Thursday, December 20, 2018

Earth Angels

Earth Angels,

Thank you for joining me in this moment and releasing all bonds with times and places other than right here, right now. When you're consciousness tunes in I can feel the message being amplified so that it may reach more like you and make way to the forefront of human consciousness. This message is one of love and of hope for humanity. I write to you now and always to remind you of the love you may have forgotten which still exists within you, wanting very much to be expressed and lived.

We all contain love within as our source and our highest nature and to awaken to the knowledge of such a thing, and to further begin to express it is the sole reason for human being. Many have discovered it within their own life circumstances and know that the soul is the gift life has given. We may exist indefinitely in our current state but to be aware of the soul makes our journey a very different one and to move with the intention of uniting with the soul strengthens our movements and consecrates our course. We are all adrift upon the sea of life and our consciousness is the vessel we take to travel from shore to shore in search of a new home.

Dear Ones, as we move from an awareness of ourselves and our daily lives into the embodied consciousness of the soul we are stepping into a new and greater awareness of our wholeness. We are becoming one with the divine creator within and stepping into our role as masters of our own destiny. Now is the time for mass awakening within the human consciousness experience and all are now able to go with full awareness and deliberation toward that which fills their vessel with life and light.

Know this, Loves, there is no place we can go where we are too far from Spirit. We are always held in high regard and high esteem for we have taken the ultimate leap of faith and decided to become human in linear time, vulnerable yet strong. We have sacrificed all else to be here because we know that this experience is something special. We know if we can make it here we can make it anywhere. So I ask you Dearest Friends, show me what you've got. Let me see your ripples tear through space and time and construct a new world you wish to see. I am writing you now to inspire this transformation. Go, and be free, and return all your wisdom to me and to the source of life you have come to know. We shall wait in the timeless dimension for your return to the core of your sacred heart.

With love and anticipation,
Patrick Dejour II