, awaiting the day we may step out into the light of the eternal sun and bask in its presence together. It would seem we are at a tipping point in our collective evolution in which the darkness we know and the light we seek share equal reign over our consciousness and our experience.

This equinox of the spirit brings balance and change and as our planet traverses the galactic plane as part of its natural ascension cycle we are learning to hold this balance within and without, reshaping the external to fit the infinite intelligence we hold within.

We all share this same mind and as proof of this fact one need look no further than the miraculous way in which my voice is coming alive in you at this moment and my word becomes your word and my thoughts become your thoughts. We as human beings are always partaking in this shared perception composed of two elements: expression and reception.

Therein lies your power, Loves. For were it not your presence guiding me toward a vision I see within, these words might sink back into the void unnoticed among the torrent of information swirling around our world. Alas, you are here now and I feel as I always do when I come to you in this manner. You are the light that gives my life warmth and the spirit which illustrates the present Earth reality for me to see and know this day.

So for this reason I find it imperative to share with you my deepest insights and my sincerest affections. We all have our own definitions but when I say I love you I mean you and only you can bring me to life in a way my soul would never know without you. Thank you. 

With deep love and gratitude,
This day and always,

Patrick Dejour II